Moar like this?

moar like this?

Love flexible girls!



My ex could do this, but she hated sex so I never got to enjoy it. I saw her naked twice and touched her zero times over the course of a three year relationship.

Now I'm married to a woman who's kinky as fuck, but has the flexibility of an oak log



Lol nice 3 year blue ball



I smell fish

Why the fuck did you waste three years of your life with a prude?

This is known as she is trucking other guys and you are just a beta. This is not a relationship.

Mostly because I'm a beta who had no other prospects

While other guys were at bars, at gyms, at sporting events, and otherwise somehow impressing women and getting laid weekly, I was attending engineering hackathons

I never saw women most days (engineering is a very male-dominated field) but when I did see them they thought I was ugly and awkward and didn't want to talk to me

Fortunately money fixed that, and when I got a job paying $72k out of college I found a girl willing to do just about anything for a rich baby daddy








thats a very unconvincing smile



Flexible milf I know

Cool story bro.

>on Sup Forums


For fucks sake how does something that perfect exist







gotta love a chick that can lick your balls while you're deep dickin her


Gauge is one of my all time faves!
