Witch is better and why?

Witch is better and why?

Into OW atm, but used to be huge tf2 player, wiyh like 2000 hours, eventually got bored, and when i last went on it was all changed so i abandoned it.

Both are shit, but TF2 has been shit for far longer.

TF2 was better during 08-09ish years, now OW is better

Overwatch because it has waifus

I tried playing tf2 before and I hated it. OW, for some reason is just so much more fun.

The MyM change fucked me up to. It's still the same game I love. I played around 10ish hours of OW but I didn't really like it For the same generic reasons. Too easy, boring, toxic fanbase, and not fun. I do however like all the OW porn that gets put up on my TF2 server.

tf2 if you cant afford.

overwatch but only when you dont have retards on your team alongside a fairgame vs the other team

the game becomes really fun then but besides that tf2 is garbage you spam corners for 50 minutes and literally call that gameplay

Get on my level

Cant afford?
h t t p s : / / b a c k
p a c k . t f / p r o f i l e s / 7 6 5 6 1 1 9 8 1 1 2 2 1 7 5 5 2

Wait how is it too easy? Your going up against real players.

Overwatch because tracer's ass makes me cum

Both have ups and downs.
-tf2 lets you choose your maps (the last update kind of made it more of a hassle but whatever)
-12v12 dynamic is more fun imo, less likely the entire team is dead, which basically ensures a cap is capped, in Overwatch.
-You can buy your cosmetics, instead of have to rely on retarded as fuck loot boxes that are designed to steal all your money. (Or not buy anything, the game is free)

Neutral points are , tf2 has hundreds of weapons, but OW has more classes, and instead of new weapons we get new characters, which is more exciting.

In favor of OW
-OW does banning of hackers better. Tf2 is old as shit and easy to make new accounts for, a good portion of it's dying fanbase are hackers just fucking around, ruining matches.
-OW is new, and has more than 4 people working on it.
-OW has an actual competitive mode, tf2's fanmade comp is meh, and their own attempt at making comp was horrible.

Overall I enjoy tf2 a lot more, I got bored of Overwatch pretty quickly. And where as both fanbases are pretty cancerous, I feel like OW wins the cake.

I tried like 1 match post-mym and i just didn't get back into it, also doesn't help that the dev's have abandoned mvm, which i liked. Shame because i've got a huge inventory with 2 unus.

Another 600ish hours on my old account. Still nothing compared to people like b4nny or stabby.

I call 300% bullshit. Either shop, or you idled the fuck out of your account on scrap servers.

>Too easy

LMAO what? How can it possibly be too easy?

At least we have one...

Q to win.

Not enough game mechanics that can give you an advantage. Even people like b4nny haven't mastered everything. I joined OW and in 2 seconds I can jump with Pharah.

Yeah I do idle a lot for items


Hey, at least you can admit it, my dude.

>waifu simulator
>hat simulator

I find it bothersome to fap to hats, so I go with OW.

The other team can also Q to win. It balances out.

I'm seeing the "I like to fap to OW so it's better" answer a lot.

Would be fun if they introduced a mode with no ultis, but then some classes would be utter shit.

giant clusterfuck != skill.

>Witch is better and why?
This is the best way to spell "which" because it is the correct one.


It's true watches at $ 0?

I hope the pyro update gives pyro tits.

TF2 has bottle flips

>Even people like b4nny haven't mastered everything

And this translates to "this game is too easy" how???

Its a very quick well timed clusterfuck that can be easily countered.

Have you seen VNN's new video. I guess he talked to Driller. Pyro update very soon.

If valve cared I'd stay at tf2. I have sth like 700 hours in tf. Honestly the community is much much better in tf2. Overwatch's community is a bunch of pussies who cry at everything.

Because OW's mechanics are too easy. I like to have to take time to learn how to do something that will give me an advantage over somebody else. Something besides pressing shift.

Yeah MyM fucked it up. I loved quickmatch. Just press and 4 seconds later you're playing.

>I have to take time to learn how to do something
>OW's mechanics are too easy
user, are you proofreading your posts?

It's A LOT quicker now. I kind of like it better in some ways. But I also made my own server because Casual is fucking retarded sometimes. Like when you get put into a game that just ended.

