What do you think Emma Watson's asshole tastes like?

What do you think Emma Watson's asshole tastes like?


Probably tastes just like most of what comes out of her mouth: bullshit.

English breakfast tea.



A 9V battery

sweet peaches


A milk dud

Probably similar to Andy Sixx's asshole.

Bags of sand

Bitter and salty hopefully.

It's how she'd moan and push back...

sweaty shit

Dubs confirm-

to hear that trembling, britishy, amazingly feminine, whimpering groan trailing off to a sigh.

Physically she is amazing in her own way.

Otehrwise she's a typically annoying cunt but yeah- physically she's fucking lovely.

Strawberry shortcake

I don't know but I do know I'd eat it for my last supper

The black crusty bits from the rim of a ketchup bottle

That's called krelm

Tastes like chicken.


Well you learn something new everyday

poop and sweat

Scat man