Do you feed youe falcon?
Do you feed youe falcon?
Remember to make this one a funny one guys.
I'll be capping this..
No. They jacked up the prices
What do I do if my theater doesn't allow me to buy the standard 35kg anvil and I have to bring my own?
Speak to the manager. They have obligated to sell you those anvils
>My falcon refuses to eat the designated Falcon Chow at my local kinoplex
What do I do guys? The theater is very strict about outside food and while there aren't any signs about a no singles policy I went there early last week to meet my friends for Suicide Squad and all of the employees laughed at me until they showed up.
I've been holding back lately on the anvils, have you seen those sales prices?
is that like morse code
or Braile?
Is it your personal falcon?
Yeah. Come to think of it he might just not like the theater. I tried to give him some pepsi the last time I went but he just started shrieking even though he drinks it all the time when we're home.
If I tell them that my falcon is my sexual partner can I get around the no singles policy?
You know there is a rumor that the theater put falcon replant in some food items so that way you're forced to pay extra for the premium stuff.
i finally convinced my mom to go with me and she had to help me pass penis inspection but then i accidentally fed my falcon some crab legs and halfway through suicide squad he shit all over the place so im banned for at least 2 months.
the worst part is that the date was ruined and i didnt get laid, it totally crashed the GBP market
>dance intermission
>no dance partner
>hide in shower room for the rest of the movie
>That'll be three crab tokens, plus tip
>You remembered to earn tokens for the movie, right, sir?
I'm surprised they allowed your mom through. They usually have a strict no relatives to pass no singles policy unless its family of 3
>tfw my falcon gets feisty during dance intermissions
>35kg standard
Where the fuck do you live? 90kg is standard. You have been getting ripped off. 35kg is basically a toy.
she told me to play it off like we were a couple so we had to tongue kiss a few times to throw them off our trail
the entire ordeal cost me all of my GBP, i am in extreme recession right now
Your mom is a tropper. Isn't there a way to get unbaned by doing favors?
Nice forced meme
>local kino shooter starts blasting during dance intermission
>look for my falcon, already knows the drill
>have to weave and duck up the rows around bodies and buckets of crab legs
>chuckle to myself as I make to the exit 'not this time friendo'
Robert would like a word with (you)
this has been a thing for at least 4 years now.
How new are you?
Speaking of which, how's Robert been? Heard he owns his own theater now
Where's the line to buy polish for my anvil?
>get random penis inspection at the second security checkpoint gate
>wearing diapers to avoid paying for bathroom tokens
>get 2 weeks as xray TSA(theater security agent) instead of pits
>this fucking EPIC thread
AHAHAHHAHA hah my sides r in orbit xD this is why I come here :) never change TV never change :)
>spamming the same thing over and over for 4 years isn't forcing it
How underage are you?
Unfunny forced memes.
>tfw the new cinema policy means I can't bring my lathe in to the theatre
how is a guy supposed to get any work done?
Hey I don't get this meme someone explain it
He has a bevy of babes to back him up now too.
I'm the shooter at my local theater and people like you fucking make me sick. I bet you threw your 'za all over the floor and expect the ushers to clean it up like they're your parents too.
Holy shit this thread is just 2 funny :)
Please include me in the screenshot O:-)
Have you tried hiding it inside of your AR-15?
i believe so but it was a lot of falcon shit
i mean A LOT of falcon shit. A LOT
also due to the recent GBP market crash i can no longer afford a trip there to attempt to barter some kind of arrangement.
me and my falcon have been living off of some tendies i had hidden away for such a crisis, but i fear he may starve.
More unfunny forced memes.
It's a meme for redditors.
I have the best theatre tbhfam
>no single's policy isn't enforced, security doesn't really care
>they serve free-range crab
>complimentary anvils with every medium popcorn
>everyone gets a free gummy after the movie
I don't care I want it explained all the same
The cuckold king
the AR-15s have been banned. We can only bring machetes and pipe bombs in to viewings now.
>good boy points
We get it, you go on Sup Forums.
Imagine being this unfunny and trying this hard.
>dramatic car chase scene
>theater goes silent
>scene ends
Yo reddit.
Sounds like you need to find a new cinema. where do you live Great Britain? I heard you guys use designated terrorist instead of shooters. Is that true?
>tfw kicked out of the theater for failing to answer the sphinxes riddle
>practice for moths
>different song is used for dance intermission
is there a worst feeling bros?
Bring your own, faggot.
More unfunny forced memes.
