Move of the Year
Move of the Year
>Move of the Year
What did he mean by this?
He just drove 13hours to his new Benghazi home
>Move of the Year
>What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
>Title: 13 Hours
>Runtime: 144 minutes
What a pile of lying garbage.
Flm of the Year.
is this movie worth watching?
i've been wanting to watch a good operator movie
>tfw Rone is die
>It's a Jim tries to saves the day movie
wtf i hate hillary now
Why he even try?
It doesn't compare to Black Hawk Down. It's just 2 hours of firefight porn.
Lick of the Year
Chris Pratt should have played Chris Kyle in American Sniper. At least he would have had respect for the man, unlike Bradley Cooper.
Not even that much fighting. Forced feels like with American Sniper (Kyle was full of shit and I don't know how someone who claimed to have have shot looters after Katrina got the 10% of their book that actually happened made into a movie).
>kills a Muslim
>looks into the camera like it's The Office
good job user
>ugly green filter
>ugly blue filter
>:the movie
>Chris Kyle i
Nothing he did happened
The Guardian gave this movie 1/5 for almost purely political reasons
Of course it's movie of the year
>The Guardian gave this movie 1/5 for almost purely political reasons
Which is really odd, because 13 Hours is as apolitical as it couldve possibly been. They didn't point a finger at anyone. It was just two hours of Jim, Roy from the warehouse and Pornstache operating.
Its mediocre.
Tense, nothing goes on, tense, nothing goes on, tense, firefight, tense, nothing goes on, tense, firefight, tense, firefight, tense, and bam roll credits
Thats the entire pacing of the movie, in terms of plot
Just another Tuesday night in Benghazi
>Tense, nothing goes on, tense, nothing goes on, tense, firefight, tense, nothing goes on, tense, firefight, tense, firefight, tense,
That's usually how firefights work.
dude call of duty lmao the movie
Every year there is a token military recruitment movie, it's like clockwork. Nice action scenes though. It's sad because a movie that just does things right without fucking things up nowadays is exceptional.
the guys in Benghazi weren't military, they were contractors dummy
>military recruitment movie
It's like the new call of duties: yeah it looks and plays nice but the characters are walking stereotypes and the script written to appeal to 13 year old boys.
Contractors doing what dumb dumb? Oh right working for the U.S. military
Sorry I insulted a movie you liked. I hope you'll be able to get over it one day.
>State department and CIA
>It's a thinly veiled Burger propaganda "movie" episode
We can't even have military biopics anymore because faggots like you start shouting
>guy pulling a tractor tire in briefs is patriotism
You got a problem with tires bud?
I got a problem with you not knowing what patriotism is.
>can't even come up with consistent answers for x branch of the government that doesn't even matter that the contractors infact worked for and military "branches" they worked with in the film anyway
You got a problem with tractors bud?
if you told me back in 2010 i'd be taking jim seriously in roles like aloha and 13 hours i would've laughed you a whole new face
>The Global Response Staff is made up of hundreds of former members of U.S. special operations forces
>former members of U.S. special operations forces
>serious role
>Movie comes out that proves Hillary is behind the Benghazi attacks and even has primary footage
>She is about to win the presidency
And people tell me the Jews aren't in charge
She is about to win the presidency solely because her only opponent is a dangerous lunatic.
have you even seen the movie?
>proves Hillary is behind the Benghazi attacks and even has primary footage
But by that logic she shouldn't win either. Fucks sake she has brain damage.
You can only blame yourself for having such a shitty political system.
Yes, have you?