/nzg/ - New Zealand General: Monday Off Edition

/nzg/ - New Zealand General: Monday Off Edition

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Why are IDs even gone?

down in the coromandel for the weekend, how's everyone else spending it?

A does anyone know were I can by some drugs (I'm in upper hutt looking for some psychedelics)

I want to get out of here, impossible to get drugs.

Or import drugs.

What would be easier, leaving for real drugs, or importing real drugs?

I rushed to my computer right after I felt this one and took this screencap.

A few minutes later

why am i sad? its stopping me from doing work which i need to do.

those are from 2016?

Yea. I kept them because it killed

Palmy here

hawke's bay here

poor dog :'(

do you know a dude called kortez french by any chance?

yeah the name rings a bell. HNHS right?

yeah I'm pretty sure

don't think I knew him personally, but im pretty sure I know him

by chance got any dirt on him?

nah sorry

rat fuck

aw dude all good, appreciate it tho

do you know maddie keighly or megan mcallum?

not sure i do sorry ): im up in Auckland


allg, someone has posted nudes of them on here before and theyre fit as fuck

aw man do you know Taila Bennett?

care to share?

I dont have them thats why I was asking

nah I dont

dunedin checking in

how cold are you faggot

comfy mate, i live in a house not in a busted up marae

Ritalin in Christchurch?

Dunners reporting.

Kinda comfy also, notshithole/10

Is that the same thing as risperidone?

Also chch reporting in

Ayyyyy which part of hawkesbay
Im also from hawkesbay

Auckland here

Probably nobody still up but I'm going to workout and drink beer, perhaps watch a movie.
I was going to go pick up woman but then I remembered what a waste of time that is in Aucks so yea just chillin.

What movie bro? Sounds comfy af.

Probably just go old school and watch Judge Dread on dvd.

I'm watching Minority Report atm.
What's your workout routine? Do you have a set up at home or improvise?

Not exactly, what you using risp for?

I do a bit of both.
Mainly home workout, sometimes jog and go to the gym, fit and bodybuilding's sites pretty helpful in my experience.

On the autism spectrum. Go figure.

Good to see. I'm wanting to get back into it. Haven't been looking after myself lately. Been browsing /fit/ lately. Its good motivation

Post what you got bro

Fucking nude fags.