Muh holocaust wasn't a thing yet.
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What does that even mean, it was post WW2.
Yeah but the idea of the nazis being some sacrosanct image you couldn't lampoon didn't exist until later.
Even in Germany up until the 1950s the idea of the holocaust as some terrible awful thing that happened to jews which must be repented for was only held by 20% of the population.
The Holocaust wasnt talked about much until the ;ate 70's and on, that when the Jews found a way to profit off of it at the same time our society decided that being treated poorly at one point gave you the right to do what ever you wanted.
Can you explain it without conspiracy theories please.
What conspiracy theory?
I think the real answer is that British people invented bantz and dont give a fuck about the continent
>Prize-winning historian Peter Novick illuminates the reasons Americans ignored the Holocaust for so long -- how dwelling on German crimes interfered with Cold War mobilization; how American Jews, not wanting to be thought of as victims, avoided the subject. He explores in absorbing detail the decisions that later moved the Holocaust to the center of American life: Jewish leaders invoking its memory to muster support for Israel and to come out on top in a sordid competition over what group had suffered most; politicians using it to score points with Jewish voters. With insight and sensitivity, Novick raises searching questions about these developments. Have American Jews, by making the Holocaust the emblematic Jewish experience, given Hitler a posthumous victory, tacitly endorsing his definition of Jews as despised pariahs? Does the Holocaust really teach useful lessons and sensitize us to atrocities, or, by making the Holocaust the measure, does it make lesser crimes seem "not so bad"? What are we to make of the fact that while Americans spend hundreds of millions of dollars for museums recording a European crime, there is no museum of American slavery?
>even in Germany
Only in Germany. They didn't feel responsible for this and blamed the Nazi government.
lol collective guilt for government crimes was literally invented in post-WWII Germany.
>in post-WWII Germany
During the 60s actually. There were actually many ex-Nazis in Adenauer's government.
imagine breathing through the mouth like this
lol wat. Why does the truth make you feel so butthurt?
The fictional "Holocaust" series which made t he term mainstream didn't air until the late 70's
Until the mid or late 70s the Nazis were just seen as another dictatorship that fought a war.
While de-Nazification took place in Germany, making a movie or talking about the Nazis wasn't taboo.
Now though, its also a dirty word that you can't say on TV.
When I was a kid like 8 or 9 I was really into WW2, and used to draw pictures of Americans fighting Nazis with swastikas everywhere because I don't think I could spell Nazi or something. Now though, I'd probably get suspended for drawing that shit.
brit skit thread?
Reminder that WW2 was not black and white and in retrospect the destruction of Nazi Germany was a pretty shitty outcome given that it allowed the Soviets to overrun half of Europe and started the Cold War.
Hitler wanted peace with Britain and tried his best to avoid war.
Going to war under the pretext of defending Poland was ridiculous as Russia invaded Poland at the exact same time as Germany and yet France and Britain never declared war on Russia.
Hitler was completely justified in wanting to stop the persecution of ethnic Germans in the territories he invaded.
Reminder that before the war made it logistically unfeasible Nazi Germany had an agreement with international Jewry to facilitate the transfer of Jews from Germany to Palestine.
Reminder that the Jews were allowed to settle in Palestine due to the British giving the Balfour Deceleration which promised the Jews control of Palestine in exchange for Jews bringing America in to WW1 which resulted in Germany losing a war they were winning, which led to WW2.
Reminder that at the end of WW1 Jews attempted a Communist take over of Germany.
Reminder that it is for these reasons that Hitler hated the Jews.
>Monty Python
>Giving a shit about political correctness
pick wan und only wan
It was a time when satire was at it's peak, user.
Fearless and brilliant.
>bringing America in to WW1 which resulted in Germany losing a war they were winning
America did exactly nothing in WWI. You were irrelevant. Even your little brother Canada was more relevant.
Wrong board m8
>how was a sketch mocking Hitler allowed?
When was mocking Hitler ever taboo?
>british humor
Gr8 b8 m8
Goebbels confirmed for shit taste.
The dubs have spoken
Einer meiner Lieblingssketche. Aber der mit dem tödlichsten Witz der Welt ist besser.
Wenn ist das Nunstuck git und Schlottermeier? Ja! Beierhund das Öder der Flipperwald gerspudt!
who could be behind these posts????
Dere vere tswai peenats valking down ze straße. Wan vos assolted... peenat.
>Vat is ze big jok?
>I can only give you name, rank, and why did the chicken cross the road
jesus fuck Monty Python is eldergod-tier
They dumped it in the river, can you please stop with the conspiracy theories about something so monstrous and tragic?
>Making up excuses