Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): Natalie & Michelle
Veto: Paul
HoH Nominations: Paul/Vic
Most likely going home: Vic is leaving
Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): Natalie & Michelle
Veto: Paul
HoH Nominations: Paul/Vic
Most likely going home: Vic is leaving
Ian give us a list of your top 5 BB qts of all time
first for /our boy/ COREY
man liz was a hottie
how did Steve resist dragging her into the 'safari' room for so long?
If only frank was there to give dat ass a slap
rip Vic
Fair enough.
I mainly lurk and it's 3am here, but while I've got you who do you think / hope would get back in a jury buy-back?
Also over here Frankie Grande from bb16 is on our show and has gotten to the final 8, netting a solid alliance with Aubrey O'Day and a Mob Wife. Opinions?
Donny was the original Devinposter
Why does the UK like Frankie Grande?
I don't like Frankie personally, but he's a really good player. Probably would have won if the reset button didn't exist.
Needed to fill the roster with a gay under the age of 50.
We wouldn't have known of him if not for BB16 since Ariana Grande isn't popular enough for people to start learning her relations
>Nat/James hope Nicole goes up so James can say he would have voted out Corey, but he's not voting out Nicole over Victor.
are they going to blindside meech with this?
fucking classic
Lol sound like it
>Sun 7:16 PM BBT Jatalie decide to assure Mich that they will vote out whomever Mich puts up and encourage Mich to put up Nicole.
>select all palm trees
>selected all store fronts
so Z would be the worst juror to return next thrusday?
Least entertaining
Da'Vonne would be worst. Zakiyah will probably be shit but she might be better without Paulie there. Also Zakiyah is objectively the hottest girl in the jury house and we might see her boobs again.
and now paul is telling victor to not give meech any info cause she will take it back to them
she is literally in the dark on both sides and getting manipulated so hard.. haha and she thinks shes a player
Jury buy back entertainment ratings
1. Victor
2. Paulie
3. Day
4. Bridgette
5. Lisa
I still want Bridgette to come back
Hey Ian pls vote
I'd kill to have Reddit as my ally.
If you include her in things and make her feel safe, she'll do whatever you want her to do gamewise.
I would have already clipped her at this point though because she's also a loose canon if you don't do those thigns
This is now
michelle could have eliminated nicole or corey this week but shes too retarded to put one of them up on the block so now shes fucked not only vic but herself as well. ian your girlfriend is shit please open your eyes before its too late
She'll also blow you
hnnngggghh dat keesh
She's hot but she's no Angie
She is going to put one of the after Paul won veto, it just doesn't matter cause James is going to backdoor Victor.
thats a blindside, not a backdoor.
no they are going to have real gay sex. COREY is going to watch.
And probably have no idea what's going on. I'd be surprised if he could wrap his mind around what normal sex is, nevermind gay sex.
You know who I hate? Adam Poch from BB13. Fuck that guy.
what's so bad about adam?
Corey is too pure for lewd things like that. He just wants to celebrate Christmas with his bros.
He was a walking meme machine who did fucking nothing all summer and thought he was a master of the game.
What the fuck is going on there
birdy shot
victor the mother robin feeds his young corey.
do you think he likes bronte?
Based /fit/ 5 steps ahead of everyone
the weak should fear the strong
>post your face on twin tuesday
natalie thinks you're cute Ian
She also thinks James is cute
Derrick is such an arrogant fame whore now.
Like half of the people who go on Big Brother try to turn it into famewhordom. Derrick is just better at it than most.
The best famewhore was chicken george dressed up in a chicken suit going to the cbs morning show when they did it outside.
When I google "Big Brother" the first 3 cast members to show up are Frankie, Rachel, and Nicole if that means anything
haha that slowed nicole voice spilling her drink
good edit
>that pic of Devin
I want to fugg amber
>James: There's no Jury Buybabck
Caleb, you're married now
bb16 was pretty popular huh?
even though it was boring as shit.
It's because it had one of the best casts.
i saw him at a train station once vaping. didnt even bother telling him i knew who he was
If you Google the date it'll tell you the most recent one also
holy shit no wonder natalie is single
>why are they being so paranoid its not like im about to backstab them again this week
>Paul virtue signaling
>"There's no jury buyback, they're just trying to scare us... Do the math." -James
big brother on one screen
car chase on the other
such is the life
thats weird i thought i quoted
They've said that even if there is one they still have to take the shot at Vic
Reminder Paul didn't graduate from pepperjew
>tfw every time i post in the wrong thread by accident I immediately exit the tab and leave Sup Forums for a while
Those threads don't matter anyway
>Paul transferred into pepperdine at age 21
>he didn't graduate from there
So he was there a few weeks
I went to a school ranked in the 90s and my dad owns a private plane. Paul went to one in the 50s for a few weeks and won't shut up about it and he is about to lose a reality show and is a manlet
I feel good
ok world filtering keesha and name
Attention where?
Paul's degree is from Los Angeles Pierce college.
He transferred to pepperdine at age 21.
He left after one semester.
Yeah, it was kind of funny at first but now it's getting repetitive.
Los Angeles Pierce college?
all that money and he couldn't even finish getting a top tier education??
anyway is pepperdine even that big of a deal, my school is ranked like 30+ spots ahead of it.
James is actually a cute. Ian? meh
Pierce college is a community college btw
Why does everyone hate Paul suddenly
That's my motherfucking boy
they have been walking around that naasty house barefeet and now they are dragging them all over the bed and nat is worried someone might have had sex on the bed
we have hated him all season
>dad owns a private plane
getting your license?
I did a few introductory classes but that shit is too pricey now-a-days
>Nicole flipping out at this Corey story