>character does something embarrassing
>pause movie and pace around the room
Character does something embarrassing
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I legit do this. I can't handle the awkwardness
It took me weeks to finish Peep Show because of this.
I only do this for anime but I'm fine with Sup Forums stuff.
>be me
>watch watamote
>cant get past 1 episode without taking like 5 breaks
I just cover my face every time this happens
>character dreams of an ultra embarrassing moment that happened more than 5 years ago
>wakes up in cold sweat in the middle of the night
I don't get so into shows that I do that just out of empathy for the character but what does happen is sometimes I daydream about what I would do in a situation like what's in the movie and if I imagine myself doing something I realize would be dumb then I get to pacin'
>Something relatable and embarrassing happens
>Start screaming and slamming my hands on the desk
>watching tv at office table
>i shiggy
I am currently forcing myself to power through it.
It's just another form of anxiety.
fucking The Office
Yal got issues
My toes involuntarily start twitching when this happens
All I do is say goddammit and bury my face in my hands and cautiously continue
I clench my fists and literally cringe. I just can't deal with that shit.
People singing in movies fucks me up the most. Not like musicals, just people singing songs in movies/show
>character does something embarrassing
>light my signal fire to tell the projectionist to pause the film
>fire gets out of hand
>falcons are divebombing to catch roasted bugs and rats that are getting burnt alive
>ushers douse the flames with honey and escort me out
>one of my jandals gets stuck in the honey, I try to get it out but they don't let me
>no money for the bus home
dad always does this. i put on the office uk and he just gets up and stares out the window or something
I do a similar thing, there has to be some reasonable psychological reason for this, right?
>awkward scene happens
>cover my eyes with my paws
>cringe humor happens while watching Veep
>has to skip forward because I can't take it
It took me about 8 months to get through all of Curb Your Enthusiasm for this exact reason.
>watch movie with friends
>sex scene comes up
>pause movie and pace around the room naked and in single file
No you are completely normal and well adjusted. Many others do the same, see this thread
What the fuck is wrong with all of you? Where did your parents go so wrong?
>character being cringy af
>start jumping up and down and put my fingers to my ears and close my eyes
I'm my mother's father, don't tread on me.
>he did not have an emotionally distant parent
You don't actually do this, though I'm sure someone on this board does
Here here.
Idk my mom and her husband were pretty cool but I still turned out retaeded
>all those scenes in Its Always Sunny
>watch movie in the theater
>character in a tense situation
>does something i dont understand
>get up and walk up and down the aisles shouting and punching myself in the head
>run into 3 other people doing the same thing
>theater turns the lights on and pauses film so we can call calm down
>go to concession stand to get a plate of butter noodles
>return to my seat
>resume movie
king of queens
any other series in which this happens often?
>watching a flick with my parents
>sex scene comes on
>sexual tension fills the room
>have to sit there for 2-5 minutes in silence
>go to concession stand to get a plate of butter noodles
>sexual tension fills the room
>with my parents
I thought this was only me.
>>get up and walk up and down the aisles shouting and punching myself in the head
>>run into 3 other people doing the same thing
>becomes erect
Yeah sexual tension between your parents. I'm sure if you weren't there in the room they would've start fucking.
>everytime Beth sang awkwardly without music in Walking Dead
>character does something embarrassing
>i do an awkward smile around the room and pretend there are people watching with me
>then i say what the fuck
>extreme doses of empathy
why do i do this?
what the fuck
>awkward cringe situation happens to character
>laugh because clowns are meant to be laughed at
underrated post
>at the cinema
>something embarrassing happens on screen
>can't pause
>stand up shivering
>realize I'd look stupid pacing around the theater
>sit down with my eyes watering
I can never finish that YouTube clip of the female comic its too much.
The later seasons of House.
Why house? Why did you have to get so bland, predictable and repetitive?
>character does something intruding
Dropped that shit so hard
This is why I hate Always Sunny
Not even just the intentionally cringey bits, I just find every character so gratingly unlikeable that the entire thing is cringe to me. I get that that's the point, but fuck man I can't handle it.
>butter noodles
This post is scary accurate
>>go to concession stand to get a plate of butter noodles
>butter noodles
>character does something sexy
I have autism and do not feel this cringe.
