Slovakian police shoots at rapefugees at Hungarian border.

Holy fucking shit.

This is it. Enough is enough.

I am petitioning for Czechia to invade Slovakia ASAP.

I will no longer sit idly by while these racist pieces of shit hurt innocent people. It would even be better if we killed every single racist Slovak PoS and replaced them with refugees fleeing war.


Felvidék* ;^)

Apparently the boarder control near Hungarian boarder wanted to do a usual check of suspicious vehicle. The vehicle started speeding through the boarder, wanted to "scare off" the boarder patrol.
They started to shoot at the tires of the speeding vehicle, trying to make it stop. One bullet went through and hit some syrian woman in the back
> tfw she was immediately taken to hospital, went through the operation and was released along with two others who were suffering from "dehydration"




This is not a laughing matter.

You can shove your excuses up your ass. I'm sick and tired of your racist bullshit, Slovak scum.

Dobře Pepiku.

Salty cseh

>an interview with a slovak

We're getting mixed signals here Šlomo

I have no idea what you mean by that, dumb Slovak Čobole taking care of the elderly's farts in Austria.

You seem upset.

v4 does it again

Good job!
I hope we can fight back-to-back!

What's so impressive about it? That's just 162 days.

Bah, it's nothing. Call me when slovaks start killing mudslime and I'll buy a ticket to Bratislava.

Shouldn't they have taken 45 minutes to secure the scene? Anything less seems amateur.

Wait a minute. Arent you that woman from few threads ago which despises moravians? Also, good luck with your petition, im sure majority of people will sign it...

God bless my based motherland

Fucking racists

Finally a fellow Western poster.


fuck off ahmed

god bless slovakia
Also Pressburg is beautiful as fuck

Wow it's 2016 you fucking nazis. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Juro čo robíš v Austrálii?


It's obviously a troll.

All you do is change the song options so it starts 1 second before the end, then put it on repeat and leave it on mute in your background. 60 plays a minute.

They should let her die fucking slovaks

>"let her die fucking slovaks"
>advocating gang raping her to death
Typical Slovak animal.

We should let Slovaks fucking die.

Who would rape that filthy bitch lôl

iam 100% sure some western no border shitface try again smugle fukin imigrants. few weeks ago we arrest british idiots who try to do the same.

its not fuck Pressburg worst city in Slovakia

When we shoot at the migrants we actually kill them. Weak!

They just wanted to help them!

So, question:
Would it be better or worse for us if we replaced our gypsies with migrants? 1 to 1

depend the migrants if they chinese or vietnamese or any other south east asian i gladly but muslims fuck no.

Seriously speaking, better. Or did Gypsies ever achieved anything?

Nicely done.