How accurate is this portrayal of teenage life in a small Midwestern town?
Any slighlty oldfag care to chip in?
How accurate is this portrayal of teenage life in a small Midwestern town?
We had no niggers, in fact just white people, so not accurate at all I would say.
It was slightly before my time.
But 90s teenage life was basically that, but replace DnD with pokemon and comics with "Nintendo"
which boyo were you
Fairly accurate from my experience at least.
Except instead of DnD it was mostly Arkham Horror.
Y'all niggas posting in a Frog thread
It seems so comfy living next to your friends and playing outside and visiting each other houses and crushing to your friend's sister
Why did the world turn to shit?
He was the only black kid in the whole town and was part of the reject gang.
I don't know, it was that way in the 90s/early 2000s as well. I'm not even from the midwest either.
Pretty sure you're thinking of It.
minus the token black, pretty good.
Slaves literally built this country you dumb fuck
go back to eating fried mayonnaise balls
Most of the infrastructure was built by skilled white labor. Picking cotton isn't exactly elaborate effort.
I'm not even from the US and it was basically the same thing here in the 90s
The internet fractured society by creating a simulacrum of society that is ultimately hollow and unfulfilling. It leaves one with a perception of interaction that dissipates once you disconnect yourself from your PC.
This is why things like Twitch tv are so popular. It gives one the sense of interacting with a streamer similar to the feeling of gaming with bros. But the streamer sees each viewer as a decimal leading to an eventual dollar and has no connection with one as an individual.
Facebook, Twitch, Jewtube, IG, etc monetized interpersonal relationships and communication.
Actually the Irish and the Chinese did.
If we're giving credit to beasts of burden, horses built the country.
I had 2 little nigglets in my school. He's the only black kid in the entire town, and he's naturally rejected into the unpopular kids.
Looks pretty real to me.
the internet fucked it all.
pretty sure it still like this, only instead of d and d it's video games
every small midwest town has that one black kid and a few spics
There is literally nothing wrong with fried mayonnaise balls you dumb nigger
Why did you have to remind me?
Pretty spot on.
Except DnD we played extreme hide in seek in our enormous Midwest 2-acre yards with tons of foliage, so we'd hide in trees and in creeks and shit.
Also, we'd paintball in the local woods.
90s fag. Used to go adventuring out into the woods with friends that lived on the same street. Went to shit after smartphones and internet became popular.
In my neighborhood, literally every kid had a couple of plastic toy guns, the kind that made fake shooty noises when you pull back a lever or whatever.
We'd have huge neighborhood-spanning gun battles. Good times.
My litter brother (9 years younger, so totally different generation) didn't even play with toys. Just went straight to video games. So weird.
Grew up in the city, we didn't have fun outside much
same here, I was the one no one liked
I was born in 1970. I ended up getting moved to Missouri in 1977. Suburbs. Hi, I'm this show's target audience.
1) It's true, no black kids were seen until they began desegregation here. South Carolina, yes, but there was a huge divide and the black kids wouldn't play with the white kids. Midwest, though? Total whitebread in the 'burbs.
2) Playing D&D, pretty much spot-on in that everyone was house-ruling everything because AD&D 1 was overly complicated and kind of a drag.
3) Yeah, you could go days without seeing your parents, even during the school year. Fewer mothers preparing breakfast, a lot of us were latchkey kids who made our own stuff.
4) Biking everywhere, huge distances, we roamed about like wolves.
>tfw nearest friend lived 1 hour away by driving
>all the neighbourhood kids around my age were islanders and indians who could barely speak english
>tfw me and my best friend had 10sqmiles of woods behind our ghetto apartment complex
>we would dig underground hideouts and explore them for 12+ hours a day in the summer/weekends, eating blackberries from the bushes and plotting against invaders
>2 years after we discovered it, they tore it all down and replaced it with a disgusting generic suburb where every single house looked identical
I witnessed the literal death of an ideal childhood.
>never played DnD
Did I miss out?