Muh oppression

>Muh oppression
>Muh slavery
Name some rappers that don't talk about that tireing shit

kendrick lamar

Kung Fu Kenny


>I'm a runaway slave
What did he mean by this?


Any white rapper ever

I feel like he talks about inner struggles as well as issues between black people a lot more than slavery and white oppression. If anything the slavery is just a reference point to talk about the other shit

Name me popular rappers that write their own music

kendrick lamar

Sufjan Stevens had writing credits on Hood Politics?

That list is Kendrick Lamar. Nigga got like 4 or more writers in each of his songs. He's a fake bitch.


Idont know how people can listen to this shit

"Writing credits" is really vague and a rather broad term. He gets writing credits simply because one of his songs was sampled for the beat.

Yeah, any artist sampled get creds. That's why he's got so many writers.

Same thing with Kanye, of course King Crimson and Black Sabbath didn't write the album

MBDTF that is

Ah, that makes sense.

I said kendrick lamar, not Kendrick Lamar. Learn to read.

How about you shove a cock up your ass, you faggot.

You do realize that everyone has to be credited for every minor contribution right?

If you're in the studio and you say "Hey man, you should add a "AYE" in that bar--guess what?

If you feel strongly about it, you can get a credit on the record.

This is no indication that anyone other than Kendrick wrote the raps, but the adlibs, sung lyrics and such undoubtedly came from a large, collaborative effort.

The hip hop Malcolm X.

little ugly man

this is great.

>I hate being confronted with uncomfortable truths that give me perspective on my privilege

back to tumblr

Trying this hard to defend this talentless hack.

death grips, afaik

still niggers doing chimp noises on the mic

Famous Dex

probably the first time ive seen someone on Sup Forums that understands this.
it blows my mind when i see people on here believe Kendrick hates whites or "cries about his oppression" in all of his songs. you make it very clear that you either don't pay attention when listening to his music or you're retarded when you say these things

unironically, Kanye

>We all self-conscious, I'm just the first to admit it

De La Soul


This is why i write my shit by myself then present it to people and you should too. Nothing worse than hacks giving input then acting like they wrote the song too...

You obviously havent listened to like 90% of his shit...hes always talking about ooga booga wite women and we wuz kangz and shit

Be more subtle with the bait please.

Mac miller

Most trap rappers.

Kanye has literally never mentioned "we wuz kangs". Jesus christ the quality of bait on this board is so low, it's like you're literally talking to 12 year olds who just discovered the internet

And also Slick Rick (only heard Great Adventures tho (great, hilarious album btw), so I can't speak for his whole discog) and Ol' Dirty Bastard. All three are great.
I agree with wishing hip-hop would move more away from stuff about oppression and cops and slavery, not because they make me uncomfortable or anything, but because it feels so restrictive. I wish there were more variety in hip-hop when it comes to themes and lyrics.

Kind of unrelated question: do you people agree that DAMN. sounded way too much like basically everyone else in hip-hop right now, compared to TPAB? I hardly ever listen to full hip-hop albums from this decade, but what I do hear just sounds really same-y, and I thought DAMN. sounded just like everyone else. Correct me if I'm wrong though.


the truth right here

they're just racists, it makes them stupid

Has he made an anti-trump track yet?

The one he made about Bush hit all the wrong points and came off as cringey

I think he goes both ways - he's able to call out injustice he sees against the black community while calling out hypocrisy in it, like in Blacker the Berry.

New Slaves


You missed the entire point of that song.

this is true

What is klink


Open Mike Eagle

>people shitting on the truth for the exact reason it brought up

Kool Keith

Riff Raff

pic related

awn dude kendrick hates whites ://

I never owned slaves and I never oppressed the black man.

"Privilege" is a dumb concept because it implies that I should somehow act differently because I won the cultural lottery by being born to a white family.

Just gonna inb4 "muh Sup Forums" and "muh alt-right" here.
