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Half of humans are boys and men, so we want half of construction workers and plumbers to be boys and men.

Half of niggers die of AIDS.
So we want the other half of niggers to die of AIDS too.

0.22% of humans are jews, so we want 0.22% of bankers and CEOS to be jews.

^ This guy gets it.

Speaking of AIDS, how long has bill nye the faggit guy had it?

So is he proposing child labor here or what?

>Forcing women into fields that don't interest them
So progressive Bill!

why don't all the social activists who whine about it go into these fields instead of their dumb imaginary bullshit fields?

it's not an equality issue, it's a choice issue. watch them lower the standards anyways though. they've done it before with other shit

What's with Bill these days? He always seems to be on a fucking soapbox and acts like he's an authority on everything.

Delete this!

Cant always get what you want

Half the humans are girls so we want half of the armed forces to be women and casualties to be 50% women. 50% of prison inmates should be women. 50% of suicides should be women.

This is literally his argument, it's asinine.

It must fly over his head that most girls and women want nothing to do with engineering. Of course the SJW boils this down to "because women aren't taught they are capable" or some shit, but honestly, most women do not want to be engineers. What is so hard with accepting the fact that genders tend to gravitate towards different fields? It's like saying "Half the humans are men, so we want half of men to be hair dressers and into cosmetics" It just isn't going to happen.

and before some retard comes in here telling me it's because it's a social construct, it's not. Humans interests were shaped by biology, our society is a result of that, not the other way around.

50% of coal miners etc.

>i was popular on a kids network and millenials remember me and my catchy song therefore i'm smart and know everything so don't even think about questioning me! i have science in my name! i'm gonna science the shit out of this xD bacon wrapped bacon XDDDD

He became a meme of popularity for stupid people who "like science" just like black science guy and he's now using his status to go full social justice retard.

there are more women in college than men and they have the same free choice if they meet the same standards, so it's not like this is an equality issue. Bill is just being a retard again.

oy vey, how dare you goyim

What if women dont want to be scientists and engineers?


>Bill Nye the guy with only a Bachelors in Mech Eng and never a real scientist only the host of a Kid's TV show






Into Music, songs by composer Alexandrov "Holy War", on the Red Square enter the state flag of the Russian Federation and the LEGENDARY VICTORY BANNER. Banner group of military battalion honor guard of the 154th detached commandant Transfiguration regiment passes near the parade line army division, tribunes with veterans and guests of honor. '71 Ago, during the battle for Berlin, the soldiers of the 150th Division Idritsa Sergeant Mikhail Yegorov and Junior Sergeant Militon Kantariya hoisted the flag over the defeated Reichstag.Since then, this "attack flag" - is a VICTORY BANNER.

We never said that meritocracy isn't good for us, goy!

If they can't encourage it, they'll lower the standards. Everything has to be a quota of equality for all "groups". Free choice and equality in standards isn't enough for the always enraged social justice bigots.

You are right he's an idiot

But anyway no we don't want 50% of front line forces to be women because they inevitably have sexual relationships, and women are not as physically strong as men, and men start taking riskier behaviour to protect the women. And if women get captured by the enemy then they get brutally fucking raped. Women serving on the front lines is a terrible idea.

These heathens are going to be so disappointed in the future.

yeah but wants aren't the same as needs, nature, or reality

He's just saying bullshit to get more money and attention.

Is a bit of a jab, no?

Christ Jesus will conquer this darkness in you.

I have no problem with this quote if he had meant we need more women to enter the field. What I'm sure it implies is we need incentives & to make it easier by not holding them to the same standards.

They (womyns groups) must expect "science & engineering" to just open up positions in their fields solely to hire women. Because if they expect the men to just magically change physics for it to be easier for them to enter the fields they're retarded.
If we could change physics on a whim there wouldn't even be womyn.

Science/engineering is a fucking sausage fest. I wouldn't mind there being more women. It just shouldn't be a forced quota.

Didn't he suggest imprisoning people who criticized any of the climate change science, even though there's a vast amount of data to agree and disagree on and various political and economic motives behind the solutions?

He just sounds like a social justice fascist. He likes to dress up his arguments with science words and bullshit logic, but it's always just some asinine black or white ideological shit.

He's selling politics as science to idiots who "like science".

Obviously Bill "Hymen Collider" Nye wants more girls to his profession. Girls he can mentor, guide and introduce to new things.

They'll want the standards lowered. Even if it comes to bridges being built with flaws because there's a fuckload of unqualified people saying they're engineers they won't care, because they're retards and its all about the identity politics and equality quotas.

i miss Ahmed the clockman. 2nd best meme guy after ¡Yeb

They'll want forced gender quotas in everything. There's already forced quotas based on race.

