Are we all in agreement that South Park Seasons 1-7 are the golden age of the show akin to how The Simpsons 3-9 are THE golden age of animated television?
Are we all in agreement that South Park Seasons 1-7 are the golden age of the show akin to how The Simpsons 3-9 are THE...
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except for Sup Forumsittors of course. they will go suck the dick of season 19 so hard because they wouldn't understand humour if it hit them in the face
Season 17 is the only bad season
>we should keep making Cartman episodes because they're funny
I respect that they're trying to move away from what was unoriginal but profitable.
They should watch Current Year Man instead for some patrician topical humour.
5-11 were the best though 1-4 had some great moments too. Particularly season 3. However the last season was very good.
S19 was top tier
South Park might be the only show ever ever return to form
One thing south park has most shows don't is consistent control at the top that is independent.
This means if they can tell it is getting stale they can change it up.
South Park got stale so in season 5 they changed it up and expanded the characters and upped the satire. Then that got a bit stale the last 3-4 seasons so they changed up the format again.
Season 19 was fucking garbage
t. Simpsons writer
>something is new? garbage
>something is old? Still sucks but better than what is new.
It wasn't as relentlessly topical as it is now. The pop culture references were about more lasting and better known things, like Kaiju movies for example, and though there were topical references, they were mainly used as devices to tell stories about these kids in this small town, and they were usually done in such an absurd way that it doesn't really matter if you know that much about the source.
The early season feel more timeless, while the newer stuff is ''Ripped Straight From the Headlines: The Show''
Season 2 to 8 are the golden age of The Simpsons
the show is still pretty good unlike simpsons
>entire show is written by only one guy for all eternity
>expecting the show to be good after a few episodes
5-11 are akin to simpsons 3-9
1-4 are like 1-2 of the simpsons.
"hahaha we get it redditors because we browse le internet and they are sooooo annoying"
1-4 are best SP
different tastes for different people. I say 1-4 are like 1-2 of the simpsons because while they aren't bad and still fun to watch, they have a completely different style to them and feel wierd compared to the rest of the series. 5-11 is that sweet spot of iconic episodes that everyone remembers the show for.
Cartmanland, Season Five, Episode Six. Cartman inherits one million dollars from a long lost relative and buys his own amusement park which he hoards to himself. However over time his own personal haven is taken away from him and is forced to be shared with others.
The Cissy, Season 18, Episode 3. Cartman is sick of the bathroom being full so he pretends to be transgender to get his own bathroom which he hoards for himself. However over time his own personal haven is taken away from him and is forced to be shared with others.
One is a stupid and creative, funny episode with no message other than Cartman being an asshole that deserves it and Kyle being so butthurt he gives up on living. The other is a hamfisted political message with Wendy having to be morally superior.
1-4 are just funnier to me. Matt and Trey are young and the episodes have a juvenile-in-a-good way vibe to them. Episodes like Rainforest Shmainforest and Red Badge of Gayness are better than anything today by a mille
it wasn't garbage because it was new, it was garbage because it was fucking garbage, half-assed ripped from the headlines satire like they've been doing for years. The first seasons had a lot of creativity in both characters and plotlines, and the artstyle wasn't totally butchered yet. Also, Trey and Matt still put in an effort at their voice performance for anything other than the kids and Randy.
They tried to refresh the formula in season 18 and to a greater extent in season 19. They both fucking sucked. They're out of material. They need to do le funny trump jokes and le wacky conspiracies because they can't be bothered anymore.
You fucking "lel its new so u hate it" faggots are the fucking worst.
I just liked the show better when it was silly situations played that way
Somewhere along the line every episode turned into an action movie parody where the joke is how dramatically everyone is reacting and I just stopped watching
You are a moron
Remember that time where they pretended they were building up to something for an entire season and then it turned out to be fucking nothing and every plot point was dropped like an ugly child?
The exact opposite actually.
I think South Park has actually been consistently good except for maybe the last 2-3 seasons. That's still a lot of good content, more than Simpsons.
Although I think top tier simpsons is still GOAT.
only people under the age of 25 will disagree with OP
Season 19 was great, except for the ending.
