The obscurest album ever

So Sup Forums I recently learned about this.

>Mister PaperRock Orchestra - Il Brutto Anatroccolo (1978)
Seventies italian prog about human nature and alienation.
There are only 100 vinyl copies and it has never been reedited or ripped into any format.

Is there a possibility that we can collectively manage to buy it and upload it?

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bump for interest

I like Premiata Forneria Marconi so I hope this is similar lol

i'm interested, maybe some kickstarter-type format would work for this, where people can easily coin in 1-2 bucks.

Where can you buy it from?

you could probably find a more obscure and more easily accessible album by digging through bandcamp. why you would want to, thats your deal

It's on ebay for 700 bucks, that's a lot

bump for interest
seconding this

It can be done though.
Who would be the one to buy it though? And if they did they should pay a decent bit more than the rest of the donors. Maybe $50-$100?

Those albums are a bit less obscure because technically there are an infinite amount of copies to buy. Only 100 in this case.