Why did Batman laugh at the end? Is that joke just going over my head? Or do I get it and it's just not that funny?

Why did Batman laugh at the end? Is that joke just going over my head? Or do I get it and it's just not that funny?

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he's laughing at the poor production values.

It was a pretty funny joke desu

He was laughing at the fact people actually watched the movie

Read the comic.

No, seriously, read the comic, since the answer is in Bolland's art and paneling structure on the final page.

If get the the comic, even the fucked up DHC, you'll also be able to read Bolland's back-up, which is a more interesting narrative concept that is also better executed than Moore's long distance call of a script.

underrated tbqh


Bought this on Blu-Ray for £15 (it came with a cool Joker figurine so I don't feel like I've wasted THAT much money) but still... the film was utterly disappointing. That bat sex scene was so out of place and felt like some fan fiction weeb shit.

>That bat sex scene was so out of place and felt like some fan fiction weeb shit.
That's because it was

He kills the Joker.

What the fuck, that joke was actually good. You just don't have a sense of humor I guess?

Because it was a good joke and metaphor.
They're both so crazy they don't get that you can't walk across the lighbeam

I pirated it and it didnt come with a shitty toy figure. All i wasted was my time.

they are both crazy and beyond help, they are the crazies in the joke and Batman just realized that

Matter is composed of atoms, ions or molecules and it is light’s interaction with matter which gives rise to the various phenomena which can help us understand the nature of matter. The atoms, ions or molecules have defined energy levels usually associated with energy levels that electrons in the matter can hold. Light can be generated by the matter or a photon of light can interact with the energy levels in a number of ways.

You can't actually walk on light.

? Then what were they laughing at?

The joke

OP here, These all make sense, the both being crazy and beyond help making the most sense. That being said, if that joke were told out of context I just assumed that the punch line was "What are you, crazy?" because they were both escaping a psych ward.. Which isn't that funny, but in context it is funny because The Joker's jokes blow dogs for quarters.

Nope, Barbara is known to be turned sexy during her adventures as crime fighter, that what was it for her, pure sex. And Joker took it from her.

The movie forgets one of the most important details in that scene from the comic the headlights from the cars form a beam of light between the Joker and Batman in the puddles

Dem animated tits tho bro, I fell in love.



And what does that imply?


GO READ THE FUCKING COMIC. You'll understand better.

It was a funny joke.

Batman raped the Joker because the Joker raped Barbara.

he was laughing at all the people he's let die by refusing to kill the joker

even within the context of the movie, having sex with batgirl makes zero sense.

I think The Killing Joke was too hyped for me when I finally read it.

The presentation was top tier but I felt the actual content was lacking. Hell, even the writer was talking shit about it in the prologue.

Ended up mailing it to my dad for his birthday, since he's a mega capeshit guy.

Because he understood that Joker's joke was literally the deepest thing ever written in a comic book while also being structured as a legitimately funny joke with a good set up and punch line.

So youre saying hes Tyler Durden?

because they both screwed barbara

Holy fucking shit you're all retarded, the joke was that although Batman said he wanted to help Joker, he'd just turn the flashlight off half way (just like in the joke) to fuck him over, he laughed because the joke was true and he knew that the only way this was ever going to end is if he killed Joker, and that's what he did right then and there, that's why you stop hearing Joker's laugh as the camera pans away, he's choking him.

>Holy fucking shit you're all retarded
>proceeds to spout literally the most retarded post in this thread

Please follow this diagram.

for the mentally challenged, here's Grant Morrison explaining it in simplest of terms.


i'm sorry alan moore books are too hard for you. post more memes though.

wtf my hand snapped and is emitting mustard gas

Wait, bruce fucked barbara? Even in the comics?

>Gordon says he wants Joker brought in by the book
>Batman points out that the Joker's plan has failed and that normal people don't break
>lol nah Batman just kills the Joker because whatever
This is how retarded BATMAN KILLS JOKER fags actually sound.

Now I wish Joker and Batman turned to the audience and called them stupid while laughing

>lol nah Batman just kills the Joker because whatever

like you still don't get it, the Joke made it clear that there was not cure for either of them, they were going to have to kill eachother.