Do other autists feel it?
Sometimes I feel uncomfortable if someone is singing to someone on a tv show or movie but that's it.
autists generally lack normal empathy and understanding of other's emotions so it would actually be non-autistic to cringe out from movies.
I can't even feel first hand embarrassment since that takes instinctively feeling how others are judging you never mind second hand
the funny thing is though when I manually try to discern how someone is feeling about me when I'm doing something that'd probably make normies want to kill themselves they are usually literally not even paying attention, so I think embarrassment might be a meme emotion anyway from neurotypicals being oversensitive to the opinions of others who are most likely thinking about their own damn problems
Every awkward/depressed teen should be forced to read Megg. Mogg, and Owl and watch Watamote and NGE. Watamote and MMO weren't around during my teen years, but a lot of Eva was like a cold bucket of water poured over my head. The best media is often that that makes you realize you're a piece of shit.
Normie here. please tell me none of you guys actually do this.
It just means you're an empathetic person. If it gets too out of hand you might have something wrong with you, but in general it just means you're not a sociopath and you allow yourself to get immersed in media.
friendly reminder that the reasons you can't handle awkward situations in movies are your own insecurities, I used to be like that
anyways what is some good /awkwardcore?
>want to watch Peep Show
>can only watch small clips because anything longer than that I can't physically stand the awkwardness
I get the same feeling with audience participation in literally anything, but especially stand up.
No. It's actually a textbook symptom of autism.
If you do this you have low-key neurological disorders like mild asperbergs.
I usually turn the movie off at that point. There's no reason to continue watching.
>my mom and her husband
i used to have to change the channel in the olden days
Sadly yes. I'm also the guy who torrents all the movies, so I watch them before movie night. I mean, I usually bring them, but not sperging in front of my friends has a price.
>MC confess to girl
>she accepts
>they hug
>its really cute
>pause the video
>get up and walk near a window
>start to imagine me getting a girl and spending cute moments with her
>tfw you've built up enough tolerance to comfortably laugh at cringe now
The high octane, 100% concentrated stuff can still get to me, but I can laugh at most cringe shit that ends up on tv or film without feeling uncomfortable now.
>remember that there isn't a single woman alive that is anywhere near as perfect as the one in the movie
>have a wank and the feeling is gone
I know that feel
Without the pause. I pace away from the TV so I can get through without watching it.
>screen goes black for a moment in the movie
>see a reflection of myself
>turn off movie and try to understand what went wrong with my life
I stand up, pace around saying stuff and cringing. Reality isneven worse, all the talent programs, FUCK!
This. If I can't see the embarrassing moment, it can't see me.
>all the talent programs
what the fuck why are you watching that shit
>lying in bed
>accidentally think of something I did or said that was embarrassing over a decade ago
>pace around the room
>Watching a movie
>Scene where old white person starts poorly rapping
I don't know why, but this is the biggest thing that cringes me off.
Oh yeah? Mmm, does it feel good when it cringes you off? Ooh, you naughty piglet.
I have the sperg and feel it hard. Maybe depends on how much social experience you have, I've been in enough awkward situations to cringe when something similar happens on screen. I also cringe during romantic scenes because I sperg out irl with girls
This happened when I was watching that remake of Last House on the Left with my sister
We got to that one rape scene. Normally i'm fine with rape, but goddamn that shit just went on and on and kept going for fucking ever
Usually when we watch movies, one of us is cracking a shitty joke or making fun of an actor, but instead there was this really uncomfortable silence between us for like 20 minutes, we couldn't even look at each other
I watched this in theatres on a first date with a girl. I had no idea about this scene, I just thought it was a generic hack n slash horror flick. Pretty awkward
Just fuck already, you both clearly want it. As long as you don't have kids there is literally nothing wrong with it.
Dad, are you alright? Dad?
I get that for everyone but Charlie. I watch the show as a psychological horror; poor innocent Charlie is corrupted by a bunch of assholes and led to do terrible things.
Usually when something awkward happens I'll get up and walk in little circles, making little noises and repeating the awkward thing to myself over and over
Feels good to be able to admit this to someone without feeling like a wierdo.
You make me want to watch Fargo again dude