Drug thread. What you taking on this fine night Sup Forums?

Drug thread. What you taking on this fine night Sup Forums?

an unhealthy dose of Sup Forums

Just weed tonight, but I dropped a tab Friday night and tried salvia for the first time today. Sending good vibes for your trip!

molly because im a pussy and dont want to take anything riskier


Damn bro how was the salvia
I'd say molly is pretty far up there my man, try psychs

Motherfucking bourbon is all I got tonight

It's my go-to drug mix for when I gotta study

Wasn't anything to special, I didn't smoke much as I wanted to test the waters and only had 40x. Was pretty cool though. The wall behind my friend turned into like layers 2 inches tall, then they started spinning and spinning. I curled up in the fetal position so I wouldn't vomit. I'm excited to try it again and have a break through!

Just ambien and beer my good man. No fancy stuff for this man.

Is it hard to hold your stomach? I hope to try salvia one day but I've heard some crazy shit about it

Help me pls

Just know when to stop my guy

The usual.

1.5 grams of the strongest weed in my area, had to triple wrap it to not let it stink the entire house

gonna roll it up in a woods and go to this spacious field in the middle of the woods and just watch the stars for a while

if this thread is still up in a few hours ill post a pic

You lucky bastared

Looking forward to it user. Will try to keep thread alive

I dont think it would normally be hard. It was just the trip I had. I get REALLY bad motion sickness so I'm pretty sure that's what it was. You can order Salvia online though, in legal states. Make sure to start at a low extract if you don't have alot of exp with psychs

How 2 cop liquid L?

Just beer for me tonight.

casually smoking crystal meth
>not addicted
surprisingly enough

landing gear is
i hope i don't have crippling depression for the next 3 days

So the most I've ever done is Weed at parties and with friends to go see movies.

I really want to try shroms or acid but im such a control freak i feel like id go sour straight away
Tell me about the feelings you feel so i dont

You already have crippling depression me boy

drugs are baaad. M'kay

MDMA and meth are the go to drugs f you want crippling depression afterwards. xanax is nice

buy good stuff and learn how to dose properly , comedown isn't THAT bad

Just weed tonight. Got some Super Lemon Haze and Greenhouse from a dispensary.

there's no avoiding the comedown no matter how pure it is. I've just been "microdosing"

For anything pure, you have to get lucky and meet a mountain hippy or someone connected to whats left of the dead family.

Stop popping acid of questionable chemicals (unless u test it with a test kit). Buy some san pedro cactus online instead and have a blast!!

scratch that an oz of beer and 1 and 1/2 ambien

T bridges is a better strain than pedro for tripping imo.

I've been meaning to do an extraction on that stuff for a while, where do you get it?

just downed a whole bottle of nyquil

Lithium, lamotrigine, quetiapine, duloxetine, propranolol, an assortment of vitamins

ur stupid. dark web exists

Nothing. I have a life, a baby on the way, and a family. Weed would be fine, but I wouldn't use anything else. I even try to avoid alcohol.

close your eyes, draw the drapes, and listen to Shpongle, Infected Mushroom, Ronald Jenkees, Ott, and Black Moth Super Rainbow and keep those eyes closed

get ready for a 6-hour fractal dream

There are many places to buy 12 inch cuttings!

Buy a 12 inch cutting for a light trip, 24 for a strong trip. Let them sit in the dark for a few days or a week extra before brewing it and it will give you extra mescaline!!

Well no shit it does, but good luck finding quality liquid on the dark web. Microdots or tabs maybe, but I always have been skimped on vials. Always either deluded quality or different chemical.

Good for you buddy. Not everyone here is stuck with a baby though so acting high and mighty because you're sober is just sad, especially since you're on Sup Forums.

give it to a friend who will only give you small amounts and slowly try to get off of it

Thanks, I already got the extraction method but I want to know where you get it. eBay? Unfortunately amazon doesn't sell 2 foot lengths of psychedelic cactus

amphetamine and a little weed

AvalonMagicPlants is excellent.

