Mods raided again. Gonna have to start again. Any banned just change your ip and keep it going

Mods raided again. Gonna have to start again. Any banned just change your ip and keep it going.

Other urls found in this thread:




What rule are we breaking by posting fluffies on Sup Forums ?

Gunna need some abuse


surprised it doesnt fall under furry

We aren't breaking any.

The theory is that mods are butthurt mlp's, cp trafficking, chocobofag, or any combination of. And if they get enough reports of "spam" or "violation" than the mods remove us even though we aren't breaking rules.

It is also likely that they are just new and have no idea how to read the rules and don't know how to do their job properly.

kek, switcharoo

Really? That surprises you?

ok guys, any pics of fluffies suffering from their own stupidity?

Furry isn't even targeted right now.



There are fur threads almost all the time on Sup Forums...
Stright, Gay, all that stupid shit
Shit keeps getting removed >:O New content posted yesterday. Feel free to leave a comment and like or follow or all three :D


Checking it out!

I would appreciate a sfw furry board.

That's what I'm saying, if fur was reason for offense they would have banned in the fur threads by now.


the butthuwties in here is delicious


For the hugbox? Do you not like abuse now and then?

Ilike all types of fluffys

Oh, I don't mind abuse, but referring to furries on Sup Forums, I would like to see a sfw board or thread.

You can make a thread, you know.

Newfag here
I am 12 years old and what is this???

Will the general population of Sup Forums accept a sfw furry thread?

Guess I'll try some time.

I think he means like a area for only us or somthing.

Fluffies are fluffy mutant creatures, you can do whatever you want with them.






kek, burn them out!

Lol, like they would have a job anyway! I have not seen this one before.




your tense is all over the place. I like what you're doing, though.



this is one fetish i just dont understand.



>I've actually been b& for this






Aww Poor Fluffy ! shes very beautiful too

Poor Mother

Poor Fluffy. i wonder if she did anything bad to be in sorry box. or human is just a faggot to torment the fluffy for putting her in for a stupid reason










What would an emo pillowfluff be like?


