You're a 13 year old girl

>you're a 13 year old girl
>genericwhitemale gives you this look
what do?

Built good

Daily reminder that none of those men portraited in the show actually engaged in sexual activities with the """"""""minor"""""""""". She was an adult actress and they didn't have sex, therefore there was no crime at all. Those men were ilegally arrested.

Threadly reminder that the decoys never initiate conversations, that they only ever respond and never mention anything sexual, that 99% of their replies are just "lol idk" and the very first thing they bring up is their supposed age and the fucking pedophiles just go full tilt with zero prompting. Defending pedophiles should be a crime too.

What? No way.

they all get charged with intent to solicit a minor, just thinking about it is a crime

>hey guys look how edgy i am!

The decoy is an adult lying about her age. No crimes.

>Look mom, I'm defending pedophiles in TCAP threads again

I can't wait for the show to come back. tears will be shed

I've always wondered what would happen if a minor showed up and had pretended to be an older guy.

Geez and you wonder why white women prefer blacks.

what did NBC mean by this?

why the nuke-shaped censorship?
I assume the black dot would cover his penis?
is there something they're hiding from us?

>that feel when no synchtube

>buttmad pedo


I dislike pedophiles, however a child should be able to choose with whom to have sex. It's no business of the government if an underaged person decides to have sex with someone much older than them. This is fascism.

I know you're kidding but I really like this image and I would like to see other anons adding it to their repertoire

God damn you are a sick fuck I seriously hope you're trolling. If the Sup Forums invasion is right about anything it's getting rid of you fuckers

Why can children be tried as adults but cannot choose to have sex with somebody? Did you realize this is a major contradiction that leads to a violation of people's right, do you?
If a 12 yo can be sentenced to life in prison for murder, then people of such age have the right to choose. As long as it's not rape, what concrete argument do you have against this logic?

I wonder how many people on this show stood in front of a jury and tried the , "She wanted me to do it!" defense