What is his f*cking problem?

What is his f*cking problem?

He's Asian

He makes youtube kino
His fans are retards
This frustrates him
He makes more shock schlock to drive them away

He's not even authentic.

He literally plays a character and transforms into a completely different guy in his reddit AMAs. It's pretty pathetic.

He's what happens when a white and a chink have a baby

HAPA Autism.

Melonpan is funnier.

He's from japan, just retards and degenerates come from that place.... nuke all the japs

He's not very funny anymore, or I've outgrown him


he is eric andre's counterpart

eric andre = more surreal than grotesque
filthy frank = more grotesque than surreal

Fuck off nerd!!

So it's like he's... Acting?

How awful! Everyone knows you need a TeeVee Show (tm) to pretend to be someone else on camera! You can't do that junk on Youtube! Everyone is real and authentic on Yourube!

it's so true it hurts

He's an unfunny faggot.

>no leafy

I wonder if Smosh stopped being funny or it's because I'm no longer a 14yo.

Are you a dullard?

what's the alternative? it seems like this is humor these days outside of vine faggotry

I once got insulted by Dunkey in a game of GTA Online

I like him. he's funny. Don't really care when he goes full spastic though.

i have a feeling that he plans on killing off filthy frank. the end of the cake series, and this whole "imposter frank" thing, and the fact that a lot of his recent pink guy song lyrics have been pretty negative towards the fanbase just give me this weird feeling that he's completely done with the character. as much as i love filthy frank, id much rather see joji bring back jojivlogs or something similar, where he can make the videos he wants to make.

Hes a fucking normie in real life, the complete opposite of all of his characters and fanbase

>implying smosh was ever funny in the first place

Nathan For You

He lost his mojo.

His earlier Filthy Frank stuff on his old channel was genuinely entertaining. Now he just does Jackass-lite and circlejerks with Idubbbz and those two gay Aussies.

MDE and maybe Eric Andre don't belong on there

half straya cunt. half radiated japs.

joji and idubbbz are legitimately funny together without max and anything4views. i enjoyed the first half of super trash bros. i think if joji weened off of frank and collabed with just idubbbz that could end up being some decent content.