Why is Stranger Things so popular?
Why is Stranger Things so popular?
because its good
Because the people that like it talk about it on social media.
Next question.
redditors found their new fix after game of shits, thanks to all the netflix shilling
It's an highly entertaining.
You know why.
Because it's comfy and Finn Wolfhard plays one of the main characters
its entertaining, competent, its a fun watch. i liked the chief character alot.
youre not special or more unique for hating on stuff just because its popular, underage. this show is much better than got.
shit things are usually popular because they appeal to the lowest common denominator. pretty obvious.
It makes me really happy that Finn is blowing up right now.
>leave muh special programme alone
like clockwork, pal.
I'll give you a hint....It's Finn.
It's a fun watch. Entertaining. You're so autistic you don't realize you can watch and enjoy stuff without having to latch onto it with every inch of your persona. That being said, I doubt it will be remembered in 5 years time.
I heard the hype about it and ignored it but sat down and watched the whole season this afternoon. Shit's comfy asf. I want to kidnap Eleven
It's mediocre derivative trash for millennials who only know the 80s through memes. It's about as authentic as benihanas and has the narrative or dramatic depth of a television commercial.
Pretty much this.
What's this about Finn?
Me too, user.
Stop samefagging.
Why was this deleted?
fun fact: people that take literal braindead entertainment this seriously are usually massive losers compensating in being failures in life by watching obscure "kino" hurr durr im a loser but i hate popular stuff so im still a winner in that sense
Oh man, here's your (you). You earned it for that comment. teevee incarnate.
it's normie core with no real story depth, alright acting and only 8 episodes so it's an easy binge
What do you mean? He's really good on the show.
He's just a really good kid actor. Plays one of the main characters and basically carries the weight of the narrative most of the time. He's better than Winona at times tbqh.
And he's gonna be in the newest It adaptation too.
beep beep
Too lewd, apparently.
People who didn't watch 80's movies but know about 80's movies say it's a better 80's movie than those 80's movies.
I'd make his wolfhard blow up too.
And the special snowflakes like you know what the real dank tv is?
Its a well done and short series.
I'd take another 8 episodes of Stranger Things over 13 of Game of Thrones.
I don't follow.
It's Earthbound: The Series. Of course the autists kids are going to love it.
Are you maybe from Brazil?
because it's a meme show taylor made for plebby redditors
what are they even going to do for season 2?
it didn't even seem like there was much else to explore, since they totally fumbled on making the upsidedown more than a singular monster lair.
>taylor made
Why all public school attendees should be executed.
It's decent. It's 80s nostalgia. And it doesn't shove sjw shit down its viewers throats
>because it's a meme show taylor made for plebby redditors
That was nice of her.
El's vegetable mother, who could possibly also have mental powers
more exploration of the upsidedown, and the addition of other forms of life inside of it
Will having slugs inside of him, going through some transformation or being pregnant with an alien or something
the government agency gets handed over to somebody else who continues researching the upsidedown/telekenesis
mike's struggle to deal with the loss of El, and trying to find El because she survived in the upside down
father/son relationship between jonathan and hopper
they could also introduce other people who were the subject of the government experiments that El's mother was
Like Bran Stark, puberty gonna hit him hard
It's autism, straight from the tap
>brasileiro indo em Sup Forums
You people actually like the shit show?
>shitty writing
>cringey child actors
>poor dialog
>only one character that the vast majority give 2 shits about
>80's memes xD
only good things i can come up with is the narrative and the music, not much else.
>music is a good thing
Your opinion is subjective then.
This is spot on. Well put.
I don't know if there's been a more plebeian series that has been this popular in the last decade.
I believe some opinions towards shows can both be subjective and objective, depends how you interpret it.
Pandering to people nostalgic about the 80s is in right now.
Cthulhu worship is on the rise
I think he'll be ok senpai, Finn is almost 14 and Bran was already getting ugly at that age
>taylor made
Next decade we'll get 90s nostalgia pandering
he'll be fine
it's not meant to emulate the 1980s. it's meant to emulate 1980s films.
i give it 2-5 years
>it's meant to emulate 1980s films.
elaborate please
>small town America feels
>80s feels
>childhood feels
>mystery, conspiracy, adventure,
>vicarious telekinesis fantasy pandering
it's just a fun show
it's like Twin Peaks meets X-Files meets Freaks & Geeks
This place will have a renaissance
gee, I wonder.
because it doesn't suck.
because it has that boy in it that looks like the chick from Pulp Fiction.
>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who don't like Eleven
She's fine. She's no Froggo, but she's pretty...good
Was it just me or did the Chief sound a lot like Harrison Ford as Han Solo?
Because sometimes, after a long day of dealing with shitty people and unnecessary stupidity, people like to go home and actually enjoy something.
What did he mean by this?
Thought I was being memed into watching it but it actually turned out to be pretty good.
do not sexual the froggo
pedos should be gassed
yea, at times. his tone range was pretty big though.
Anyone else feel like it could have been shorter than 8 episodes?
so why does that one kid wear a dress?
I'm watching it right now :^)
really like it so far, fuck you Sup Forums for saying its a bad show.
Fullscreen that shit nigger. You can't watch kino and browse the internet at the same time
what 80s memes besides the fact that it's set in the 80s. it's by far the least hamfisted 80s show out there. Could have gone full Goldbergs with the OH LOOK AT THAT UGLY SWEATER LOL
>cringey child actors
Opinion discarded. they were great.
when you are forced to eat the same thing every day for weeks anything new will taste amazing
does anyone else fucking hate Winona Ryder in this show? Her character is annoying and every scene with her is physically painful.
Shut the fuck up, Jay
>that bone structure
I ain't got two eyes for nothing boy.
At least invest in dual monitors.
Do you people seriously don't realize there's been both 80s and 90s pandering nonstop for the past 20 years? If anything, we're at a bit of 70ish place right now, a lot of the SJW discourse, of the fashion and even that godawful african choir in music SCREAM mid-to-late 70s
Point is, what goes around comes around
The amount of people jerking it to Finn itt is pretty gross
When will kids in this board learn that taste comes from appreciation, not exclusion?
Filling a list of things you think you're too cool to like only talks about how much of a tryhard you are.
omg you guys im crying right now
poor froggo
>TFW he wiil be cast as young Hannibal
That would be an interesting movie remake that's for sure.
You're either a wizard or you're trolling. No one this stupid exists as a productive member of society, period.
Oh man. I can actually see him playing a young Madds.