Post joker
Post joker
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A rare image from a deleted scene
The Joker with the best make up and clothing style ever
Pre joker
How about The Joker Baby?
We HAVE to see this in the Batman movie or I won't be interested
The design honestly grew on me. Really wish we got to see more of him so I could form a real opinion of the performance though.
haven't been on Sup Forums in weeks
how bad was his acting performance
pre joker
he was great, hating on him is just a meme
I liked seeing the joker acting like an actual (albeit obviously exaggerated) crime lord.
I liked his performance a lot more the second time I saw Suicide Squad. The chaotic growls and moans he did were all in the right spot which really worked with his own creation of the Joker.
Wish we got to see more of him.
He was awesome. Great performance, brought the fun and ridiculousness back.
I wanna see more of Joker's bodyguard. Looks like he had screen time too before the film was cut down
>don't repeat this oath unless you mean it
>recites oath for Harleen
>then keeps talking and goes "PuhrettyPuhrettyPuhrettyPuhretty...."
>"Please" says Harleen
>she looks at acid and jumps in
>he jumps right on in after
What the fuck was the point of his oath just for her not to repeat it?
I liked the scene, but I didn't get why he didn't let her repeat the oath.
I can't be the only one who loves his crime lord style?
I've been thinking about seeing it again, I got a coupon for a free ticket that may or may not have expired.
>implying that a psychotic is going to make sense
btw that gif you have of him jumping in isn't used in the film. They re shot it to have no lens flares. I am happy about that
See it again then! I saw it a second time last night and loved it a lot more. Also like I said all the Joker scenes seemed to feel a lot more better a second time
Did he tell any funny jokes in this movie?
Shit, is that a real shot from the movie?
A beautiful filmed scene and the music worked so well
No, which is my biggest problem.
harley with those glasses is such a qt
nope it is fan made
Honestly it's probably my favorite scene of the movie.
I hope for a spin-off of Harley and Joker.
>not knowing every single shot and line from fight club
have you ever been a teenager?
Oh, you know they'd do it.
>I hope for a spin-off of Harley and Joker.
They better make one or I don't know how I can live with myself...
I liked Leto's Joker. I feel like he was short changed and could be great if given the chance.
I used to made fun of Jard Leto Joker but I actually feel bad that they cut down so many of his scenes
The only thing I disliked about him was that he cared about Harley. Leto was really entertaining. I hope we get to see the shit they cut out.
>Extended Director's Cut gets released
>It's way better than the theatrical release
What are the odds we see BvS rd. 2?
Sorry bud that joke went right over my head.
Maybe it's the autism in me
They should just cut all the Suicide Squad scenes from the film and just have 2 hours of Jared Leto doing shit as the Joker.
is there a rip out yet
Don't fucking watch it online. Go pay money to see it!
How else is the DCEU meant to prevail with box office scores if no one sees it. Do you want the Batman movie etc to be cancelled?
>They should just cut all the Suicide Squad scenes from the film and just have 2 hours of Jared Leto doing shit as the Joker.
Only if it was directed by David Lynch
>The only thing I disliked about him was that he cared about Harley
Well, I read the novel and it's clear that he values her as a sex object and his possession, since he created her. He even says that the gives her pain because she did that to him and wants to pay her back (even though she starts to like being tortured). I really dislike that they cut so much stuff.
Anyone seen Blue Velvet with Dennis Hopper? I swear that Jared Leto was basing a lot of his performance on that psychopath.
I can only imagine if Suicide Squad was rated R or NC-17 (Jared said there supposedly exists X rated deleted scenes) then what we saw Dennis Hopper doing in Blue Velvet, would have been what Joker would have done.
If you are a Jared Leto Joker fan I urge you to watch this movie
Well he did shock her in that scene that posted.
>Jared said there supposedly exists X rated deleted scenes
There's a scene where he's naked/you can see lots of bulge or something, and Margot confirmed it, so that's already past PG-13.
He's in gold underwear or something I read.
the mad man what will he do next ?
>baby clothes
holy shit thats fucking CRAZY
It's probably this one.
maybe they reshot the scene to make it like
Still there is no proof of him ever being fully naked so idk
They should have 3 Jokers in the Injustice movie. Leto, Hamill and Willem
That was originally one long scene.
>“Time for a little electroshock therapy,” Joker said, then added, “Frost, do me a favor, will you? Dump our pretty lady on the table.”
>The mercenary threw Quinzel onto the exam table then strapped her into place. Joker removed his prison shirt, carefully folded it, then placed it to the side.
