Can we all agree those who say his show is no fun are just retarded and don't deserve to live?
Eric Andre
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Chaotic Neutral
>if you don't like this show I like you deserve death
Calm down, Sam.
>Can we all agree those who say his show is no fun are just retarded and don't deserve to live?
nice fucking autism you fedora atheist faggot nazi, you think people deserve to DIE for not liking a TV SHOW that you like??? Let alone a shitty TV show like Eric "lefty-fag" Andre??? I think YOU don't deserve to live you left faggot, go vote for hillary.
His on the streets stuff isn't funny. He just does really abrasive and inappropriate things, which immediately scares off most people. Their reactions aren't funny cause they're exactly what you'd expect, just people being made uncomfortable by a guy pretending to be retarded.
easy there mellow 311
idgaf what his politics are he's bratty and unfunny
Bird Up!
Isn't this show the same as tim and eric for niggers? either way they're both shit shows that pander to highschool kids
>edgy racism
>accusing other things of being high school
Deep inside we're all still highschool kids, aren't we?
Never heard much of people on here not liking him until he did a bit with the RNC and now world peace comes on after his show.
I'd probably disagree with him politically but his man on street stuff and interviews are fucking funny. "oh my god timneric randum waahhh" shut up its not like it at all.
ranch it up brotendo
this guy was nearly unanimously praised on Sup Forums until he went to the RNC. That's when everyone's internal resident Sup Forumstard made everything this guy touches turn into shit
fuck you fa/tv/irgin faggots
it is like Tim & Eric though.
Either you get it or you don't bro. Shows actually pretty dope though he just doesn't give a fuck about anything so I respect that. Also doing drugs helps.
you mean Sup Forumscucks? yeah
they hate him because he black and jewish
they shill that other show with the fat white guy dont know his name Sam something
this guy was a literal who before the RNC
Not everyone is a Sup Forumsedditor
>mfw people are literally pretending to like this shit show simply because the believe Sup Forums doesnt like it for some reason and has a chip on their shoulder about it
>mfw faggots on this board are trying to making liking this show some brave form of slacktavism
Sup Forums hating Andre is more recent than Andre being popular on here dumbass
Would you say it's the worst show on television?
>Sup Forums hating Andre is more recent than Andre being popular on here dumbass
exactly you fucking retard. You are only pretending to like him because a few Sup Forumstards dont like him. Kill yourself
have you never seen Tim & Eric before? I'm fairly certain they have a lot of the same people editing it as Eric Andre. I mean Eric Andre is still an original show but you're just being silly if you're saying it's "not like it at all"
Can you read? He was popular before Sup Forums hated him.
People always like the show you idiot
>handful of people like Eric
>eric gains more fame
>more people hate him now
its not that shocking dumbass. He has a niche "DUDE WEED LMAO" audience, but has been promoting his show to more mainstream audiences lately
>Sup Forums ain't done nothin wrong they're good 'ol boys
Sup Forums has had a hateboner for Eric Andre for 2 years now. He's a black jew.
>its a good show because Sup Forums doesnt like it!
>its stupid to have a hateboner for something! please disregard my hypocrisy and my hateboner for Sup Forums though
When did I say I like it because Sup Forums hates it? Go ahead, greentext where I said that.
you defend the show, yet list no reasons you actually think the show is good. You, and everyone else defending the show in this thread, cant even post without needlessly bringing up the pol boogeyman.
>cant even post without needlessly bringing up the pol boogeyman.
Like MDE fans and their tumblr sjw bogeyman?
When did I defend the show? Greentext where I said that.
All I did was mention that Sup Forums has always hated Eric Andre, no need to get so presumptuous. If anything, you brought up Sup Forums before I did.
People have already forgotten about the RNC/DNC shit
He's still getting guests who are clueless about the show
Sup Forums had near daily threads last year, not quite as much as the MDE shilling but Eric was universally loved
I don't know what you're trying to prove by saying that people here have started liking him only because he triggered Sup Forums a few weeks ago
tim and eric, eric andre, and world peace are all funny
I agree except say MDE instead of World Peace specifically.
>Can we all agree
gee I wonder
>People have already forgotten about the RNC/DNC shit
obviously not. The guy is obviously left leaning so of course more conservative people arent going to like him.
and no he wasnt "universally liked" here. He has always had a niche audience, but hes been promoting his show on Conan and Jimmy Kimmel and other normie places who arent going to like him.
