Did you cry when:
Eleven sacrificed herself?
Hopper had flashbacks of his kid?
Will saw his friends again?
You wasted six and a half hours of your life?
Did you cry when:
Eleven sacrificed herself?
Hopper had flashbacks of his kid?
Will saw his friends again?
You wasted six and a half hours of your life?
dude 80s lmao
when chad i mean steve got the girl
This mini series failed to capture anything about the 80s, other than playing a few token 80s songs which likely came out after 83.
>You wasted six and a half hours of your life?
Basically yes.
>Did you cry
No, because I'm an adult. If you seriously cry over shit happening on a screen, you're still a child mentally.
The creators weren't even trying to create an 80's nostalgia trip. The setting just worked really well.
It was okay. It took me a month to finish, but it was okay.
Really the monster took away from everything else really cool going on.
Here ya go
Parents seeing their kids die always gets me. It's happened to family and it's the worst. I don't have kids to even begin understanding how it feels but most parents say their child's birth is the best moment in their life, so try to imagine the polar opposite of that.
Thanks, have one back!
So why sign on for season 2 yet?
Was it received it that bad?
Where would the show even go after season 1? Have a new monster every season like Supernatural? That'd be cheesy as fuck
I'm emotionally unstable so, yeah, I cried when Eleven sacraficed herself and Mike was calling for her, and also when Mike was jumping off the cliff and when the kids saw Will's dead body being fished out from the quarry.
The Duffers said something about there being a reason we only see one monster running around the Upside Down, and that it could be elaborated upon in season two. Apparently they have a 30 page essay explaining exactly what the Upside Down is all about.
I got a little teary when Will saw his buddies again. El didn't do anything for me because anyone can tell she'll back for season two, there's no way that character could be killed off so easily.
>Eleven sacrificed herself?
No. It was obvious it would end that way. I could have still cried if they handled it better but it just kinda suddenly happened and then it was over in the same instant. Not enough buildup and not enough sadness during and afterwards. And then they killed it completely by pulling the ol' "lol jk she's alive after all".
>Hopper had flashbacks of his kid?
Almost when he was trying to bring back Will, but this also needed better execution to really get to me.
>Will saw his friends again?
Again, needed better execution. He just looked so indifferent about finally being back home and safe again.
>You wasted six and a half hours of your life?
I had fun, how is that wasted?
>He just looked so indifferent about finally being back home and safe again.
Yeah the kid who played Will had this "OH GAWRSH" overreaction when he saw them again, it kinda blew the scene.
But fuck dude, you didn't have to remove all the goddamn spoiler tags.
>crying over Reddit Things
>This much in denial
Nice contrarian post, you can now post it to r/Sup Forums.
Don't come back
>I had fun, how is that wasted?
ah this nu-male meme again
every moment of time between 20 and 30 spent on such good, quality "fun" you're gonna look back on and truly enjoy my friend
>[/spoiler]Eleven sacrificed herself?[/spoiler]
>[/spoiler]Will saw his friends again?[/spoiler]
>[/spoiler]Hopper had flashbacks of his kid?[/spoiler]
Yes, manly tears.
>You wasted six and a half hours of your life?
I only cried when they found 'will' the first time.