When did you accept Richard Spencer as our one true Lord and Saviour?

When did you accept Richard Spencer as our one true Lord and Saviour?


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thanks OP, I do love a good LR video.

But have you hailed the Spence as king of kings, lord of lords, prince of peace?

they should've realised the wind would be an issue but...

No, I follow the one true God, the lord of arguments, master of Ancaps and banisher of 1 dolla donations.

He has a gloriously fashy haircut.

you've convinced me


this post gave me a rightwing high

feels good bro, feels good

I actually like him desu. Way better than the braindead stormfaggotry american "White nationalism" amounted to so far.



Agreed, I like his middle class appeal.
But I don't believe It is necessarily to counter signal stormers. Just do your own thing,they will convert a certain type of people, we will convert a different type. We are on the same team after all.

Spoiler: he's a pan-european supporter

no, I heard him clarify this once, he doesn't want the European nations to dissolve into a white mega nation, he wants trade and defense alliances.

Stormies are cancer and the number one reason we are in a bad situation today.

People want to hear someone like Spencer say "We're not like those people, if you join us, you're not some crazy neo nazi".

It actually helps destroy the stereotype that pro-White = pic related

Yea I know I was just trying to counter signal

Richard is /bro/-tier but he's a tad soft.


>Stormies are cancer and the number one reason we are in a bad situation today.

These people would fight for you. There people would remove kebab, they are a card we can't afford to tear up.

Yes the left does straw man them, ok, well if they didn't exist then would just straw man us, we would be literally Hitler, but with them we look moderate.

It's good-cop-bad-cop, we can be the good cop.
Muslims do this all the time, we can't we?
pic related

>These people would fight for you. There people would remove kebab

I don't give a fuck. They started with everything, in the 50s racism was normal. They lost politically. They lost all that could have been lost. They allowed it to happen. All they have now are meme organizations like the KKK or drug pushing convicts like the "Aryan Brotherhood" They failiure has been so complete I don't care that Cletus would "Fight for whites" as it makes no difference. Stormfags and KKKers need to be held accountable for the effects of their political activity if American White nationalism wants to move forward and come back to real big politics. They need to be named as losers. And they need to go. As more and more normal whites feel the anti-white hate in USA and look for a way for the future, people like Richard Spencer and Kevin MacDonald are way better than a swastika tatooed KKKer shouting "Gas the kikes race war now"

Is... is that a Richard D. James rare pepe ?

>These people would fight for you. There people would remove kebab, they are a card we can't afford to tear up.
>Yes the left does straw man them, ok, well if they didn't exist then would just straw man us, we would be literally Hitler, but with them we look moderate.
>It's good-cop-bad-cop, we can be the good cop.
>Muslims do this all the time, we can't we?
>pic related
I won't spend my time insulting them. I will ridicule them and say they are well meaning and not dangerous.

"they're responding to a real problem but doing it in a stupid way"


KKK and neo nazi morons made racism unpopular forever

fuck them eternally

I wouldn't be against an eu type of orginisation without the progressive faggotry.

Yeah, European unification wasn't that bad until it got taken over by the 1968 generation cancer

There is no need. People see they aren't the same. By saying "oh we're not like these people" you just seem weak like you're trying to play by the lefts rules.

No I just want to ridicule them and explain they are just deluded. They're not more rightwing, they're just literally tools of the ADL

Maybe. But I don't see much point in going on about them, you only strengthen the perception that they are common place and important - in reality it's a minuscule and irrelevant subculture.

don't shit all over the neo nazis when you're being defensive, but at some point mention like "those crazy neo nazis". don't do it when someone asks you if you're a nazi, but still do it

and you're right it is minuscule but it looms large in people's minds

>I don't give a fuck. They started with everything, in the 50s racism was normal. They lost politically.

I disagree, the media would've kept spiraling with or without their boogy man existing. Look at Neo-Nazi's they are a Hollywood construction.
Bro the KKK doesn't exist.
They disbanded ages ago.
Your view is exactly what the media wants, they want to you be fighting against them, your buying into their premise. When the media calls you racist you ignore them, you don't go out of your way to prove your not racist you won't change their minds.

I just ignore them thb, they are on the same side. And if it does get violent which more and more so I see will happen in Europe then we need them.

This whole "alt-gr-right" thing...
>commies and traitor West pushes lies and propaganda that right wing = le evil nazis
>uhh...guys...w-we can't say we're right wing anymore, need a new name :S:S:S:S
>but we kinda can't call ourselves to be centrists :S:S:S
>I've got it! Let's just call ourselves "alt-right"!!

Is there such a thing as "alt-left"? Would it actually mean anything? Is there such thing as "alt-center"?

>Your view is exactly what the media wants, they want to you be fighting against them,

I am from Poland I don't care about Americans enough to fight anyone there. I look into the situation there out of curiosity and the only reasonable pro-White content coming from the USA has been Radix/NPI - Spencer. The rest is meme-tier.
>When the media calls you racist you ignore them, you don't go out of your way to prove your not racist you won't change their minds.

I am a racist. we all are in this coutry, we don't even have left wing parties in the pariament and we take no niggers. Racism-shaming doesn't work anywhere outside of Western Europe/Americas/Australia

I think the name is reasonabe. In America for the last decades "the right" meant neoconservatism, muh freedom, muh low taxes, muh guns.

NPI wants an alternative field of interest for the "Right wing" - racial/ethnic politics, white identity and interests

hence alt-Right as an alternative to the conventional Right.

Not gay but Richard Spencer is a good looking guy



>I won't spend my time insulting them. I will ridicule them