>director didn't write the script
>calls it 'his movie'
Director didn't write the script
>I didn't fuck op's mom
>she calls op my son
>director didn't act in the movie
>calls it 'his movie'
>director didn't edit his movie
>calls it 'his movie'
that's what you call a glorified cameraman.
>director didn't invest a dime in the movie
>Calls it "his movie"
I once heard from a fellow movie junkie that the role of editor is one of the most importants jobs to have on a film.
This guy legit said Scorcese wouldn't be shit without Thelma Schoonmaker or whatever her name is.
was he right?
No, most of the time directors are involved in the editing process. Watch the making of jaws. Director and editor generally come to a consensus on the length of shots.
The writer is the most important part of the film making process, by far, without question.
t. Gore Vidal
Why are the writers the red headed stepchildren of cinema?
>The writer is the most important part of the film making process
>movie is an American remake of a foreign film, exactly the same as the foreign film just with different actors and in English
>directory acts as if he has any creative hand in it at all
They don't give themselves cameos constantly. They don't choose from a pool of directors to make sure people don't fuck up the source material.
How have you not heard of the Capra v. Risken drama?
Sure directors have a lot more control because they get to hand pick the screenplays they like, but they couldn't manage to do shit without thr writers.
Directors who write their own shit are actual auteurs.
American dragon tattoo chick was way hotter and you know it.
Why aren't writer-directors as common? Is it because studios don't want someone having that much control or do certain directors not want to write?
Sup, Max "How do I" Landis.
Because writing is hard.
What is an auteur? Autist?
So directing is easier?
Writing requires skill. Directing does too. Usually writers become directors, not the other way around.
Someone didnt watch the star wars prequels
It requires a lot less creativity but a lot more organization and managerial skills. Some people simply can't write.
Yeah, Stan Brakhage, Arthur Lipsett, Peter Kubelka and Hollis Frampton are nothing without their writers. Your argument is retarded.
t. red letter cuck
>film makers
Sorry champ, but I believe skill comes from narritive. I also believe people should actually master technical painting before they have the right to do anythjng abstract.
I believe you think film is inherently a narrative medium and this is affecting your judgment.
I believe that narritive is an inherently high skill art form as opposed to stupid video compilations.
Director wields the power and can alter the script.
Opposite on TV, where the writer has all the power and directors are for-hire.
Reminds me of the Funny Games remake. The director wrote and directed both the original and the remake.
Coppola and Apocalypse Now is one of the worst offenders.
Directing is writing with images.
>muh caméra-stylo
Do you have anything to offer outside memespeak
Called it.
>machill had no hand in the creation of the meme
>calls it his meme
How? He was the one who went to Vietnam to shoot and rewrite the movie
>music video "directors"
T. Scott and Fincher did absolutely nothing wrong
Did you know Michael Mann directed a music video?
Mann is garbage
>Coppola and Apocalypse Now is one of the worst offenders.
Apocalypse Now is nothing like the novel it's based on, Heart of Darkness is set on the Congo during the late 19th century. It's one of the loosest literary adaptations since The Lion King.
The documentary Hearts of Darkness shows Coppola sweating over the endless rewrites he had to do during production, mostly to accomodate Brando's insane demands.
Maybe if Hollywood gave more credit and praise to writers, they wouldn't be so stale right now.
kek, how did I know someone would say this
Dude is a senile old fuck, just look at the garbage that was Blackhat, Public Enemies or Miami Vice. Fucker can't compose mise-en-scene worth a shit anymore let alone shoot action
I made this post the other day and you all ignored it
Get a life outside of Sup Forums.
No really, (You) is not a form of internet currency and I feel bad for feeding your addiction like this.
It's summer the fuck else am I gonna do :^)
>They don't choose from a pool of directors to make sure people don't fuck up the source material.
If writers mattered as much as you say they do, they would get to do this.
As it stands, writers don't matter, unless they happen to be JK Rowling, which is why she's the only writer who gets to do that.
George Lucas's wife was the one who edited the first 2 movies, and SAVED them.
Here is how it looked otherwise
>or do certain directors not want to write?
That. And some directors SHOULDN'T write. I'm looking at you nolan.
Did you know Mann sat in with tangerine dream for the thief soundtrack?
heart of darkness is hardly very setting-specific, it never even names the river
there's a river, there's jungle, there's dirty dindus. admittedly apocalypse adds a lot to that, because the novel is very bare-bones if converted straight into a movie
>mostly to accomodate Brando's insane demands.
It's a damn shame that brando will never shitpost on Sup Forums.
Rowling is a book author, not a screenwriter.
t. Tarantino and Scorsese