>mfw Sup Forums right now
Mfw Sup Forums right now
Janny are in hard-mode these days.
He has done a really good work.
bribri is best cunny
hi friendos
isn't this what all those people that cried on /q/ wanted though
Kek, you are new
where you came from?
Sup Forums dot org slash tee vee
What happen in /q/?
Babbies cried that Sup Forums was full of waifu threads and that there were too many pretentious hipsters that weren't letting them have ""Fun""" whilst posting about capeshit
More like reddit dot org slash redditor
Nah that's probably you bud
Nah, i'm from 2006, kiddo.
You even bron yet.
why is this allowed
>be kino
What did she mean by that?
I know user, a cunnyless chan should be a crime
Yep it was a false flag attack
Be Kind, you fuckin blind.
Maximum THICC
Janny will deleted this, cuz is gay as fuck.
hey lexibro :3
kek, there is no more hook up proxy threads.
Go back to /reddit/
That specific post wasn't me but hey. How's your flu?
>no more hook up proxy threads
oh, haha
she's gaining admirers rapidly, I see :3
way better, thanks for asking
I want to put my penis in her vayaina
If you know what i mean
rawr i'll fight u
means, you "redditors" only have this thread to put your Little girls
It's understandable she's very alluring.
Glad to hear you're feeling better
The cunny is not sexual my man
New fresh meat
>you will never roll on the floor and pretend she's a velociraptor and listen to her giggles
I'm not sure where you're going with this, user
oh, indeed
that thiccness is very alluring indeed
she's making fans on /waifuist/ too
no, thats my wallet
Is this the "wife's daughter" kid
That's a nice website as well I post a bit there every now and then. the sandy boots post was me I felt weird having two parallel conversations
She's much more than that
yup :3
haha, nice
Sup Forums is pretty dead right now, but /w/ is going fast
it's a good balance
>Janny is up
Hey mod, ban those madafuckers
>mfw i met the cunnybot poster
I guess it's just a lazy sunday over here or the janny has scared some people off from earlier. maybe I'll lurk 8ch some more
good luck
Sup Forums is always dead
not the real one
We need to get every mobile range banned.
Start bitching on /qa/, it's worked before and it will work now.
those sheets are in my bank safe now :3
Sup Forums is a normalfag board now, so it's pretty dead during the weekends
not your personal army