Is this rewatchable?

Is this rewatchable?

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Are you fucking kidding?


The most rewatchable series of all.

Very much. I got done rewatching it for the 2nd time this summer.

Of course it is. I've watched the episodes as they aired and rewatched start to finish 3 times since the finale. Watch random episodes all the time. GOAT show.

I watch it every day

on my second run, it's even better this time



Are you fucking kidding?

though I've seen seasons 1-3 too many times now and prefer to watch 4-6

Literally every time I rewatch an episode I find something new that I missed in previous viewings

It's one of the few shows that gets better the more you rewatch

You should start paying more attention. Or else.

I ripped the audio from it and listen to it on my phone instead of music when I'm out. How far gone am I?

You've transcended into a true patrician.

Guaranteed you haven't even scratched the surface of this series

everybody is more likeable the second time around
except meadow

>season 2 opener
>she sucks at driving
>season 2 finale
>she mentions in Tony's possible dream that she fucked up parallel parking
>season 6 finale, end of the episode
>she ruins the show by not being able to parallel park
i can't believe it went out on a "women can't drive" joke.

Somebody have the "you're killing yourself with marijuana" handy?


I'm about to finish my 9th rewatch.

Do the blu rays or DVDs have any cool extras?

>is it rewatchable

It's the greatest piece of art the USA ever produced. It's funny, it has action, it's sad, it's spooky, it's topical, it's timeless and it's epic in scope. It has something for everyone. What other show could simultaneously appeal to a minimum wage construction worker, a horny teenager and a harvard literature professor? It's the GOAT Tv show. I've been through the whole series like 4 times and every time it's still good.

you just reveal your own ignorance

>What other show could simultaneously appeal to a minimum wage construction worker, a horny teenager and a harvard literature professor?

Yeah this is one of the underrated strengths of the show. It's very entertaining on its surface and more seriously as a smart work of art.

I've been thinking of buying this for a rewatch, but the uk import version is like 50 bucks cheaper than the na version. It's region free so is there any reason not to get it instead?

I what? I reveal my own what?


I've been waitin' like patience on a monument since Moses wore short pants.

Exactly. When it aired I was a pre-teen and teenager. What I got out of it was the jokes, the tits and the action. Now as an adult I enjoy the subtext, the cultural commentary and examination of family life and fatherhood.
It's amazing on so many levels.

we need to release to nukes.

Meh. 70% of the people on twitter were probably in diapers when the Sopranos aired.

Also it's a UK poll and I bet a lot of The Sopranos doesn't translate to non-american audiences. It's a show very much rooted in US culture.


Irishfag here. Can't say anything in the Sopranos flew over my head. We actually know quite a lot about American culture.

Wouldn't have guessed. Never got a sense of it's international appeal. Was it a big show in Ireland when it was airing? People here were nuts about it. It was like Game of thrones is now.

Not only is it the best show ever made, it is the best mob show ever made. Each part of it is good. You like Tony of course, and everything he does. You like his kids, their shit head friends, the wife and her crap, Tony's friends and their stories, even the weird scenes that don't involve any of the main cast are well written. Remember that time that white family got carjacked and the dog ran away? That would be a GOAT scene in any other show, in The Sopranos it fits right in with the rest.

It's not even watchable.

>Hey Puss, did she even really exist?


Yes. It was huge here too

I'm on my third time. The first five seasons are a breeze but Season 6 is a slog. Still haven't finished it and it's been months

>ywn watch the greatest television series of all time for the first time again

give yourself amnesia and there you go

>tfw I have shit memory and can easily rewatch tv shows "fresh"

Junior is best character, anyone who disagrees is a pleb


the first season is fucking rough man.

doesn't go anywhere with shit like the music managing stuff.

Do you just get stuck on Vito? I thought it was cute. Also it feels really bad, how low the mob is sinking. People are gone, guys are fighting over chump change. There's a part where two guys try to get protection money from a coffee shop and they're told "would if I could, they count every bean here"


are you fucking serious?

i wanted to restart it as soon as i fucking finished it.

>still havent but now maybe i will

Downloading it as we speak.

Going to watch it for the first time.

Btw i am Albanian and i have Italian relatives in the US.

Will this change my picture on them?


