It's flat. This plane, this realm were on is flat

It's flat. This plane, this realm were on is flat.
For sure it's not a globe planet.
Inb4 ur not going high enough.
Fuck that the shit. It's high enough to show that there is no curvature.
Nasa stands for never a straight answer

Other urls found in this thread:

Bump want to know more

its okay, you wont get burned at the stake for voicing your true belief that the world is a sphere.


Keep posting you almost fooled yourself

>ITT: Retardation

How high up is that?

I think OP needs glasses


Here's the official picture.

Oh ur so smart

you lot can thx me later
>Snap Teens .net

OP you are an idiot and a faggot. I dont care if you actually believe this, or youre trolling. You are an idiot and a faggot.

23.6 KM

“Say among the heathen(you) that the LORD reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people righteously.”
Psalms 96:10 kjv

Fake news

whats up with the thumbnail

Chronicles 16:30
Fear before him, all of earth: the world also shall be stable, that it be not moved.

Psalm 93.1
The Lord reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the Lord is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath gired himself: the world is stablished, that it cannot be moved.

Um, you won't see the curve no matter how high you go. The horizon, no matter which direction you look, always falls away from the viewer. You would only see a curve on the horizon if you were staring down a cylinder.

"Gotta go fast"
Sanik 24/7

Trump is just another puppet ppl.
U really think he is great and cares

Fisher lens accentuate the curve (see the thread on the side).

Still a globe as backed up by science all these years. Let's all stop being retards shall we ?

I dunno
I did not intend for that.
Powers that be don't like what I'm saying I guess.

Hitler had the right idea, just the wrong execution. Instead of rounding up the jews we should just round up all the idiots and fucking gas them.

How does the sun disappear completely from view if the Earth is just a flat disk?

So If the earth is flat is the other planets flat too? The moon the sun? Mars? lol. Why would earth be the only flat one. People who think the earth is flat are fuckin stupid.

You're using Bible quotes to support your argument? You have even less credibility in my eyes than you started with, fag.

All you need to prove the earth is a globe is a hole in the ground.

Dude we can't even moon.
Why does nasa keep talking about we gonna mars it fam hurrr durr hurrr


Wait.... People really believe this?



Pic related, op

Official top dawg nasa answer

your point?

I feel like people that buy into flat Earth just don't comprehend gravity. Their provincial perception that 'gravity is down' blinds them to the reality that there is no 'down' in space.

>this realm WERE on
Yep, your retarded

Circumnavigate both Arctic and Antarctic circles. If Earth is flat, the Antarctic Cirlce should be many many times larger than the Arctic. It isn't. They are about the same size. I hear the Flat Earthers are willing to make an expedition to Antarctica to make their case that it is a wall of ice around the rim of the Earth. When they get there, they'll find it be a continent that you can sail around completely and end up where you started. They can then make distance measurements, as well as magnetic compass readings for bearing, and have their conspiracy nut crackpot hypothesis blown out of the water.

This is y ppl don't buy into gravity

All celestial objects are naturally round if they have a gravitational factor. Since thats how the surface forms you medieval-thinking peasant

U can't go to Antarctica dumbass
Nice try tho

Pic not related. Im mobile and was going start a "stop that nigger" thread.... But couldn't resist giving a foolproof method of disproving flat Earth.

Pic related

Op's a little too high. Fuck what I saying? Idk

*am I

See, there's no motive there.


...okay, why? Why would he do that?

*am I

Ok wtf is happening

Yeah you can. My Grandmother has been there... As a civilian tourist. You can go to soecific parts, apparently. Im also not saying Flat Earth crackpots need to be on land. They need only sail around it and watch their compass poit toward land. If Earth is like a rong magnet, that should be impossible. The distance travelled along the anarctic circle's latitude is also proof Earth is a spheroid. You can't fake either one of those.

This is an excellent example of this: Nigga brings a level onto a plane expecting what, that the bubble's gonna gradually move over the course of the flight so that it's not level anymore when he gets wherever he's going? Clearly does not understand how gravity works or what a level actually tells you.

>made up

Pretty sure "they" dont call it dark energy either, whoever "they" are, you fucking idiot

The old hair spray trick that NASA did to show real zero gravity irl
It's obvious it's so fake but ppl will still believe in nasa. For what reason Idk.
I'm not saying listen to me but damn ppl so obvious nasa get a caught up all the time.
Are u really comfy living in lies??