>His extraordinarily pale skin was covered over with dozens—maybe hundreds—of insane tattoos, showing from head to foot. An eerie wide grin was inked on his right forearm while a parade of laughing “HA-HA-HA”s crept up his chest to his left arm and under his tangle of emerald hair. Dozens more were carefully placed along his side, back, and legs, filling nearly every open space.
>He saw Quinzel staring at him, confused. He gestured toward the shirt.
>“The government spent a helluva lot of money buying us thrift store rejects, so I’m not going to potentially dirty it with your blood. Come on. Do I look like a barbarian?”
>Harleen Quinzel’s eyes reflected her fear. >“Please don’t. Please. I did what you said. I helped you.” She tried to struggle free, but the straps were designed to hold a 400-pound madman.
>The Joker fell back. His eyes rolled into his head as if he simply couldn’t believe what he had just heard. He shook his head to clear away his confusion, then stuck his face inches from Quinzel’s own.
>“You helped me?” he repeated. “You helped me? By scorching what few dead, faded memories I had into a sizzling knot?”
>“That was prescribed,” she pleaded. >“Everything said it was the best possible cure for you.”
>“For my what, girl? A cure for my genius? My insanity? My ability to do bird calls? Or maybe you mean it was to help cure my bad back?
>You know I got that digging graves for that basketball team I kidnapped, way back when.”
>She stared at him, obviously confused. He leaned closer to her.
Lens Flares can be added in post production. Doesn't mean they reshot the scene
>“Doctor Quinzel, do you know that for years and years they kept playing against this one other team. Only this one other team, and guess what? They lost every single game. Every. Single. Game.”
>The Joker sighed at the thought.
>“Anyway, where was I? Oh. Right. At some point don’t you think even a total idiot would say, ‘Maybe we should play a different team,’ or better, that ‘God’s telling us we should quit basketball and go into business selling, I don’t know, aluminum siding, maybe?’ What do you think?”
>“I don’t know what to say,” she responded. >“Please don’t make me. Please let me go.”
>“Let you go?” Joker said. He scratched his chin as if he was thinking deeply, then he gave her a huge smile. “Let you go? That is an idea, but when it was my turn to get my brains scrambled, you didn’t let me go, did you?”
>“I’m sorry. I was only trying to help.”
>Joker understood. “I know. I’m sure you thought electrifying my brains was the best way to fix all my many problems. But I’ve got to ask you a question, Doctor. Did it ever cross your itty-bitty brain that maybe you could spend just a little extra time and come up with a better solution than churning my gray matter into instant pudding? What do you think, dearie? Would taking a little more time have proven a better way to go?”
>“Maybe. Sure. Why not?” Quinzel stammered, more than willing to agree with anything he said. “I mean, if that’s what you think. I was just trying to do the right thing.”
>He flailed his arms, his hands waving back and forth, puppet-like, uncontrolled, as if the hinges that held them to his wrists had broken.
>“Doing the right thing, huh? You tossed me into a black hole of rage and confusion. Is that the medicine you practice, Dr. Quinzel? Is that ‘doing the right thing’ for all your special patients?”
>Doesn't mean they reshot the scene
They did. The way he jumps is different than in gif if you have seen the movie
WB really fucked Leto and the audience over didn't they.
>He held a leather strap in one hand, and with the other traced a long, sharp pinky nail along her lips.
>“Now I’m throwing you into the same black hole,” he said as he stroked her face with the leather strap then rested it over her closed mouth. “Open up, doll,” Joker said as he pushed the strap between her lips. “And bite hard. This is so you don’t break those perfect porcelain-capped teeth when the juice hits your brain. You’ll thank me later.”
>“You say you didn’t want to hurt me,” he continued as she complied, “yet you did. And I insist I don’t intend to hurt you, but you know what? Sometimes hurt happens.” He stepped back, then gave a wide smile and laughed his approval. “You are so going to be my Mona Lisa, and I, for one, could not be more proud.”
>Frost handed him the two paddles that had been sitting on the small steel instrument table. He made a show of smearing them with conductive jelly then placed them on her temples.
>Quinzel knew what was coming, and his slow, deliberate moves only prolonged her horror. When he smiled at her… with that awful, gleaming, murdering smile… she screamed through the ball and leather strap.
>“Forget you ever met me,” he giggled, but she knew she never could.
>Harleen Quinzel was in love with the man.
>She convulsed as 450 volts seared through her brain. Her face contorted in impossible agony. Her teeth ground into the rubber. Joker was right—if he hadn’t stuffed the ball into her mouth, her teeth would have cracked as she smashed them together.
>The psychiatrist writhed in agony. She was mewling with pain, yet somehow asked for more. Pain and pleasure. More pain than pleasure. More pleasure than pain.
>Until she heard the machine suddenly go dead. Her teeth stopped chewing the rubber ball, which was almost completely shredded into ragged strings, and then her body went slack. A single tear fell from her open eyes.
