>this is the """""great beauty""""" that Harry wanted to fuck for like 4 straight movies
what the fucking shit
>this is the """""great beauty""""" that Harry wanted to fuck for like 4 straight movies
what the fucking shit
Based eastern aryan why-foo
she's average in asia
but creepy fetishists in the west will say they're 10s
Shes pretty qt man.
Well he was wearing glasses for a reason
What the heck did you expect from one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises, Marcus the pedo? Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
Liberal nu-male redditor cuck
its for children not manchildren with manchildren standards
She's an ugly chink. Above average in china.
>inb4 the hordes of mong chinks telling you otherwise.
She's nothing amazing but she's above average, maybe 6/10
>Harry wanted to fuck for like 4 straight movies
What are you talking about, she was only in one movie.
More like inb4 the hordes of mong chinks posting plastic faces pretending its natural whilst also posting ""natural"" korean girls
Cho is cute. Keep in mind that this all takes place in Britain. Everything is relative.
Have you seen how Ginny turned out? Dude had shit taste in women.
Fucker was so famous he could have gotten any pussy he wanted, and he chose shit pussy like that.
Harry had the yellow fever.
the average asian is ugly as fuck dude
it's not fetishists, white women are just THAT unattractive.
>that Harry wanted to fuck for like 4 straight movies
He just wanted to cuck the Twilight dude. What's wrong with that?
Jealous white bitch detected.
Accept the fact that white men don't want you any more and get on with your lives.
Holy shit all that salt.
I'm actually a bit stunned right now.
>look mom! I posted it again! xD
>I've seen much prettier, even asians
what do you think she meant by this?
He had self-esteem issues probably. Being the chosen one doesn't help with the ladies if you think of yourself as a nerd who deserves garbage women.
women, huh?
No, you see, it's okay for her to say that because she sometimes exchanges pleasantries with the gooks working at her nail salon.
>mfw japan's government penalizes companies with fat fucks
I wonder if they got rid of those two immediately afterwards or did they just find some unemployed slobs for this fetish flick as a one time thing.
Got any more of that salt after the latest olympics? I've seen quite a lot of qt asians on tv recently.
this is normal not just in japan but in most asian countries.
some asian families in America will also practice it.
Most people get attracted to someone who isn't above average now and again, mate
Sabina thread?
wow even the girl you posted is fucking ugly
the girl in the background is okay though
How fat is "fat" in Japan? I can understand firing morbidly obese people because they're just a liability, but a beer belly shouldn't justify getting the boot, especially with all that beer they're forced to chug with their bosses after work.
Asian women are to provide companionship a intellectual stimulation
The tight pussy is secondary
you plebeian
beer bellies are a myth that got disproved.
Fat gained from drinking beer won't form any differently than fat gained from eating food.
33.5 inch waist for men
35.5 for women
Thats only for people over the age of 45 though, if I'm not mistaken. Doesn't mean you can allow yourself to be fat when you're young though, as most people are not able to shed their weight that easily later on.
Didn't she betray him and the others when they were in that hidden room? It's been awhile, but I thought she did something pretty cruel.
If I wanted an intellectual stimlation an asian girlfriend is that last thing I'd look for. Theey're all batshit crazy.
Nah, she's pretty uggo
I've noticed white guys tend to snatch up any old troll looking asian girl and walk around like they've got some prize
It's a lot like how niggers go for the most uggo white girls and think they've got Eva Green on their arm
t. Gook
>Eva Green
She's Jewish.
maybe harry had yellow fever; there weren't that many gooks in hogwarts i don't think so he didn't have much of a choice
yeah but asians don't really know what a good looking asian is, which is why they try to look white with cosmetics if not surgery.
Does it look white?
It's white
Nobody cares about your weird little in-fighting
Jews are sandniggers. If they're white, then Arabs are white.
israelis are sandniggers, polish jews are not
white man lusts after asian women > white woman gets angry > white woman cucks white men with black men > white man gets angry and only cares about asian women
It's an endless circle.
