Shit. I smoked my lucky cigarette and didn't even notice. Am I fucked?

Shit. I smoked my lucky cigarette and didn't even notice. Am I fucked?

No. Just young and naive.

Will I learn with age. Or probably just die before I am old enough to find out.

No. It just means that the 7 minutes you would have lost on your lifespan as a result of smoking a cigarette are voided because you smoked the lucky one.

OK. I learned once that no one wants to "live forever," but no one wants to die in the next seven minutes. You find that out when you carry a gun.

You will know when you no longer feel the need to flip a lucky in the first place.

That'll only be when I stop smoking. I sort of see what you mean.

Smoking is good for health

YOure fuCkeD bro

You're a fucking weak humann being cunt

That's a lie. I'd be quite happy living forever, even alone.

I have never flipped a durry like this in my life...
what super powers does it unlock?

how the fuck did you make a lucky cigarette?

dude, if you have a "lucky cigarette" you've already hit fuckin' bottom

so, no you're fine

This is a real lucky cigarette.

Doesn't even matter if you flip it. You can smoke em from either end.

Ahhh a Lucky. The good 'ole days when you could backhand your wife and a negroe knew his place.

As long as there wasn't ricin in it you should be okay

I mean they are still easy to find, at least around here. From a taste and strength perspective they're better than most.

Yes indeed. Don't forget, they're also physician approved. So whether you're getting home from a long day at the office, or you're beating a negroe senseless for drinking out of the wrong fountain know that you can count on the smooth taste of a Lucky! Strike up a Lucky today!

I roll my own

now the luck is inside you