Is Sup Forums ready for the upcoming alien kino?

Is Sup Forums ready for the upcoming alien kino?

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why isn't bryce datass howard in it?

>It's a the spaceship it's a minimalist crap instead of an actual ship episode

Fuck movies, why can't they get sci fi right?

have you even seen interstellar?

Villeneuve is a solid director in my books, but the trailer for this film did it no favors. will probably still end up seeing it, though.

I meant alien ships

why do faggot nu-males think that film is some sort of standard for sci-fi?
Its not.

because its the highest gradient of science kino we're yet to be exposed to

Does the atlantid and noridic aliens negotiate with us and kill all non-whites?

t. someone who hasn't seen 2001 or either adaptation of Solaris

Interstellar was good as well senpai

it's good, but it's nowhere near the high watermark of science fiction film

>i saw some old films which means they are the best

how retarded are you?

Aliens are supposed to be alien you faggot.

If it were some overdesigned transformers-jetplane it wouldnt create the same atmosphere.

the age of the films has nothing to do with it. i mean, Soderbergh's Solaris came out in 2002, and it's at least on par with Tark's. if you can't recognize Interstellar's overreliance on sentimentality and expository dialogue, more power to you, i guess.


Amy Adams' feet look terrible

>highest gradient of science kino

It ends with her touching a device that transports her to a hellish alien factory and inside she sees that the Aliens are actually processing humans and other life forms as use for fuel or food - never actually stated - and she is thrown in a vat with a big blade and it ends.

Pretty out there and shocking too.

Thats just Nolan though.

Gotta kearn to ignore it. The prestige for example is a pretty good film if you pretend all these flashbacks at the end explaining what happened to the morons in the audience wouldnt exist.


Might screenshot just in case

>im a kissless virgin: the post

it's not "just Nolan", though. it's Nolan's shitty brother who he keeps letting write his scripts for some reason. the guy is good with concepts, but neither of them have any skill with dialogue. i'm not going to forgive a filmmaker for a consistent flaw in his films because it's consistent, because that would be retarded.

not enough laser cannons amirite xD

It will be the purist form of Kino in 2016

I've known about this film for nearly two years. The ending's been the same only difference is that the film was originally semi-found footage like District nine.

this would be cool. just a brutal downer ending and cut to credits

Let me guess; you're dad works at Nintendo?

That product placement

>Amy Adams
Fucking dropped. If you have any taste at all you know she's fucking dogshit and ruins every film she touches.

Trying too hard to copy 2001 and oddly enough Independence Day

I'll eat your ass, faggot!


They finally finished the documentary on your moms dildo I see.

You never saw contact i suppose?

Go ahead you dingus.

this tbqh

I literally thought this was a remake of the day the earth stood still again

No so I don't know how it's relevant.

inb4 thinly veiled political commentary on refugees.

Look at the shape of the ship. They're definitely hostile.


That's cute, kid.

>implying we're not the real monster

in the end its all a giant commercial for Hersheys Chocolate Swoops

even if it is, it doesn't matter as long as it's good and they're not shoehorning their opinion

Her doughy face was easily one of the worst things about Man of Steel

>aliens are tentacle rape monsters
>send in the red head

>I'm well versed in hentai,I know exactly where this is going.

literally who


Isn't this based on a short story?

>Love is the most important force in the universe
>The Gravity of a planet can distort time
Yeah, no

if you knew anything about scientistics youd understand

a turd from space

>forest whitaker

confirmed for bad movie already

>"It's good if you just ignore everything bad about it"

user this is why no one will ever take your critique seriously.

Then isn't the ending known already?

I doubt they'd translate the source material into film. Under The Skin had a similar premise, but we never got to hear about the alien race that the female protagonist is part of or her surgery to make her look human in order to harvest people.

kill yourself homeboy

no one can beat this

>this much of a pleb to drop a film because its starring an actress he doesnt like
also she is a pretty hot milf and you are a faggot

>>The gravity of a planet can distort time
Nowhere in the movie is this said.

It's just going to be a modern contact.

I hope not since contact was shit.

>Soderbergh's Solaris is at least on par with Tark's

Because its obviously the biggest influence on this.

i wonder if hawkeye will bang lois lane, and what will superman think?

>Jeremy Renner

This shits gonna flop so hard

>it's a we only get a small glimpse of the aliens and the whole movie is spent arguing in a conference room episode

those aren't the ships, the ships are in orbit. those are communication devices.

So all I saw in a trailer is some alien squids in a vat showing humans pretty pictures.

I have no idea what to expect of this.

Mommy Adams is good too


looks interesting senpai

>director of Sicario and Prisoners
sounds good

>written by the guy who brought us
A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)
Final Destination 5
The Thing (2011)
Lights Out

meh. but I'm still excited.

>I saw some old films and it turns out they are the best

alien saviour/NWO propaganda film.

It's script has been majorly changed from the source material, so yes I actually am mildly looking forward to it.

>its a strong independant woman uses the power of love and understanding to show all of the dumb aggressive white men across the globe that they don't need to fight each other and that everything would be better if we just all held hands and became friends episode

well its true, men commit all the violent crime and start all the wars

>woman scientist
>nigger scientist

no just no


should have been a spiritual successor and not prequel to alien

also that nigger romance was unneeded and scarier than the alien

instigated by women

They're just invading us sideways this time, those sneaky bastards!

>giant ohmibod


>The Gravity of a planet can distort time
why do I even come to a place where people know shit about science and talk about movies they clearly never have seen?
time is distorted in a gravity well and it was the fucking black hole that altered time on the gay waterplanet you retard.

I hope you're not this retarded in real life user