Look, all I know is that you all have big pointy noses, pale skin, wide eyes, and thin straight hair
What's the difference?
I'm not seeing it
meanwhile asian men and black women breed a master race.
>I've noticed white guys tend to snatch up any old troll looking asian girl and walk around like they've got some prize
Fortunately Asian dudes always get the lookers.
gook is saying their skin tone is white.
if i see eva green passing through, i would not know that she is sand nigger. clearly a white.
Too bad she's a muzzie fuck and will perish in the coming crusade.
Nips themselves have lighter skin than a lot of whites. Are japs white?
*tips fedora*
Also some Italians are pretty pale too, no one thinks of them as white though.
>Eva Green
there is facial structural differences in gooks like eyes or round faces. it is obvious.
if a woman like eva, bar refaeli passes through, can you really guess their ancestry? white or jew? they are not brown.
Other way around
The one in the background looks hideous
>let's use an atheist meme for a christian post
You're a special kind of retard, aren't you?
Only on Sup Forums do people think only Anglo-Saxons are white
Outside the basement white means "native european"
That's a good comparison.
lol Askhenazi Jews interbred with Europeans quite for a while
Only Sup Forums would claim otherwise
>implying you didn't have yellow fever when you were a teenager
*tips fedora* means being cringy and autistic
Rule of thumb: if saying it outloud would get stares you're a fedora
Fedora means creepy loser in general now
Not just anglos.
Germanic, Gaelic, Nordic and depending on the person Slavic can be included as well.
Anglos and Scandinavians are both germanic
Jews are basically all southern european on their mothers side
>if a woman like eva passes through, can you really guess their ancestry?
Oh come on. She could play Anne Frank in the inevitable soft porn.
>not white
She is beautiful
well she is from the Highlands of China
wonder if its hard to eat haggis with chop-sticks
Better than Ginny
what the fuck guys
i'm one of the top race doctors on Sup Forums and if you niggas think eva green looks white you're fucking retarded
she has the same gray skin and features that literally all ashkenazi women have
you guys are delusional if you can't tell jews apart from whites
First I remember hearing about an Asian girl in Harry Potter was when a Japanese friend dressed up as her for Halloween in college.
>marathon HP recently
>all those niggers and shitskins
what the fuck
you didnt like the cameo of The Notorious B.I.G
rule of thumb: kill yourself you fucking spastic
>Don Quixote
>God Tier
It's funny, yeah, but i don't get all the praise.
> black magic
> this was allowed
>Ulysses middle tier
Wtf is this shit mate?
As a child I imagined her to be a 10/10 white when reading the book, my impatient ass must have skimmed over the part where it details her as a dog cooker.
You can imagine my disappointment what I first seen the movie
>aww Harru u have such a brig wandu, u won tu cast spell oner ree?
It's the black eyes
How on earth can anyone find black eyes attractive? They're souless
>Brave new world
Oh shit motherfucker what are you doing?
>hundred years of solitude
>low tier
lmao shit list m8
>falling for copypasta
Hello new friends
No, it was her friend Marrietta or whatever her name was. What Hermione did to her for it was crueler though, maimed her face with a curse she didn't even warn her about.
>putting stock in a Sup Forums infographic about litterature
the list is obviously upside down :^)
this is why we have to systematically kill all gooks and niggers
> 4 movies
shes in two, and in the second of those harry gets to second base and then she just sorta disappears
>this is what weebs think
She is objectively a strong 8 in Asia, the average gook looks like an inbred by western standards
she is 10/10 in Britain
Asian women are overrated.
Central Europe women are the best.
Fuck you. I had a massive crush on her when I watched that movie.
You ever wonder how many Chinese names she tried to think up before settling for Cho Chang? It's like a slightly racist sounding Asian name a 1940s film director would come up with.
Sauce user, all I get is chinky shit on reverse search.