A woman on Sup Forums everyone. Point and laugh.

This is the right comment right here.

The joke is about 10 metaphors rolled into one.

Dumping some quality discussion on this:

Batman had the choice to either end their cycle of cat and mouse by killing the Joker or continuing it by "doing it by the book". Understanding the joke and what it meant was very important in coming to my conclusion that Batman did NOT kill the Joker and instead took him back to Arkham asylum.
I was trying to understand how the joke made Batman laugh when I should have been looking at why it made them both laugh. They both believe themselves to be the liberators in their struggle against one another. This is why they both laugh at the joke, they both come to this understanding in the brief few seconds that they have before the police turn up and Batman hands the Joker over to the authorities.

They both believe themselves to be the person who jumps first in the joke, shining their light back onto the other person. The Jokers light represents him trying to show Batman his "higher" level of thinking, he is trying to coax him into following him on his path of insanity. Batman's light is his helping hand, he wants to help the Joker by helping him into his level of thinking, the real world. Neither person follows the other persons light, not because they don't want to get to where the other person is but because they are so devoted to shining their own 'light' that they don't see that they are both trying to play the same role in the joke.

They both realise the irony of the joke and share an understanding that they cannot change the other person no matter what they do. This is what I believe makes the pair of them laugh, the realisation of it all hitting them in an instant. All of the fighting and pain and loss that they have suffered whilst being rivals means nothing because neither of them will ever change, it was all for nothing.

They laugh about this whilst a police car pulls alongside them both and then the moment that they both shared laughing at their own misfortune ends when they both come back to reality. Batman has the choice to either end their cycle by killing the Joker or continuing it by "doing it by the book".. Instead Batman breaks the cycle completely. I think this is shown quite blatantly in the second to last panel where the headlight from the police car shuts off. This is quite literally Batman shutting off his light to the Joker for good, he will still oppose him and stop him from doing things he shouldn't be doing but he won't be giving him that lifeline that he once gave him, the benefit of the doubt that he gave the Joker in hopes that he might one day be able to redeem him from his insanity and bring him back into the 'real' world.

He doesn't have his 'one bad day', he simply stops trying to help the Joker who he realises now is beyond help from anyone. I think the Joker knows that Batman realises this and that is why he is laughing so much. Batman turns the Joker over to authorities and then then final panel is back in Arkham Asylum, where the killing joke began.

I 10/10 recommend to anyone who hasn't read this to read it as soon as you possibly can. It was fucking dope and made a guy who got a C in English in his highschool exams want to write out something like this to show how much he liked it. This was all my opinion and you can look at the ending however you want to, I just thought my way was quite an interesting take on focusing on the actual joke rather than what is going on in the panels.


I'm of the belief that Batman killed the Joker. Though I've never heard someone describe the light as blood.
Of course, the last few panels are representing the joke, but really the whole scene here is the embodiment of it. Two lunatics. One is able to make the jump, the other is afraid to fall. The first offers help, the other refuses; but it's not because he realizes that it was a foolish offer (walking on a beam of light), but because he doesn't trust the man offering him help, afraid that he'll betray him.

The Joker thinks Batman's offer isn't genuine. Batman realizes this and starts laughing. I think that in that moment, in those final panels, they understand each other more ever, and finally understand the other's point of view. Which is why Joker is silent and Batman is the one laughing! It's also why Batman may finally know what it takes to end their conflict permanently.

We see Batman grab the Joker. Some people believe this actually Batman reaching out to give him a hug, which might make sense in their moment of ultimate understanding, but I don't think so. The last three panels are focused on headlights of the cop car reflected in the puddle between Joker and Batman, just like a bridge of light. Batman, laughing wildly, reaches over the bridge and forces Joker across. Then the lights go out, the sirens, and the laughing, stop.

It's absolutely open to interpretation, and there is evidence to support either argument. But, I think it's called "The Killing Joke" for a reason.

