Damn Sup Forums, i alwas knu u wuz a sillay hoe.
Best skit so far?
Million Dollar Extreme: World Peace - Episode 3
the best ones are the more deeper ones, like the teacher and the ceo
What do they call him?
This skit was easily the weakest so far. Angry CEO and Wall Show are best.
they call me doorway. they call me pink dress
WHAT DID HE MEAN BY THIS???!?!?!?!!??!
Sam should never ever do this again. It was pretty cringey.
the teacher skit was the best. followed by the tap one. looking forward to 4th episode.
Pineapple man
But the payoff was fucking great. I'd say flint is pretty high up too because of killing politicians.
lmao tiggered redditor cucks
maybe that's why he did it, dingus
Re.ddit is MDE's target audience. If you like MDE you're on the wrong site.
lol fuck off pedo no one cares what you think
This. They might not be funnier but they were definitely more entertaining.
truth hurts
>Re.ddit is MDE's target audience.
Oh my god what even is this? Look at this quote what is this? Are you retarded?
D'sam Kwa'hyde
>questionable song about jews
>belittling of black history month and holocaust
>implied support for Trump
>people get mad about some silly sketch with blackface
just confused
Lie to me twice. Ima start screaming. Ima start screamin on dat ass. I be like. I be like.
>Sup Forumseddit worshipped samael hydelstein until Sup Forums told them he was right-wing
lmao you cucks are so dumb
I wasn't even referring to MDE, fag. I was talking about your faggy site war obsessions that only a faggot would care about.
lol this shit was fucking hilarious .. the other guy's skits were shit though.
Has he introduced Uncle Cornrow Sam Wallis yet?
now you're just being faggatronic delux 2000
Sup Forums IS Sup Forums.
The only people who refute this are literal cunny posting pedophiles
Do it like this
It looks better
that blonde chick is nothing special but she gets me hard everytime
she has that typical american bitch face
>literally putting blue pills in the tap water
wew lad
>Katie almost starts corpsing
fav part desu
based John Maus
infinitely this. I didn't even find the ceo and teacher ones that funny but the cinematography, the acting and the overall mood have me coming back for me. That's some of the best shit I've ever seen shot for an Adult Swim show, I know that's not saying much but still
>I don't work construction, I'm a woman.
I love how he keeps forgetting shit like that, too much modafinil bro, gotta expand reality to the X3M #WYCKEDSIK
Gotta say that i'm suprised no one yet has said "i like everything in the show"
but anyway it's good everyone seems to take something they like from it.
>Backstage you were te- I asked you if you were a drinking lass there miss, and you said, INDEED you were a drinking lass. What was it exactly you said to me, when I asked ya?
>>I do like to drink and when I drink
>when I drink
>>I (I) like (like) to (to) drink profusely (drink profusely)
>>and then black out
>and then black out
>>and wake up
>and wake up
>>and ask, what the fuck happened?
>and ask, what the fuck happened? and that's really what you said.
>>>That's what the queen would do.
Teacher skit was the best thing I've seen on tv in a while
white (((humor)))
Musical guest power rankings (so far)
1. Ovlov
2. Chastity Belt
3. Soft Moon
>there are people who don't think Boston Ross is the funniest MDE video
non-white (((civilization)))
I put Drone on repeat for a solid hour, couldnt get enough of that
Soft Moon > Chastity Belt Tbh but not by much
This. Last skit is always best skit.
I actually bought their album on Bandcamp
Chastity Belt is my fav band from all those featured so far but the actual setup and performance, Ovlov's was the best
>transition from the teacher sketch
>dude rocking out on the noose
>le vote trump
which album senpai?
Time To Go Home
it's the one that Drone's off of
I did not get that skit at all.
no it's not a lot going on around here. Why don't you take my car
brittany is best girl
I got it , just didnt really hit for me.
They're playing my city in about a month. Should be a gud show.
This would have been way funnier if Sam just looked like Sam. No character.
How the fuck do you make blackface cringe and not funny?
Sam Hyde is so inept
>Her smile as she struggles to contain her laughter
I think I just found my waifu
she was tweeting about how the show was unfunny and regretted it
How long until Home Movies replaces this garbage again?
Peanut Arbuckle
>Usually flip cars and sometimes even kill politicians
What did he mean by that?
The Silver Bullet.
I dunno I think it's kinda funny making fun of people who unironically acts fucking retarded.
>jimmy hats
it was fucking awesome, too bad sjws will get him cancelled.
Are the ratings out yet?
this nigger isnt funny at all
he ruins the show tbqh
Fuck off. World Peace is 10000000x better than your crayon cartoon shit
He's the prettyboy
That last skit was beautiful.
And the blurred out Vote Trump hat was bullshit.
Adult Swim are pussies.
>too bad sjws will get him cancelled.
SJWs don't watch Adult Swim.
maybe this little puppy wants to take you to the pound house and get himself another bitch
Apparently she was bitching about the show on twitter because she and her friends didn't think it was funny
she deleted it. its probs on le reddits somewhere or the mde fb
bullshit ;)
i used to think this but then i stopped being a retard.
the tap water bit was great
they go out of their way to find shit to whine about, and since he dares to make fun of shitskin niggers they're going to crawl out of the woodwork and start calling him an evil rayciss
There goes my waifu...
told you kunt
>implying that wasn't just photoshopped
Eric Andre pulls the twitternigger audience, you can bet some uptight black bitch with a picket sign up her ass totally saw Sam pull out his Shaun King getup.
Nope. I saw the tweet last night. She deleted it because MDE fans were harassing her.
did they fuck?
I'd never seen anything by this guy.
I saw his TED talk and that episode 3 of his show.
I enjoyed the talk but thought the show kinda drew out some unfunny jokes way too long. Some of it was alright though, I'll start watching.
They just haven't had enough QT.
the tweet didn't even have any replies
Even better
why do so many people like The CEO skit? Sure i thought it was at least a little funny at times, but overall it just didnt make sense to me in the end.
They call the silver bullet.
They call me all kinds of things.
They call me argon.
They call me darkchild.
They call me nightmasta.
They call me peabody.
They call me peanut arbuckle.
They call me doorway.
They call me pink dress.
They call me sweezy.
They call me go-go nuts.
They call me pineapple man.
>they call me Argon
this guy gets it..
It's what life is like