>Movie ticket: $15.00
>Singles Penalty: $5.99
>Crab Legs: $25.70
>Large Coke: $9.99
>Seat Extender: $15.90
With the 25% tip he was getting $34.44 per customer. On top of his hourly wage.
hey it must be confusing coming from reddit
Thanks dad
Hi rrreddit
No Sweden. We have designated bulls now because terrorists were considered to be "based on offensive stereotypes."
>go to cinema
>find a seat in the middle
>sit down and smell a horrid stench
>look around and see this giant poop on the chair beside me
>people start filling up around me
>wanting to move seat but too awkward to do so
>movie starts
>"mum, what's that smell?"
>"the man infront of us pooped himself. just hold out and I'll get you some ice cream later"
>wanting to inform her and the kid that they are mistaken, but I want to see the movie
>eventually more and more people complain and gives me disgusted looks
>some even threw their food at me
>I'm so mad at this point
>I grab the foot long turd and hold it up
>people all around turns their head in my direction
>someone yells "Watch out, a gun"
>a spotlight turns on the istant the gun was mentioned
>sniper misses me and hits the poop making it explode all over me
>guys in hazmat suits comes in and carries me out
You realize most of the people that work there are doing involuntarily labor right? The tip goes straight to the owner.
>We get it, you go on Sup Forums.
what? im on sheekyforums
>this shit reddit thread is still up
More unfunny meme-kids from reddit
seem to be lost redditors
>passport, driving licence, kino pass and medical records all in order
>bank approved small business loan for small popcorn + tip
>in line to buy ticket
>Theatre militia approach me
>"Sir are you here alone?"
>Oh shit
>Try to brush them off by showing my marriage licence
>It's not working
>Assigned crank duty on the projecomatron
le sigh
>tfw you rent out a movie partner from the Cinema Buddies stand and she gets all mad after you pop a boner when she's washing your back in the shower
i mean what did she EXPECT to happen?
What's the difference between a forced meme and a meme?
All memes are forced
>theater's conveyor belts are turned up to high
>miss the last 10 minuets of the movie
time, mostly.
More unfunny meme-forcing redditors.
that's deep bro, as deep as my peenus weeanus of course my peenus weenus, ha ha get it? get it, more like reddit
yo reddit
Authentic memes have heart and souls and say something about what it means to be human.
Forced Sup Forumseddit memes are unfunny lol so random inauthentic video game shit
Not necessarily true. Some memes are jokes, or funny observations or lampoons of something that hit a nerve with a lot of the initial viewers who choose to specifically share it with other people. While the genesis of that meme is intentional, its memetic transmission is what we might call organic.
A forced meme, on the other hand, is usually spammed publicly and mercilessly either by its progenitor or by somebody who latched onto it for some specific reason. The intent and mechanism that leads to the propagation of this meme makes it forced.
kill your life fagass
This is a meta-meme. It's tongue and cheek making fun of all the shitty memes.
But a forced meme is a meme or else it wouldn't be forced
>mom drops me off at the cinema
>didn't rent out a luggage cart so i'm carrying around my suitcase, sleeping bag, and pillows by hand
>nobody will tell me where the dorms are
>end up having to take all my stuff with me into the kino room
>almost get kicked out for hogging up so much space
>owner says he won't write me a letter of recommendation if i ever want to try another cinema
>le good memes have art and soul
Nope. All memes are forced to no end
back in 2013, I posted 136 lel threads on Sup Forums over a 6 hour period of time
Kill yourselves, Sup Forumseddit
i miss when Sup Forums wasnt just a subreddit full of general threads
Wtf is this shit? That's why I don't go out anymore
You seem to know a lot about reddit.
why do you even come here then famalam?
>I don't understand how memes are made
It shows man. Go to reddit for your own good. Maybe r/Sup Forums will help you
We get it, you go on Sup Forums, where it's cool to roleplay as a black person.
indeed, 2011-2012 Sup Forums was the most fun I have had on the internet
ralph ralph spamming jim carrey used to bring to me to tears everytime
the hot pockets hated him so much i just imagined their unbridled rage every time he posted
You think you're so tough? I almost ended up on sex offender registry in 2010 for getting into an ex's ex-boyfriend's Facebook profile and making his profile picture goatse and spamming links to Thai ladyboy sites on his wall.
No one cares, fag. Shut the fuck up.
>bought straight ticket
>usher sits me in the gay section
Two bites from this day old pizza sitting next to me says you can't make me. :^)
wow rude
how would you almost get on a list?