No, try:

>Gordon says he wants Joker brought in by the book
>Batman points out that the Joker's plan has failed and that normal people like Gordon don't break
>Meanwhile Batman isn't a normal person like Gordon and had already been dwelling on how either he or the Joker would need to kill the other eventually
>The irony is Joker's plan worked, just not on the person he was targeting

It's the other reading where Batman doesn't kill him that doesn't make sense. The laughter at the end isn't supposed to come for free. Batman concedes the Joker's right about people like them being beyond help. He gets a laugh out of Batman as Batman kills him because Batman understands him completely. He's not killing the Joker out of anger, he's killing him because of their shared understanding it's what must be done, answering the original question he was dwelling on at the beginning of the comic. Having him just laugh at the Joker but then take him in by the books like Gordon wanted would make the story pointless.

The last few panels parallel the joke Joker tells. A beam of light between the two lunatics (Batman and Joker in this case). the last three panels show this, a beam of light then suddenly it's gone.
The other thing is that Batman is laughing. After all the things that's happened, Batman wouldn't find this funny. Unless he snapped and breaks his one rule. He's confronted his one bad day.
Also, Batman reaching across to the Joker looks like he's about to choke him and then the sudden silence as laughter and sirens fade away.

Ultimately, did Batman kill Joker or not is up to the reader. The Killing Joke was written as a one-shot and was never supposed to be a part of canon. But because it has been written in to canon (see Oracle) it's assumed that Joker isn't killed. But looking it as a stand alone like it was intended, the story is Bruce facing the Joker at the moment where their "relationship" boils over to the point of no return. What does Bruce do, does he kill the Joker like he warned him about earlier, or does he spare him and they play this game another day?

Even Batman's speech represents the the joke. Batman is the one getting away from the asylum (saying let's end this so we don't die) and gives the joker the opportunity (the beam of light) to join him. The joker, however, can't do it.

It never clicked until I read this yesterday that the Joker's joke at the end represents the 2 of them. Batman is the first inmate that gets across to the other roof, and Joker is the second inmate. Batman offers to help Joker get across, which is symbolic of Bats helping Joker get rehabilitated. But then Joker denies the help because he thinks Batman won't go all the way to help him. He thinks Bats will turn off the "flashlight", and will ultimately kill him.

If you go with the idea of Batman killing Joker at the end of the book, you could say Joker already knew he was going to die.

Plus the fact that the rehabilitation will never work. You can't walk across a beam of light.

I think you could also interpret it as the joker is the first inmate. The asylum is either Gotham, society, or their endless game. Joker made it over to the side of lunacy and killing years ago, but batman was afraid of falling, i.e. Becoming like the joker. Batman laughing at the end could be him symbolically coming over to the jokers side

I think Moore loves to leave these kinds of things open ended on purpose, it allows us to develop our own natural and internally perfect conclusion. If he confirmed one way, and that is against the way you read the situation, it would lessen the book.

Another good example of this is the end of Watchmen and whether or not Ozymiandas plan actually worked.

Personally I don't think that Batman killed the Joker and that Batman can laugh even without having killed. He finally breaks joker down, he gets him in his most humanized form and offers him help, and the Joker won't take it. "This reminds me of a joke..." the Joker says, providing the light beam metaphor and essentially telling Batman that he will never be saved (and I think Joker realises that batman will never break).

Realising that he will be locked in this battle forever, with no chance of an out, no clean solution, Batman laughs, Batman laughs hard. The light goes off, this will never end.

I'll also say that killing joke Joker is my favourite take on the character.

I LOVE the joke and how it represents the core of the character whilst also showing a serious level of intellect, it helps explain how he kept up with Batman all these years.

>I think Moore loves to leave these kinds of things open ended on purpose
The rape of Barbara Gordon is also one of these things.

oops wrong page, here is the last one with the lights.

It Didn't work not only Manhattan confirms this by saying "nothing ever ends"
You also have the journal

>You also have the journal
In the comic the intern passes over the journal. So whilst it exists, it may have been ignored.

Manhattan's "nothing ever ends" is more ominous, but as the character is leaving the planet to create life he could have been making a judgement call. He had just been hit by the tachyons which distort his temporal knowledge.

