Star Trek

This man walks into the bar, slaps your girlfriend's ass, and challenges you to a game of baseball.

What do you do?

We bat first.

I point out two people can't play baseball, then I watch my girlfriend beat him up with a brass knuckle.

Steal a Prophet's orb and become the space Antechrist?

Remind him that Dukat did nothing wrong.

Ask him how Jennifer is doing.

I take off my mask, I was Dukat all along, and he's in a Kardassian bar. I send him to a Bajoran labor camp while I go home and fuck Kyra Nerys who is now my personal sex slave cause I broke her will. Occupation of Bajor continues for another 500 years.

pull off a fancy dan.

like that fucking homo would slap a female ass

Fuck his son

>Q torments picard all his life
>first time sisko meets Q he slaps his bitch ass

what if we spin the nutrinos counter clockwise and add a buffer to quantum intake? i think it might just work if we use a nano fold on the intake filter, while power blasting nogs's asshole. Id put 50 bars of gold plated latinum this shit would work!

Throw him a little chin music

I accept his challenge, and then let him win, and also give him my gf as recompense for troubling him. Then I pray that he doesn't poison the atmosphere on my planet.


I get first pick, and I pick Dukat.

I tell him that DS9 isn't really star trek because it doesn't conform to Roddenberry's vision and is just a facsimile of Babylon 5. Invariably some cringewortrhy edgelord will defend black space jesus even though he knows I'm right.

I'd remind him that resistance is futile.


*incoherent angry sobbing*

Picard entertaining Q prevented the human race from being completely wiped out on multiple occasions.

Tell him I remember fucking a hot woman named Jennifer. Tall, light skinned, liked bikinis on the beach.


Commander, tell me about your batting average?

Tell him I already won the baseball game because none of this is

reveal my team of vulcans

I'm watching ds9 for the first time, it's no where near as good as tng but light-years ahead of voyager. Dax is such a based bitch, the ferengi kid and Jake are so bad though.

Get some vulcans and kick his ass

So, should he have left the show after The Best of Both Worlds? I mean, he basically faded into the background after that. Few Riker-focused episodes, no more offers of commands, he was just there, getting cucked every time Worf destroyed Troi's anus with his knobby kock.

Would it have made more sense for him to switch over to directing full-time and let Riker move on?

You'll change your tune about Nog in later seasons, he actually gets some of the best character development in any Trek series.

Where are you at in DS9?

Made it to season 4 yet?

They dropped the commands bit since it was getting old.

Most of the riker episodes are some of the best of TNG, so no.

they have a huge arc later on where the show becomes centred around it. I liked it but some people are put off by the loss of the episodic format. DS9 has the best characterisation of any trek show either way.

But were there even that many Riker stories after that? The only one I can recall was the one where he was getting mind-fucked or something. It just seemed like the were working up to him eventually accepting a command and moving on before the show finished.

Later part of season 3. Just watched the one where everyone wants to fucc cause trois mom is obsessed with odo.

It's good from season 2 onwards, but season 5 is where it becomes the best Trek imo.

Turn around and say this
>"I know you. I was like you once, but then I opened my eyes. Open your eyes, captain. Why is the Federation so obsessed with the Maquis? We've never harmed you. And yet we're constantly arrested and charged with terrorism. Starships chase us through the Badlands and our supporters are harassed and ridiculed. Why? Because we've left the Federation, and that's the one thing you can't accept. Nobody leaves paradise. Everyone should want to be in the Federation. Hell, you even want the Cardassians to join. You're only sending them replicators because one day they can take their 'rightful place' on the Federation Council. You know, in some ways you're even worse than the Borg. At least they tell you about their plans for assimilation. You're more insidious. You assimilate people and they don't even know it."

Okay, you still have a lot of the good episodes to go, even in season 3

Future Imperfect
First Contact
The Outcast
Second Chances
The Pegasus

All come to mind as good Riker episodes after Best of both worlds.

Haven't seen it all yet but very unlikely this will surpass tng for me. With all the call back characters I really hope ensign ro shows up, the Bjorn suck dick in ds9 but were dope freedom fighters in tng

Bite the fuck out of his ankles.

Major Kira was supposed to be Ro, but the actress refused the role.

>a glib facsimile

Just wait 'till Improbable Cause

Why do I love this meme so?

>it's a "this same autist that thinks Star Trek was all about whoosh whoosh spaceships is in literally every thread" episode
Nice dubs though

Wow what a colossal bummer.

This. Picard knows how to control his emotions and think ahead.

>ask him to fuck my girlfriend first
>they fuck for 10 hours straight and they both cum buckets
>play baseball after
>he's tired as fuck from making my gf cum
>i win

feels good man

Why do you exist here?

Think he'd be willing to swap?

>letting a wife and child serve on the same ship as their Husband/Father
This is literally why the Army doesn't assign brothers to the same unit. We've had this shit figured out for thousands of years. It was Roman practice not to have close relations serve in the same century if not cohort, and if they were wealthy enough in the classical period to be mounted they likely wouldn't serve in the same legion.

Starfleet I am disappoint.

To be fair, Jennifer wasn't serving. She was a civilian who lived on the ship.

Nog gets some of the best character development and episodes in the show. His dad, Rom, also gets some great time in the limelight.

Jake also gets his own great episodes, like, "The Visitor," and other stuff.

Jake best episode is when they replace the actor who played jake with candyman

He was Xanatos, he did more than fine.

Starfleet is more than just a military though, and the ship he served on was primarily for exploration. Obviously if it was wartime they wouldn't have families on board

t. Section 31 galaxyist

They have come here from other more mainstream sites, and wont leave.

Underrated post