Where the fuck was the silkroad computer?
Mr Robot
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what are you even asking
Yeah I could use some more explaining than what they gave us. Is he Tyrell and the black kid? So many answers I need and don't want to wait for.. I didn't enjoy this season as much as others, but I really like the focus on the girls.
Where in the prison did they have the computer hosting the silkroad site?
The admin name was caretaker
he used the dunder mifflin pc when the prison had a field trip
thats why he saw darryl
What is she doing there?
That was just a trap in the prison, actual actor is obviously a trap too
ok then why is "he" constantly burning things? that would not be allowed.
There was no website. Ray was just running some prison gang. Elliots crazyness made is something computer related because that's what he knows. Calling the FBI was really just snitching to the guards.
He probably wasn't literally burning things. I don't know what he was actually doing though. I do know that the book he burned was some story about a guy with a hostile personality in his head a la Mr Robot to Elliot, and the burning of it was supposed to represent Elliot and Mr Robot's relationship becoming more friendly or some shit and the hostility between them leaving
What about Ray's wife and all the references he made there?
Ray was clearly a warden or guard and not a prisoner, I think its likely that he actually was running some kind of black market website, and the cell Elliot was in was obviously solitary confinement as punishment for going too far. Need more elaboration though desu
Mr Reddit
Ray was collaborating with one of the guards and they were doing it on a guard computer
How would Elliot know the FBIs response time to crime inside a prison?
Why would the other prisoners care if Elliot rated on a guard or warden?
How would an Aryan gang loose money from the wardens website getting shut down?
Craig Robinson is probably a warden in the prison.
I am really lost right now. Sam have me in his hands.
are you really this dumb
Ray was probably (definitely) corrupt and was clearly in with many of the prisoners in getting their shit smuggled in or something of that nature. The Aryans and most people pissed at Elliot for being a rat probably relied on Ray for shit.
As for the FBI thing, I don't know how that factors in at this point.
Why don't you tell me by answering the questions
I'm glad they made sure the bad guys were white males.
I like this theory. I couldn't piece together how an inmate would be able to hold Elliot in a little private cell like that. Ray could have been doing something illegal as a guard. He asked for Elliot's help, but Elliot went the snitch route even though Mr. Robot told him to keep quiet. Ray had his hand in the white and black groups. Notice both groups were mad at Elliot when Ray went down. He would have to be in a position of authority to have that much influence.
I started watching this show because I really liked Comet, I like it, but even that movie made more sense than this finale.
>I heard him in the trunk.
Mr. Robot might have shot him, but never said killed. The FBI found the bullet in the arcade so we know shots were fired. Tyrell was alive in the trunk during Elliot's dream. So where is he?
talking about this motherfucker, forgot to add the pic.
Tyrell Welleck aka Swedish Dubs Guy is GOAT character, it's a shame they haven't fully reintroduced him yet for S2. I will be pissed if he's truly dead, but I doubt it.
> Tfw infosec career and reading Mr Robot threads make me cringe so hard you couldn't pay me to watch it.
inb4 season finally appearance
fuck off dude it's the only Sup Forums related show we have.
which was the book?
Waiting for Godot
It's meant to be pretty confusing I think, don't know if it explicitly references the two characters as split personalities per se but their relationship dynamic is similar to Elliot's and Mr. Robot's with the titular character of Godot representing Tyrell (and possibly some other characters) somewhat well
It's a play, A pretty good one if you're fucked up on something actually. It's about two men waiting for Godot, Godot never shows up, I think there's maybe four characters in the show story (been a while since I read it) but it's of a nihilist book than about split personalities. Most people claim that Godot represents God. So I don't know how he could represent Tyrell.
Also don't forget that we actually see him alone in his house talking to his dead wife. That can't be part of Elliot's own delusions. Ray is definitely no a prisioner
Except for the main antagonist of this season so far who was black male. But apart from that, yeah fuck this SJW library cuck show even though I watch it every week.
I can't stand the Angela segments . She is so cringey and I always know I'm going to have to pause 5 times or more to get through her scenes.