I would've liked to see this.
fuck dude, don't compare leto's joker to one of the greatest villains ever. that shit ain't right.
That scene is from Fight Club
>you shithead
That's a big scene.
I would have loved to see it's entirety
>not thinking that Jared's Joker is a psychotic masterpiece
That shit is really not right. He made his Joker completely his own and deserves heaps of respect
Reminds me of the autistic kid who lined up all his toys.
I can see that, yeah.
I really liked the scene where Joker took over their helicopter. Not only did it take me by surprise but it's such a Joker moment.
>Electroshock. What a wonderful way of destroying a soul, the Joker thought as he watched Quinzel’s eyes roll up into their sockets and dribble pour from between her lips. He laughed uncontrollably as each hair on her arms and neck stood up on its own and began a freakish dance.
>The Joker watched Harleen Quinzel disappear as each cell in her body was assaulted with electricity, a process that was intended to induce seizures as a means of providing relief from crippling psychiatric disorders such as autism, catatonia, and schizophrenia.
>For those sufferers and others, properly administered electroshock treatments were accompanied by IV muscle relaxants, with each session lasting no longer than ten minutes. The Joker had received hundreds of his own such treatments.
>What if those sessions instead lasted for hours? he had wondered. Maybe even days? And what if, instead of receiving the relaxants, they received, oh… nothing? He could only imagine the joyfully painful results as the body thrashed on the med table, breaking arms and legs and so much more.
>During his own treatments he had worn a laryngeal mask over his mouth, with a tube stuck down his throat, to make certain his brain continued to receive needed oxygen. But did the brain really need oxygen, he asked himself. What would happen if he intentionally forgot the damned mask, and let the oxygen chips fall where they may, so to speak.
Harleen Quinzel ceased to exist, but she gave birth to a far greater insanity than even the Joker anticipated, or could hope for from the once venerable Dr. Quinzel.
>Harley Quinn was very much alive, and she was more than ready to give thanks to her “Puddin’.” With dyed-blonde hair tinged in pink, she was drop-dead gorgeous—in the prison vernacular, high-velocity sex on a stick. She was also as insatiable as she was insane.
More than that, Harley Quinn was the kind of psychotic the Joker had always wanted as his pet.
>That Bat symbol
I'm guessing earlier in his career Batman had the traditional logo, huh
>Get told to post Joker
Well he's being doing that for more than a decade.
Which also means that the Joker is about his age and holy shit.
>Joker bat
>“Doctor Quinzel, do you know that for years and years they kept playing against this one other team. Only this one other team, and guess what? They lost every single game. Every. Single. Game.”
This is was Gotham's team, mentioned in BvS before a Batman scene, by a reporter saying bad stuff goes on in Gotham when their team loses to Metropolis.
Think there's a meaning to Gotham's team being weaker than Metropolis'? Or is it just to show corruption makes everything shitty in Gotham, from the team to the fans.
Oh, nice catch. I'd say probably the latter.
Shit, they cut yet another potentally interesting tie-in scene.
I imagine there'd be rioting every time Gotham lost to Metropolis.
Why can't the Joker be the same age as Jared himself? 44 years old whilst Batman is supposedly say aged 50.
Makes perfect sense
>Joker bat
That is the same bat that Harley takes I assume
Ah sure. They can say he looks super youthful because of chemicals and shit.
Yeah, I read they explain the bat and show Harley getting it, but it was cut.
Yeah, deleted scene. There's a part in one of the trailers where you can see he smashes some shit with that bat too.
Joker was in Fight Club?
Holy shit that's Jared Leto?
>all these stupid fucks go to see the movie for the Joker
>only in it for 7 mins
jesus shit, i fucking hate that comic in your pic. dkii was bizarrely entertaining but asbar was trash
objectively the worst joker besides leto, which is strange because miller also wrote the best
So if this Joker is a gangster, what about other bat villains like the Penguin that resides in Gotham? I'm guessing they are like gangster as well.
Penguin could probably be redesigned to like a George Soros-like character. Old money funds the right things and shit goes south for Gotham.
If you havent seen all of his scenes in the trailers or deleted scenes, you would think he cares for her.
After i watched the film, i conclude that he just don't wanna share his toys. He's a possessive psycho
sounds good but Penguin does have his own Iceberg lounge. Hes probably a club owner and does thing behind the scenes. I can imaging all these human batman villains are like crime bosses back like in the prohibit era. Each of these crime bosses may be head of different things.
Dent can be like the corrupted but respected politician.
Anyone have the link this joker's video?
is this bait? i really don't know. like do people actually think he did a good job? i just thought he was trying to be edgy.