>typing in all caps
You're way more emotional about this than I am, pal.
weve been making threads here about it, whenever it aired
>pressing caps locks before typing something out means YOURE the mad one!
your virginal rage is amazing
i saw the complete opposite of this post over on that mde thread
Unfunny leftist humor.
having fun?
He's the one who turned super political.
And even went on colbert's leftist shitshow to whine about racism, when in fact NOBODY DID ANYTHING RACIST TO HIM AT THE RNC
What a lefttard turd.
>ranch it up brotendo
Jesus fucking christ go back to redddit you giant faggot.
>And even went on colbert's leftist shitshow to whine about racism
did he really cry racism on colberts show?
>The guy is obviously left leaning
He makes fun of everyone
>and no he wasnt "universally liked" here.
He was, certainly more than now. Go through the archive and find a post that isn't that one guy who spammed "DUDE PRANKING PEOPLE ON THE SUBWAY LMAO" that hated Eric.
>but hes been promoting his show on Conan and Jimmy Kimmel and other normie places who arent going to like him.
He's been doing that season 1 and his ratings are still about the same. What's your point?
....goddammit its fucking over. now that mde shit has come, we will never have decent eric andre thread ever, with these triggered faggots shitting it up.
probably never even watched [as] before that shit aired
If he was white would people still pretend to like him? Would his show be on air at all?
>He makes fun of everyone
He makes fun of the right wing. Stop pretending hes "le middle ground!" its so cowardly and I dont understand why you faggots do this. Just admit you are a liberal or a democrat or whatever.
Stop making threads, Eric.
>He makes fun of the right wing.
He pretended to have sex with Hillary at the DNC
That RNC "pretending to be retarded" sketch was so fucking stupid I cant stand this guy anymore
That tier of comedy is literally a 1 strike thing. You can do it as long as it is consistently funny, after it fails once, you are just an annoying dumbass.
oh wow, that sure showed them. one jab at hillary.
Stop pretending the guy isnt liberal.
>he makes fun of right
why does that upset you? relax, man
life is a ride
i believe that america is sick
it has a bad case of americans
>everyone who's not a hysterical faggot like me is a Hillary voter!
When will this meme end?
hmm dat lil pocket rocket
cool strawman
I thought jews rocked...
man, conspiracy is a great movie
It was more than his jabs at Trump
His RNC bit made fun of Alex Jones more
>do you think Woody Allen should get Chinese castrated so he quits jerking off his ex-kids?
>i dunno
can't believe that got to the air
>Im a cashew....a catholic jew
this was a decent joke to be fair.
Man Alex Jones is the kind of guy that both the left and the right can get together and laugh at.
rare clip
>Samantha Bee makes a few light jabs at Hillary, tons of heavy jabs at Trump
>everyone praises her for being SO IMPARTIAL and NOT AFRAID TO GO THERE
>no longer makes fun of Hillary now that the "unbiased media" established that "fact"
>Eric Andre makes a few light jabs at Hillary, tons of heavy jabs at Republican figures
>Sup Forums praises him for being SO IMPARTIAL and NOT AFRAID TO GO THERE
>he will never make any sincere jabs at leftists again
Screenshot the post.
>mad nigger
>implying racism has anything to do with high school
>tons of heavy jabs at Republican figures
Like who?
I don't know this guy. Someone post the funniest thing he's done pls
I think it's great. I enjoy the chaos.
>comedian starts talking about mainstream politics and targets low hanging fruit
I couldn't pick just one bit.
That is a really good impression.
this'll be in your head for months
t. leftist
>bleep bleep bleep blorp you ever heard of a robot?
What did he mean by this?
I actually say this all the time
Jillian Barberie! Jillian Barberie!
>shitposter gives opinion about show he's never seen
if you dont like eric andres show its because you are a racist sexist christian white male neo-nazi terrorist
this. Eric andre is great because hes brave enough to make fun of donald trump. something literally no one else had the balls to do.
>shilling like alex jones doesn't drop some truth bombs amidst the insanity that the msm is retarded about
>Obama using Bushes ally-oop to make ISIS an international threat on (((accident)))
That's like accidently letting the Japanese hit Pearl harbor while your carriers are away or pic related
I wish that tweet was real
I liked the episode of the eric andre show where he had stacy dash on and made her take her shoes off