The real problems come when you start lowering standards, or denying someone who does twice as good as someone else. That's the kind of retardation they want in everything.

My engineering class is like 10% women. Do we start just handing out diplomas for random women on the street or how does he think we can achieve that number if so many women are just not interested?

> They'll want forced gender quotas in everything. There's already forced quotas based on race.
This. Moderates thinking this won't pass seem to forget there's already a precedent. With Hillary in power it would spill over into all of the West.

Liberals believe in equality of outcome.

Sensible fucking people believe in equality of opportunity.

There's no barriers to entry for women in STEM. Most of the engineering girls in my classes are great people, will be great engineers.

Forcing quotas is fucking retarded. The US is supposed to be about choosing your own career path.

When will half the Kindergarten teachers in the U.S. be male?

Half the humans are girls and women, so we want half the prisoners, murder victims, and sewage treatment plant workers to be girls and women.


Bill Nye the terminal bachelors degree with no research publications guy.

Half the humans are girls and women, so we want half the murder victims to be girls and women.

This. It's time for quotas in Hollywood, Wall Street, and academia

Nevermind the fact that there is a much higher percentage of girls working in IT in third world misogynistic countries like India where money is the priority, and in first world countries where self actualization comes first the proportion of girls drops drastically.
But, hey, any biological difference that translates into behavioral and preferences differences can and will be handwaved by the power of MUHSOGGYKNEE.


Whoa whoa whoa, let's start a little easier.

First let's make sure half the sewage workers, construction workers, garbage men, etc. etc. are women. You know, unskilled labour that doesn't require massive quota's and dicrimination in higher education.

kek India is 40% illiterate. You probably mean commie countries.

Hey, that's fine. Apply the same standard, ensure they're good and maybe - just maybe - we'll be able to use this for eugenics.

It seriously surprises me that there are less male dieticians than hairdressers, how the fuck did that happen?

You should be killed for this.

>kek India is 40% illiterate
What does that have to do with anything? India has a pretty big IT sector, poo in loo notwithstanding.

Bill Nye The Trying To Stay Relevant Guy

>tfw in my early 30's
>Grow up watching Bill Nye
>Bill Nye turns out to be a leftist shit

Why does everyone I liked as a kid always turn out to be a shitty person? Only Clint Eastwood hasn't disappointed me.

easy on the overt threats, jewluminatti

This dude is such a faggot, I feel like he is just riding the Neil and Dawkins train to seem relevant.


Your daily reminder that Bill Nye is an engineer who's only science credentials is a host of a kids' tv show.

one race, one gender one...

You really dont want to get into engineering or science anymore.


He tried to meme his way into being an an astronaut with a B.S. degree and NASA told him to fuck off multiple times.

Identity politics rule!
Someone post a rat in a Cruz suit.

It's really fucking embarrassing when scientists arrogantly think their expertise translates into other fields that they know nothing about, like economics.

The irony is that if 50% of the enemy forces were Women, Male prisoners of war should expect to be brutally raped by these female soldiers.

But that wouldn't happen because Men and Women are fundamentally different, and Bill Nye is a fucking retard.

Women are inherently skilled. That's why they get lifted into pink-collar jobs with a desk and computer immediately. One company sells widgets. The warehouse is filled with men who unload goods, pick orders, etc. The office is filled with women who send e-mails, answer phones, and gossip. This is how it's done almost everywhere. Now, which group is paid more?

They must count every employee at the roofing company as a roofer because ONLY 99% is horseshit.

true but i dont think they give out degrees in communism

Top fucking kek.

I get the logic, but why exactly does he want it?

Bill Nye, the AIDS guy.
Bill Nye, the HIV positive guy.

Indoctrinating women with the concepts of logic and objectivity is the first step to redpilling them.

You niggers constantly whine about how women go for liberal arts instead of STEM.
Isn't this the solution to that?

This hack has a bachelor's degree and only has any pull because muh nostalgia

I don't understand what he is trying to say. Women can already be engineers.

it's more the science is cool and idiots "like science" thing. they post pictures of space and quotes of bill nye and think they're a part of the field

Probably because it boils down to shit that people already know. I asked an acquaintance majoring in dietetics if she'd learned anything beyond "eat more fruits and vegetables, cut back on fats and sugars, and exercise more." She couldn't come up with anything. At least hairdressers are doing physical work, even if it's incredibly girly.

>We want half of the engineers and scientists to be grillz


Back when I was in school we had total of 6 girl students in engineering out of 200. Fast forward to graduation 3 years ahead and dropout rate for girls was 100%...

They couldn't even handle their own homework.