Should Muslims be banned from every country in the world?

Should Muslims be banned from every country in the world?

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They should be banned from western countries.

Wonder what those turban smell like.

Yes launch them into the sun!


No. Most muslims are actually really nice people.

Should we ban Christians because Timothy McVeigh bombed OKC?

Don't be stupid, a muslim ban is retarded.


western world and russia should ban them.

Do you mean brown people? Because you can just say you're not muslim. In fact you can do whatever you want but if you become a martyr you guarantee your spot in heaven anyway.


people look more like Singh especially with half of them being called singh and all ....

muh christian terror fag detected.

Physically not possible to do, nor in a single country.

What you can do is laicity: you forbidden ALL religious expression in public places, and forbid ALL religions to children (just like porn)

This has to be b8. The argument is
>no they are nice, what about these other guys

this bait has become tired.. not kek bait anymore. happy fishing tho

They should be banned from walking on earth ever again.

>Not possible
Oh user, thats adorable

But the answer is yes, they are a pox on the world.

western world should ban Russia

you are a religion hater, no reason to ban harmless relgions because the islam causes so much shit], gtfo.

You motherfucking racist. They are not fucking muslims. They are sikhs! Learn the fucking difference!

No they are based af we should keep them.

Maybe not but we should soak the bullets we shoot terrorists with in pigs blood and wrap their shitty bodies in bacon before they are buried in unmarked graves so they can fuck off to hell.

only muslims, and foreigners in general, who cant integrate and cant accept other countries cultural standards should be banned and sent back. if they know how things roll in the countries they are in they're more than welcome to live there

>harmless religions

Good joke

Also all you'd be doing by banning only muslims is giving more ammo to the extremists.

Maybe Europe should stop being pussies and allow lawful citizens to own guns instead.

good idea but you have forgotten that most humans are spineless faggots who fall into despair if told there is no omnipotent eldritch abonimation supporting their personal delusions.

'maybe picture is not related, also sikhs are not a race, learn the difference between discrimination and racism, faggot.

OP shows exactly how stupid people that support a "moose limb" ban are. OP posted photos of indian Sikh's. OP is so fucking dumb (like the rest of you retards) that he thinks all Muslims are brown, bearded, and have turbans. Wow OP, good fucking job.

>Ammo for the extremists

Good then we have an excuse to just cull them all.

Are these the London attackers?

who gives a shit if they get ammo if they cant get into our homelands.

>allow lawful citizens to own guns instead.
you know that the conflict will only escalate if someone would do that

Those are sikhs dip shit, look at the turbans. Indian turbans are wrapped differently. There are actually very specific ways turbans are wrapped for each religion.

Stop being a faggot.

If such things were true, that all muslims are evil terrorists, then why don't we nuke North Korea? They are terrorising the western world with launch tests and pose a much greater threats than some terrorists with some toyota trucks and flip knives. Truth be told, most of the north korean population are against its government but cannot do anything about it. The same fear tactics used by the NK gov is used by muslim govs to instill fear by their god. Thus proving that the general population is being acted upon against its will. Terrorism has no face, no religion.

How? All you have to do is say you're not muslim which isn't a problem for extremists. A muslim ban only hurts people who aren't a problem.

Kek faggot these are not even muslims ! These are sikhs they are way more close to japanese culture than muslims

Most of religions are shit (islam being the most garbage one). We don't need a bunch of retards following fantasy books judge what's moral and what's not. We have sophisticated laws to tell what's wrong and what's good, that actually evolve with the society and adapt to latest research and progress .

No you stupid faggot, these people aren't even muslim. they're Indian Sikhs

Piss upon islam. Allah can eat my shit

Not happening.
S.A's dick is stuck in that tight trump ass.
It can only get more gay.


not all of them are, but too many of them are to safely live among them, thus they have to be banned.


They won't have to be, if they keep acting up the way they are then we'll just get fed up and start killing them. They'll have to run back to sandniggerstan just to be safe from us.

nobody bothered to check OP's pic, you're all fucking retarded

You just described genocide
If were gonna try a second time we better win the next war
Deus vult

NK is a threat to Israel.

its not up to you what a person wants to believe facist.
Only harmfull garbage religions have no right to exist.