>decide to google search a paragraph
>literally find out this whole spiel is on leddit

holy shit fucking neck yourself.

>They laugh at the circumstances
>Joker gets taken away
>people think the vweeeeee siren is Batman still laughing

I really don't understand why peole think Batman killed Joker, unless that's just what they WANT to happen.

>but..but muh 1 bad day!

Batman's one bad day made him Batman, so Joker didn't *break* him, he was already broken.

>b.b.buh, muh lights fading!

It's the end of the scene. The headlights are the police car leaving. I guess Batman just murdered Joker in front of the car?

Compare that discussion to Sup Forums
Sup Forums literally didn't get the joke and was unable to explain to to OP or even discuss it. But please, take the piss out of reddit who not only understood it, but were able to form conclusions and discuss it.

>Be Mark Hamill
>Just want to end your perfect run of the Joker on this high note
>All this shit has to go bad around it
>DC giving almost no support because they're too busy ruining their iconic characters elsewhere.
>Add a bizarre story trying to plz Id pol's fags into thinking the rape scene isn't as bad as it is and it just triggers them even further.
>Get the art perfect in some scenes and strangely worse than the 60's cartoon in others.

Why couldn't they just tell the story and damn the people who criticize it. this was supposed to be a terrific send off and for what its worth Hamill and Conroy are as good as ever but fuck why.... It just hurts even more because you know it was someones passion project and the world had to JUST...

>people think the vweeeeee siren is Batman still laughing
>I really don't understand why peole think Batman killed Joker, unless that's just what they WANT to happen.
They interpret middle column/middle row as Batman grabbing the Joker in a confrontational manner and then in middle row/right hand column killing him. This is then mirrored in the final row with the light going out at the same time Batman would have killed him (right column). That's not how I see it, but that is a valid enough interpretation.

>Batman's one bad day made him Batman, so Joker didn't *break* him, he was already broken.
But the point the Joker makes earlier is that Batman is just as broken, he had something similiar happen and now he dresses up as a bat and goes out at night. Pic related. I also think "why aren't you laughing" was the best delivered line in the movie.

>Lights fading
I've seen people interpret it as bats throwing joker onto the car, which for me is a massive stretch. I think the final panel is purely metaphorical.

I think the movie was great, honestly. I can accept that the first half was setting up workable context for those not familiar with the characters and certain things had to be cut out to streamline it. You can't have dick in the movie because he isn't in TKJ, so you can't have dickbabs. Yet you still need to build up that the characters have relationships.

You were never going to get the perfection of the comic, this is one of the best one shots ever written, the bar is set to high.

In other news I have the nothing ends page from watchmen saved to.

>he links the memers
Sup Forums doesn't have to go in depth with something as simple as the ending of this comic because it's an user forum and threads are deleted in hours, OP is a dumbass and people explained it in simplest terms for him to understand, you obviously don't understand that because you've only been here for a summer, so would you kindly refer to pic related, have a good one, newfriend.

she's hot and he hasn't had a lay in forever
im surprised he didn't do it sooner

10+ memes to 3 on topic posts. Of those 3 posts 1 is a link to another website (oh no) and the other two miss the open endedness of the story.

>Sup Forums doesn't have to go in depth with something as simple as the ending of this comic
"I didn't get it so it must be too simple for me"

he obviously didn't kill him because there have been stories with oracle and joker in them...

The "Killing" joke. The joker told him a joke and then batman kills him

"Watchmen" You watch it, and there's some men in it.

>Batman grabs Joker
>They both laugh
>Joker's laughter fades
>Batman continues laughing

He killed him. Hence the name of the fucking story.

He acknowledges his own questionable sanity.

You're the joke

All i know about this movie is the absolute ass devastation at Batman fucking Barb's batpussy.

What does the title mean

Is I'm alone here who want it happened?

Maybe for a Clown at Midnight adaptation

No no no... That destroys the whole point. She must the Joker. She is.

>think all comics are a continuation of each other

why do you post when you don't know anything about comics?

Batman wanted Joker to die thinking they were pals laughing together