Just tell me is it worse than the magnet episode of Breaking Bad or not?
Tyrell is probably in hiding.
What most likely happened:
Mr Robot took over Elliot's body
Pulled off the 5/9 hack.
Then tried to kill Tyrell
Tyrell reveals himself to be a worthless little pussy, a cowardly little shit that begs for his life like a little girl.
Tyrell probably also mentions his kid, which triggers something in Elliot's head as far as his evil daddy alter ego suddenly realizing that killing him would punish the son (especially since we know Tyrell's wife is an even bigger shithead than Tyrell, making a parallel of Mr Robot dying and leaving Elliot to be raised by his abusive mom) for something he did not do
Lets Tyrell live but orders him to go to ground and hide, since someone will probably put two and two together and realize that he might know stuff about FSociety
Tyrell stops by to tie up his wife and have hate sex with her before going underground. He might have also have taken credit for the 5/9 hack to make him look like a big shot to his wife, inadvertently pissing her off so much she was willing to sell him out for the murder of his rival's wife since it means he royally fucked the family over
Mr Robot is hiding this because he doesn't want to seem weak in Elliot's eyes since it means that Elliot's persona and the more benevolent elements are seeping into the Mr Robot personality
The parking attendant was bought off because he can place Elliot and Tyrell together, meaning that ECorp might claim Tyrell was part of FSociety/is BFFs with their leader
Tyrell will show back up in the finale, where I'm sure he'll betray his bodyguard to frame him for the murder of the woman he killed and leverage his knowledge of who really runs FSociety to get his job back at ECorps after the CEO is forced out.
Tyrell will show back up towards he end of the season
have you even seen mr robot? it portrays hacking better than any show that ive ever seen and i also work in infosec
warden nigger took elliot to his house or his office you retard
I know what you mean
I want Dom to peg her though
dunno, never watched breaking bad. sure, mr robo isn't a perfect depiction of reality but knowing this i take it with a grain of salt and accept it for what it is. nothing else comes close.
Yeah but he died in the dream, just like Gideon.
I took that as an indication that he was already a gonner
he is inside elliot's mind
Angela reminds me of this girl
Explain the spent casing
I can't stand that persona. A shame, because I liked her "Lowlife" song.
No I haven't. Pretty sure it'll be either the best thing ever or the worst thing ever.
Best theory yet.
i cant talk about the hacks without spoiling plot points but every hack theyve done in their show so far is accurate and doable in the real world
pretty much this. they make it a point to do close up shots of the terminal and Elliot types pretty slow so you can see the commands, and they're all legit. the only thing that annoys me is how every fucking computer is using a default kali linux wallpaper. we get it, kali is for hacking sometimes, but its getting a little overkill. fsociety needs to browse /wg/ more often.
>mfw the closest we have to different hacker characters having different custom setups is the ridiculous Hackers climax
>Where the fuck was the silkroad computer?
My thoughts were Craig Robinson and his white buddy were prison guards. So they had access to the computers.
anyone agree?
What about the guy with the rat-tail, we saw him in his house (Elliot wasn't there) so he can't be a prisoner.
I guess Ray might have brought him into his office in jail?
>What about the guy with the rat-tail, we saw him in his house
His own jail cell maybe?
Well rat-tail and elliot were both at Ray's house so we can only assume that Ray's house is his office.
desu i popped a boner in this scene
You can show this, but you can't say "Fuck".
Why would you compare scratching a bug bite to cursing?
i just found this super close up of craig robinson to help you understand his character better
I never noticed the gapteeth
>american dental hygiene
>>american dental hygiene
Okay, sure.
What nigger?
I just cant.
For me he'll always be Daryl.
Honestly felt like he was a poor choice for the part, but I guess they had to get a friendly looking black dude so you're surprised when he's a criminal.
I know what u mean
I thought it was pretty well done actually.
Cast him as the guy who's supposed to be a mentor and then have him do a heel turn when Elliot fucks up.
There was no gun in the popcorn, there was actually a dildo lubed with the popcorn butter that Elliot and Tyrell used on each other.