>Not enough game mechanics that can give you an advantage

you're right thats why counter strike is the easiest game of them all

Ok. Tell me how difficult OW's mechanics are to learn.

Watching it right now. Hype. I'm not even subbed to VNN, I probably should.
I heard something about them asking players about what they think about certain changes, before releasing anything, but it looks like they might just release it this month without doing that.

Some shit I do on my server sometimes.

IDK man, I quit like 5-6 months ago. Matchmaking was shit back then, did they fix it up?

you are confusing skill floor and skill ceiling

I know. In the past VNN has gotten shit wrong but When you actually talk to a dev then it give credibility


What a waste of money.

Casual Matchmaking has gotten better. Competitive is still garbage.

Holy shit user, as far as I can fucking tell OW IS pretty easy. Read your fucking posts though, you dense subhuman basement baboon.

Oh yeah. You can choose what maps you want to play and it's so much quicker. It's still getting fixed. Sometimes you will get put into a game that just ended, but just queue up again it only takes a second. Just give it a try. Helps if you play with a couple friends.

Shit dude idk if I would pay for the entire backpack but I really want those green blackhole antler.

Pretty cool actually, I think I'll give it a try soon. Thanks anons.


Yes stay away from VALVe comp. Also anybody else hear about that LMAObox VAC wave that dropped the other day?

Literally was in a game with Extra Thicc earlier today. Are you in the Asteroid Tryhards group? :^)

Overwatch is easy because that's the whole point of the casual shooter moba genre. Easy to learn, hard to master. Complaining bout it just makes you look dumb.

Heard someone talking about it in chat, and just learned more about it through VNN. I checked a guy's profile I've reported multiple times, and he finally has a ban on it. Feels good.

He's a friend of one of my friends I think. idk he just popped up on my server and stared at porn.

Too bad there is still NullCore and LMAOlithium. Also a few weeks ago the creator of LMAOlithium was VAC banned. But I love some hacker justice.Hopefully VALVe keeps banning them.


I know it's shitty But it's signed my ilander.

Ah. Still a funny coincidence.
I miss rd_asteroid. ;-; Wish they'd bring back beta play.

That's why I made my server. rd_asteroid pl_cactuscanyon and other.

I went on tf2 comp and it was almost as bad as OW comp, no fun allowed, and you don't even get anything for doing it. At least with OW comp you get golden gun skins.

They took out the map with the robots on the moon? I liked that one...

When did they get rid of it? I thought it was in the "alternative game modes" bit on the new homepage

Also, did anyone else read that god-tier Alien/TF2 crossover fic that took place on Asteroid? God damn, I wish the writer woulda finished it

But OW doesn't have the Golden Pan? at least until OW steals that too.


When was the last time you played TF2?

Someone in our steam group just updated the rd_asteroid server, too, so it should be up and running, just need people to actually have time to jump on.

Yup, it was removed with the Meat your Match update. .-. The map was nearly done too, just needed to finish texturing half of the map, and fix a bug or two. Ugh.

An hour ago...

I just haven't checked the maps to thoroughly

You also have a removed maps server?

Asteroid was gotten rid of in MyM

Specifically just rd_asteroid. There was a big fanbase for the map, and we all created a Steam group called Asteroid Tryhards. When it came out, it was pretty much the only map we'd play, until it was removed. Now I'm stuck back on ctf servers. Is the ip address for it, but it probably won't see much action until the guy who runs it makes an announcement for people to jump in and play.

>Q to win
So did you play this game post-beta too or only when it wasn't finished?

Is the golden pan even still popular on tf2 anymore? It was cool when it came out but now everyone's seen it, it doesn't have the same effect.

Oh nice. My friends started talking about making a few more servers and a steam group

>when the players have to make the game better because the devs have turned it to shit.

h t t p s : / / m a r k e t p l a c e . t f / a l l ?
s t e r m = g o l d e n


>when a community can come together to play the game they love*

I just feel like it's hard to fill up the servers, not sure if having more would be beneficial. But either way I wouldn't mind posting the server IPs for yours, even if you don't join the group, always nice to have more options.

Here you go. It's not up all the time though. But we have a good time.

Anybody hear about Geel(the owner of marketplace.tf and scrap.tf) buying backpack.tf

Didn't post the ip

What server. Start witg r?