Lgbt now supports pedos? Wtf? Too far

Lgbt now supports pedos? Wtf? Too far.

OP now baits wait to hard? Wtf? Too far.

Hell yeaah

Why the fuck? I dont want my children living in a world where they have to fear th e promotion of sexual abuse towards them. Fuck this shit.


not surprised

LGBT people don't like milo

I dont understand why they would support pedos. Not only is it a bad move for them but also wtf?!

Kill them, then.

peoples pride pedo rights

OP you're generalizing LGBT community from a few voices gtfo with the bait

>slippery slope was a fallacy they said

I don't think it's about making it legal it's more about unfair incarceration and treatment..okay, let's look at alcohol back in the prohibition period and the war on drugs in the modern day. Prohibition doesn't work, people! It's always going to be out there. But it's honestly not as bad as it's made out to be, people don't want to be attatched to the negative social stigma of this topic. I'm a 10th grade algebra I actively seek out sex and try to intice my students? No! Absolutely not! Do I sometimes check my female students out when they are performing some sort of physical activity in some low cut shorts? Well..I'm human, you'd be lying if you said you didn't stare at a 15 year old dressed in skimpy shorts at least once. They are attractive young adults, but they aren't mature mentally, doesn't mean they aren't physically attractive. To be clear I am no pedophile! I am just saying what others are too scared and ashamed to say. I would never act on those thoughts. I believe that the teachers, public figures and other normal people you talk to everyday get treated like they are monsters when something is found on their computer hard drives (encryption is a thing, people) society drives people who are (allegedly) accused

/2/ of these crimes to suicide behind bars and in the "free" world. Did you know that suicide rates for men labeled as "pedophiles" are rapidly growing each year? At 2017 this number is at an all time high! Now, I'm simply suggesting much lower conviction sentences aimed to rehabilitate..the abuse these men receive in prison is disturbing, no one bats an eye! The minimum sentence for possession of non-abusive, consentual softcore child pornography should be supervised house arrest, probation and community service. I also think that all arrests for these crimes should be kept discreet and away from the public unless the circumstances are serious. Shows like Chris Hanson are another thing networks need to ban, it's done more harm than good. The senate should pass a law to privatize the sex offender registry, making it only accessible to law enforcement. We're in a dark place as a society, it is one I am ashamed to be part of.. I seem to be the only one that actually cares about all the lives lost to suicide each year. I can't publicly voice my strong opinions on these issues because my coworkers, the media and school district supervisors would spin this out of proportion, that is why I want to inspire others to call the Florida governor and help get the word out! Next we need this pushed to D.C. for any real change to happen.

you'll never have kids. youre a wizard

fucking homo

agree with the prohibition thing, it shouldnt be banned just controlled

it's already too late for that.
I see 6 year olds with their hair up like Ariana Grande, pulling their soccer shorts up their cracks and twerking.
You stupid fucks only have yourselves to blame.

but is this really a bad thing


just because Sup Forums is gay and pro pedo

doesn't mean that you should conflate the two

the common denominator is Sup Forums