Literal perfection

Finished my second run earlier this year, that ending was a gut punch

See you the guy that listens to them on shuffle

It's more depressing and less entertaining than previous seasons. Still a great show, but I don't get that feeling of "I have to watch the next episode!" like other seasons

The music in the show is one of its best features.


the sopranos gets better every time. ive seen it 5 or 6 times.

>series about gay prison sec
>lasted forever

Did you mean to post this in the Oz thread?

Your ignorance.

It's pretty much just GTA: The Series

Also Paulie is best guy.

Sopranos is a big deal in Australia too.

That implies GTA has good writing.

Immensely. Every time I do a watch-through I start talking like the characters.

My dad used to impersonate Tony all the time to store clerks. It was cringey af.

>The most rewatchable series of all.
that is not band of brothers user

at least it's not Paulie.

Christopher was the best character on the show.

It will change your perspective on many things I expect

your dad sounds pretty fucking cool bud hope u turned out like him

the only one to stay loyale to his capo

Commentary. I have the last 9 on DVD, there's some great commentary from Dominic Chianese and a few others. I've been meaning to get the S2 DVD because it has "Funhouse" with John Patterson's commentary.

I'm not sure. I've never tried with The Sopranos, but I find trying to rewatch dramas with a lot of content can get pretty tiring if you've already seen them.
There are always select episodes and scenes worth watching again, but a beginning to end viewing can get pretty tedious unless you haven't seen the show since it was airing.

If you are a true Sopranos fan you cannot miss this kino:


post user

Not really. The early seasons has a much of masturbation type bonus features where everyone jerks off to how great David Chase is and cast/writer commentaries.

But by the time season four DVD came out and the rose fell off the bloom for the show critically, they started scrimping on extras, save for cast commentaries that add nothing to the episode.

Plebification of the viewing public.

GTA 4 had a pretty good story.

Sopranos is honestly the greatest American television show of all time. The Wire comes second and Breaking Bad is just overrated garbage.

That's not Moby Dick.

It should be watchable first to be rewatchable.

lol this

Overrated pseudogangster garbage. These shills were so "patrician" when they watched this while they were 12 lol


Br Ba


anything else

>Sup Forums hates sopranos now


it's trash

No, just think it's overrated. Nowhere near "GOAT" as some claim.

>Sup Forums loves superhero movies now

Pure coincidence.


I always hated this pleb garbage


Fuuuck I've been through the series twice but never with commentary

Guess it's rewatch time

Checked and respect

>be me
>watch sopranos
>realise eggs are a symbol of death like oranges in the godfather
>whenever someone even mentions the word egg someone dies
>get to season 6
>some goons go to muscle up a chicken shop
>eggs fucking everywhere
>everyone keeps talking about eggs the whole episode
>nothing bad happens
>no one dies

Anyone else notice this?

I watched it for the first time in December 2014. Finished it in like a week, then re-watched it over again immediately after finishing. It's that good. Seen it around 4 times since then.

tfw you think you're Tone, but in reality you're just AJ.
The "Every Breath You take" season intro sends chills down my spine every time. I love all the shots of the family just going about their daily lives as the song plays. I love how this show will be used an example of what early 00's society, and fashion, culture, and everything else. Enough time has passed since the start of the show that everything in their world is a bit dated (it was almost 20 years ago now) so you point out stuff like "oh yeah, I remember that!" But the show holds up 100%, it is obvious that the show will be timeless. Idk, it's just weird to now be old enough so that the world is a bit different than when you were a kid and watching the sopranos makes me feel comfy and nostalgic for the late 90's and early 00's.
This song was perfect while Chrissy did H in that Rome hotel room.

Also to expand on that, I was watching the scene where Tony and his crooked black politican buddy from Newark are walking down the street after the guys dad died and they are talking about how their fathers time to run the world is now over and now it's their turn to be the man and all of their feels about it... Damn. So fucking good. So many feelsx especially since James has passed IRL and now his time on top is up... Fuck. And now in the last year or to my dad really is starting to slow down and take it easy, I'm finding myself telling him to sit down and let me do whatever task he's trying to do for him because it's way harder for him to do it that me... Fuck, that scene has really gone to a different level as I've starting to expirience that myself in a way.

tfw you KNOW you're Paulie

Eh, cross between AJ and Meadow desu

Yes, I already did. Twice.

I've seen Sopranos 5 times by now, including in real time. Nothing will EVER compare. It's also one of the funniest shows ever.