>next war
>deus vult
Oh god..

I think we should gather them up and make them live in Antarctica. That way everyone is safe. Scientists can use them for experiments, no questions asked.


Say's the Muslims terrorist sympathizer.

No need to ban all Muslims, we should ban all terrorists. Problem solved.

I'm not saying religions should be forbidden. Just: forbidden to child (like porn) and forbidden in public places (like cigarettes)

This is doable. Easy peasy. Must concern ALL religions to be accepted.

The argument is
>No they are nice, look at every other muslim.

If they generally all wanted death and destruction on the rest of us, we'd already be dead.

Grow up. If I mowed down a crowd with a van in the name of Michael Jackson that wouldn't make him a evil icon or the rest of music lovers nuts like me.

The question still remains. It doesn't matter that it's a picture of sikhs.

>Muslims are brown
95% are
beards are mandatory in Islam


Those are all Sikhs you fucking morons.

what does Ashima have to do with this lol. Shes literally the strongest female climber in the world a

Strongly agree!

NK does not actively go against western countries. They just stay in their shithole attentionwhoring every now and then

>Also sihks are not a race
So u saying muslims are a race?
Kek, how stupid can u be?

Yes they look like seiks. Probably had an illegal taxi ring going on.

Yea yeah..
Second crusades.

NK is a threat to itself if they pass a thin line attacking any of its surrounding countries.

thats mopping while the water keeps running.
Like curing only half the disease, patient still dies.


Who gives a fuck about ops pic? His question was straightforward and easy to understand. Do you need pics to help explain things?


Muslims are yellow and beards are favored but not enforced.

They all look the same
The only identifiable traits in muslim countries are hairstyles so the assumption that we'd distinguish the religion while they share much of their inherited genetics is kind of stupid.
Maybe they are Muslim's in a hurry
Don't be bigoted


Exactly. If you're a guest in someone else's country, you adapt to their culture, not the other way around.

if there would be daily terror strikes all over the world out of the name of michaek jackson, then yes he would be an icon of evil.

One terror strike doent cut it, islam is rotten to the core and must be destroyed.

They won't attack russia that is for sure.
If only the U.S can fuck off.


never said muslims are a race, you are the one who implied race where it doesnt apply you dickweed.

McVeigh wasn't Christian

no, kill them all instead

When your /thread doesn't work first time don't try it again, if you're done then leave. Nobody gives a fuck about your /thread.


U dumb? If u can't recognise the turban, then at least look at the names. Dipshit

and from ex Soviet Union too!

But there isn't daily muslim strikes either.

I can support this to a degree, it's true that there are too many in the muslim religion. And posing a ban on all of them might get them to resolve the terrorism spawn internally, it can go two ways. Either the terrorists manage to take over the whole country and region or it'll die there. Problem with it taking over the country is that now they'll look for other targets in the western world and do greater damage than it would being choked by western armies.

Most of them are barbaric savages at the very least.

Yeah try to make up excuses for ur incompetence, moron

I think next place these fuckers are gonna act up is in Canada. They'll pick one of the big cities so I'm safe.

WHY is the capcha always bridges?

here you go mr ignorant fucker.

It's true watches at $ 0?

We just need to tag them like the Jews in WW2

shut up faggot, nobody wants your watches

thats why we ban them and keep bombing them.
only way to stop them from taking over and striking us.

>Physically not possible to do, nor in a single country.
That is insanely retarded. Japan is doing it with MINIMAL effort.

This is so perfect.
They eitheir don't know the difference between Sikhs and muslims (sikhs fucking hate muslims) when they are the ones who claim to be so much for diversity, or they are intentionally lying to push thier political agenda.

It's true! The watch is completely free!! Damn the postal service for giving me a bill of $100 on just the delivery... But the watch is free at least!

They won't attack Russia because they know that Russia would glass their entire country and there's nobody to stop them.

Lol, try with a source that isn't one giant lie and people might beleive you're sane.

you are full of shit, what line did i write that implied that muslims are a race, not a single line, go fuck yourself you lying douche.