>le le
Le fuck off faggot
Anyone who likes nu-South Park has shit taste, and is the tryhard edgy equivalent of John Oliver fans
>Let Go, Let Gov
>Informative Murder Porn
>Ginger Cow
>Black Friday
>A Song of Ass and Fire
>Titties and Dragons
>The Hobbit
Mr. Plow is in season two, and that is fucking fantastic, one of my all time favorites.
Except not at all:
I remember watching South Park on acid and thinking "wow this has so many layers to it". It's just become more complex and witty as the seasons progress.
Really depends on what you look for when you watch it
The show went to shit when they gave up on jokes. Like simple jokes or characters insulting each other for no reason. I remember last season the only time that I laughed was when the mayor called Craig a faggot or something like that.
The entire ads plot was fucking dreadful. The whole fake commercials thing with the new city centers or whatever the fuck it was called was just lazy "let's take something stupid IRL and do it with south park characters". The dudebro PC principal character was garbage, his only purpose to stroke the dicks of anyone against PC culture which is everyone who watches South Park.
The Caitlyn Jenner joke was funny.
the GoT trilogy they did was the single most creatively bankrupt thing in the entire show
This is the only fucking disgusting damn garbage thing in this show.
Why the fuck every fucking episode fucking started to be the same fucking joke: LOL CONSPIRACY LOL ACTION LOL EVERYBODY'S DESPERATE AND CRAZY LOL
Jesus fucking Christ almighty, give me a fucking break this fucking show.
1-10 (maybe 11) were the only consistent seasons.
>Trying this hard to hate S19
Season 1-3 of SP has aged horribly and isn't even half as fondly remembered as Simpsons 3-9.
this is correct. The occasional political commentary on south park was funny in the beginning, but now every single episode is so forced and has to be about some news event or pop culture reference.
Old SP was much faster paced. Now every fucking scene and dialogue is extended for dramatic purpose it's so fucking boring.
I don't mind the newer seasons but it was way comfier before it became all satire all the time. It kind of reminds me of Discworld, that started off with its own unique feel and funny characters and eventually ended up as just having them stand around spouting generic satire like "ok we're doing, I dunno, this subject now why not". SP peaked with the movie IMO.
Fuck aging. It's funny, that's the only thing that matters.
Simpsons cant hold a candle to SP you turboniggers
I just miss how it a lot of the show revolved around the kids dealing with typical childhood situations, and it was often framed through the adults acting like retards with their situations. Now it's just the children acting as proxies for the participants in current events
>episodes like scott tenorman must die will never happen again
south park used to be ultra comfy and then went to shit and i hate that everyone dick rides the last few seasons but dont care for earlier stuff
Everything has lots of layers with acid, dude. Not saying that South Park doesn't, just stating a fact.
i watched S1 way back in the day when it first came out, and some of the humor was pretty lame
i honestly prefer the later seasons better. the characters have more depth to them. in the beginning, they all felt the same
South Park is hilarious, but nothing tops prime Simpsons.
the second south park could start saying fuck without reserve the show went downhill
Season 8 is gr8 m8
I'm a Sup Forumstard but I absolutely hated the last season
If you're over the age of 12 and find any of Cartman Gets an Anal Probe funny then you're officially retarded.
PC Principal is their worst character yet
*tips fedora*
>I like mature sophisticated humor based around saying fuck every 7 nanoseconds and remembering things that were popular this week
How did you get that from what I just wrote?
If you don't think Cancelled is best episode and the season that episode was in is best season kill yourself.
So why do Matt and Trey hate the first two seasons so much?
Pretty much this. I thought the latest season was clever, but it's going to feel dated five years down the road. The best episodes from 19 were the ones with Tweek, Craig and Barbrady because while the issues they dealt with were topical the episodes also used those issues to explore the characters as well as the mentality of the town. Everyone is going on about PC Principal but he was the least interesting part of the season IMO.
PC Principal would have been funny as a one-off joke, and the ads plot was garbage. The rest of the season was alright though with some good moments.