The federal government has threatened to revoke funding programs in North Carolina if the NC legislature does not revoke the "anti-tranny" bathroom law by the end of the today

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haven't read much into this issue, from what i understand this law states you must use specific toilets according to your current package. Male to female post op can use female toilets and visa versa for the female to male right?

Didn't you see? NC is suing the justice department!

I'm sorry , but where in the constitution does it say this is any of the federal government's business ?

We cannot give in to the LGBT agenda any further! They've shown that their claim they just wanted to be accepted like anybody else was a lie. They want to promote their illness and punish anybody who'd question them.

No where and it's a disgusting overreach of power by the feds.


No, this is all just one big act of political theater. The law itself tramples over the rights of employees, forbids raising minimum wage, and requires each act to be repealed individually and with more than a simple majority. But they had the foresight to add this bathroom shit because LGBTOMGWTFBBQ is the hip activism cause, daddy-o, and they can distract us from every other provision if they make it about where someone's taking a dump.

Everyone is getting played like a goddamn fiddle, and ironically the only one to own up to that is Pat McCrory himself.

can you imagine something like this happening in 1970?

This entire thing is just going to drive religious fundies who supported cruz but hate trump into trump's arms

They'd rather a republican in the white house to get a republican justice to rule against tranny faggotry than letting hillary appoint all the jews she wants to rubberstamp more gay shit

Obama is literally the dumbest fucking president in recent history. Bush was way more savvy than he was in keeping his fucking head down during the 2008 election.

Please elaborate further about the minimum wage stuff

The mistake was probably acknowledging it in the first place

Just arrest anyone going into the women's room who looks like an obvious man- beard and wide shoulders and shit. If they say "I'm a self-diagnosed tranny you can't do this" what are they going to do? This entire thing is fucking retarded on that basis- any fucking dude can just go in there and say he's a chick.

Where has my country gone?

Trannies are .02% of the US population

Forgot the link. Shit is going to get real interesting soon. It's line SC Flag round 2: the transgender boogaloo

>feds threaten to cut funding to programs in NC
>NC raises state tax while companies/individuals stop cutting federal tax

would the federal governement have the balls to do anything in this PC regulated country they made? they could get away with it in 1860 because "muh slaves" but if a state decides to leave i dont think it would result in a war.

God dammit fucking kill me I'm an idiot

>in another world...
>The state governments have threatened to revoke funding for the feds if Congress does not revoke it's gay propaganda campaign by the end of today.

I don't think this holds up. Adding the provision to the bill drastically reduces the chance that it's going to be passed. Wouldn't it be better to add it to the back of some other innocuous bill and wait for nobody to notice it? Not to mention, if they're that politically aware, they'd realize that an increasingly authoritarian federal government would have to get involved.

More cons than pros it seems to me.

Would a referendum be too hard to organize?

It's all one big shitshow utilizing an unenforceable sacrificial goat to distract from everything else. Then that particular section will be canned by the feds, we'll all celebrate while acknowledging just how much further we need to check our privilege without addressing the rest of it.. Ironically, we are all now getting fucked in the ass on this one.

This thing got rammed through the general assembly lightning quick in an emergency session, my dude. There was no time to challenge it.

okay so the state stops paying federa taxes entirely and raises taxes itself

muh constitution... elites are disapearing this document so fast, it boggles the mind. And most citizens couldn't give a flying shit. It's amazing someone from south africa says more truth than the average american. All most americans care about is dancing with the stars, american idol, sports, and being pc.

Doesn't matter what the press says. Doesn't matter what the politicians or the mobs say. Doesn't matter if the whole country decides that something wrong is something right.

This nation was founded on one principle above all else: The requirement that we stand up for what we believe, no matter the odds or the consequences. When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree beside the river of truth, and tell the whole world -- "No, you move.

>Ironically, we are all now getting fucked in the ass on this one.

I'm trying to understand this. None of this falls under Capital Hill's jurisdiction. They couldn't even invoke the elastic clause into this... but they might be able to invoke the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment, seeing as this is "a encroachment of their rights under the constitution. Yet if that were true, what right is being taken from them in the first place? This is horse shit, nothing but public restrooms that are maintained by the state government of North Carolina are under this law: businesses don't even have to obey it! Why do people care SO FUCKING MUCH ABOUT DUMB SHIT LIKE THIS!

>pic semi related

trump supports faggots on girls restrooms you silly.

Clinton knows there is progressives up for grabs she'll weasel her way through.

Because it's not about the bathrooms. NC basically has made a bill rejecting trannies. In between the lines it said "transexuals are not legitimate here"

Anyone have a link to the letter the justice department sent out? I am only find news articles about it.

North Carolinian here, I can tell you that outside of Charlotte most people either support HB2 or are apathetic.

Most trannys don't have bottom surgery btw