>fucking kek'd

You are simply a fag. All of these made up things are not made up, they are scientifically proven, calculated. Greetings from a senior engineer (Not from the US, from an eastern European country. Engineers from the west can't even calculate.)


build a foucalt pendulum
thread is useless

You seem to be.

>no curvature
>clearly has a curve to it.

They would be CERN and also powers that be.
Come on. Don't Give me that b.s.
Of course dark matter or energy or w.e. lies they come up with next will be on the television aka tell a vision.
To tell u want they want u to know.
to program u via tv program

"Say thee, OP is't truest faggot" Psalms 69:$10 notjk

Actually there is one of those pendulums in my school which turn with the earth. That shit have a 80 meters long rope and huge weight. They let it fly every year to prove that the earth is round.

so the earth is a ROTATING disc, so what?

>does not show the entire planet

Bleach time faggot

Not sure if troll or fag

>aka tell a vision


Actually, Gravity is space holding you down, not inertia. Mass warps space. The more mass, the greater the warp. It happens that Earth's acceleration due to gravity generated by the degree by which space is warped and pulled toward the planet is 9.8 metres per second squared. We have correct math that supports this. Flat Earth has no such math, only convoluted select equations while willfully ignotlring anything that doesn't support their theory.

Also when this one FES asshole said he can see people across a 28 mile stretch of water and thus doesn't believe in round earth, his math was wrong.

Get over it. Earth is not special. It is just another spheroid rock among billions in an insignicant galaxy in a nondescript corner of the universe.


why hasnt the earth collapsed into a sphear?

>Nasa stands for never a straight answer
>television aka tell a vision

Why do these nutjobs always have these
weird catchphrases? is it to intise less critially minded people who
are impressed by that sort of thing?

Incidentally, most Flat Earth assholes seem to be black... At least the ones I have heard about.

How is that funny? Do u not see what they do to u with that thing

you can see the curvature right there, are you retarded?



all of them on instagram.

Here it is. Cern and the big bad dark energy. Ur just gonna act like ur superior and I'm dumb but here it is

Fucking where? It's the same height of the iss and u go on utube. Live feed of iss and hot damn u really see that fucking curvature

A million dollars youre wearing a tinfoil hat right now

Wow. I guess tin foil hats are making a comeback. Not sure how Id make good fashion with one. It gets funnier. These crackpots think that the burden of proof is on the Round Earthers when the general consensus of the world believes it to be round. If you are saying something contrary to this consensus, then the burden of proof is on the doubter.

Burden of proof being on the believer only applies to unprovable matters of faith when used against secularism. In science, if you doubt the mainstream, you have to qualify your theory.

no curvature there

Well if you read it on the Internet it has to be true.


You realize they are talking about coffee right?

Just meme ur way out like every fuck tard does. Every one else will join and U'll be the cool one.


I think it's the opposite. There's so much curvature that we have to be living in the inner earth.

Yep there it is. Like I said it would.

Forty Keks

ok kid...

>Fuck that the shit. It's high enough to show that there is no curvature.
If you can't see the curvature, you haven't gone high enough.

This video proves the earth is flat. Faggots

someone remind me how the light from the sun and moon work on a flat disc?

oh I'm plenty high already

>this many people taking the bait

Y don't u just stop and research it for like 10 minutes and read genesis too.
Says it right there.
Does anyone ever really read the bible.
It freaking talks about it.
Look up stuff u don't understand geez.
Lazy motherfuckers

>not shitposting in troll threads

They are emboldened by a President who considers tabloid journalism (Breitbart) to be real news.... Lol. The New Right is all about conspiracy theories when the standard conspiracy theories actually play into the hands of the true conspiracy: a return to feudalism.

Simple as this: you get indoctrinated into thinking the government is too big, is tyrannical, lies to you, and stifles individual freedom and economic success. Believe this so far? If so, then you're victim. These things are only a half truth due to corporate corruption. But, you are meant to think they are completely true so that you will support wholeheartedly the destruction of any and all populist barriers to corporate ownership of the nation. We aren't quite a corporatocracy yet, but if government gets too small, we will be almost overnight.

Competition will work only temporarily until unmitigated and unregulated merger and acquisition reduces all competition down to one company per industry. Then these companies collaborate and merge to form a new crntrakised government run by private owners who own the land and personal rights won't exist. Only property rights. Welcome back to feudalism/monarchy/ oligarchic aristocracy.... And you conspiracy nuts are making it more of a reality.

How does the earths curvature causes moon phases like nasa says.
If the sun sits and were spinning well wouldn't the light just hit the moon at all times and it'll be completely lit?