Just some vodka and bud my fellow anons

"He's a ball-chinian"

I've only withdrawn from alcohol but if you pace yourself and finally stop it gets waaaaaay better

EternityInABox is amazing as well.


Another meth binge. They seem to be happening more and more often.

How well do those mix? Sorry, I'm a total newfag when it comes to drugs.

Tried sanpedro tea and dried in capsules. Heavy rough physical stimulation and minimal head. Like 10 espresso shots and one shroom, not really worth it.


It's from Men In Black 2. It wasn't a great movie.

this shards for you xD

was heavy smoker for 1 year but don't have much experience outside of that too
Didn't smoke a lot so mainly amphetamine but pretty chill

dont die on me thread

Adderall. The only good drug.

adderall = amphetamines basically right?

Some very potent grass and some beers. Also methadone but I dont count that I take it every morning.

Yes. 75% D-amp, 25% L-amp

25% lamp

I have adhd. But its a great drug anyway. I just love the rush when its coming on, the way music sounds, and obviously the focus. I hate all other drugs because they distort your perception and take away some of your control.

Shrooms aren't that bad, just made me giggly for a few hours.

Ur san pedro was likely not grown for the purpose of mescaline and I bet you didn't leave it in the dark before brewing long enough. Literally that cactus can sit ages in pure darkness and be fine, it is like a bullet.

U likely had that mild MDA like sensation and a weak trip. People trip balls on san pedro all the time with good cuttings.

Leaving the cactus in the dark = much heavier production of mescaline.

Tripping is stupid. Why would you wanna fuck with your perception of reality?

TRY METh it feels like 250% Levo my hearts already beating out of my fucking chest xDD

Thats stupid. Dextroamphetamine is the important isomer. Levo just causes cardiovascular stimulation and shit. D-amp is the CNS stimulant.

Anyone here used low dose amphetamines for amphetamine comedowns

Yeah I know dipshit that's why I said my hearts beating like crazy because it feels like straight l-amphetamine in terms of physical effects

Im getting pure dextroamphetamine tomorrow :^)

that sounds..not very efficient
I actually like the comedown tho, I get kinda uneasy for some time but then it's pretty chill

I used to binge on my adderall but i stopped doing that. I just take it as needed now. Using amphetamines when coming down from amphetamines will only prolong the comedown because once youre coming down you'll need more than your original dose to get back up. Use benadryl for the comedown. Benzos are stupid and only lead to more problems.

I like the increased appetite, that's about it though. Just feels like everything's heavy and no motivation to do shit. I'm thinking a small dose of dexedrine will help me stay somewhat normal while I'm crashing from this shit, so I'll at least be able to function better

Benzos are a lifesaver for me, but I can see how they'd be problematic f you make a habit out of it. Unfortunately using otc sleep aids make me feel like shit in the morning and oversleep

Take benadryl you sperg.

Just some mediocre bud. Been spoiled with good shit so I'm disappointed.

the cocaine!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!


Excuse me but what is this

Doxylamine works too. It has less of a morning hangover than benadryl.

O shit. I had a fuck ton of that a couple weeks ago

Crystal meth, I really wish I never got hooked on this stuff.


Is that OTC? I'm not that interested in those type of drugs, I got xanax and prescription sleeping meds + alcohol so I should be fine


Kratom and weed,
cooling out cause I don't work in the morning

Oh yes. I neglected to mention alcohol. Alcohol alone helps with the adderall comedown, but wont really help you sleep.

heroin yall



Physical labor job + stimulant use is hellish. Imagine staying up for 2 days then having to lift 60lb bags of concrete and hauling lumber back and forth after.

It's fairly easy to make or obtain ghb

How much do you usually smoke? I've never smoked a shard this big, usually just small pieces

Just dropped 2 tabs myself, never had this acid before so I don't know how good it will be.

yeah i barely like it but boredom got the better of me

I dont understand what the appeal of any impure street drug is when you can just get a prescription for adderall or something akin to it.