Rekt thread;

Rekt thread;
Try to Freak meeeeeeeee





bad doge

Not exactly rekt but may do the job

same fag posting same old fag webm

Fine nigger
A beheading?

i died "get pranked" hahahahahaha lol

still another same fag webm get new content

Actually on a second thought have this

even older

Holy fucking shit how much struggle did this dude have lmao

You probably saw this before eh?

yeah im an old fag myself unfortunately
it has its drawbacks




I think that goat has autism


You probably have seen my entire folder
I give up
Have Trudeau getting punched as a reward

this is rewarding






China is such a terrible country.

Name of the movie?



filename says it all. help me out.

This is by far the roughest webm in this thread

When the fuck are people going to realise this is gore, not rekt. Stupid newfags.

yeah, that shit went to a real dark place quick-style...

how the fuck is someone going to get freaked with rekt content

its the same boring shit


private pyle


whats going on here

nerve gas

bull vids are the best. hard to feel bad about someone fucking with a bull on their own free will

akira live action




he was just acting for the cameras


too bad this isnt a YLYL bread. I lost.


hope you're ready to be fucked for life

anyone got the video of the guy grating his knuckles?