Does Sup Forums like iZombie ? I thought it was going to be shit when I started it but wow I love it

does Sup Forums like iZombie ? I thought it was going to be shit when I started it but wow I love it


Congratiulation, you have the taste of a 14 year old scene girl.

Why is she so cute?

lots of reasons

and yes I do like the show

Spotted the literal pleb

jessie rogers acts in tv shows now?

Awww, did i hurt feelings. This show is meant for teenage tumblrettes and not for grown men. Where did your parents go so wrong?

>talks about teen tumblrettes
>starts post with 'Awww, did i hurt feelings'


Sorry im russian.

You're a faggot is what you are

*punches you in the nose*

>hurr there's no girls on Sup Forums

Confirmed fOr not having seen the show

It was fun until it got taken over by relationship dramu. Last season was shit
Prediction of rapid decline.


>not loving the Major and Ravi friendship evolve

Also Major is the king of quips.


But guess who's watching the show kid.

There are no girls on the internet.

>being this mad

have you seen it?

Fuck you

*kicks you*

Seriously, this show is for girls. It's as bad as Supergirl.

hahahaha it took one post to get all you faggots bitching at each other like girls

liked the first season but quit the second season after the second episode for some reason. I might go back to it

*smacks your butt*

Just proves that you're an emotional unexperienced teen that can't argument even if his life depented on it.

I'll allow it only because I'm thinking of Liv

*smacks your butt*


I actually have never seen it. I'm just trying to shitpost and everyone mad like you.


Willa Holland would have been better for the part.

It's weird how mundane the show is.

There's no way they'll have the comic ending where she grows into a naked giantess and eats Cthulhu

It's the perfect setup for a Major quip tho

It's kind of weird how they kept the show title and the main character design and literally nothing else

it's the best show on tv since The Sopranos

Part requires acting in a different way each episode. Willa, while gorgeous, cannot act at all so it's pretty fucking pointless to suggest her.

>tfw tried to recommend the show to my sister

I think she thinks I'm gay now bros

No one understands


Two awsome season finales
How other CW shows compete?

Its a shame they killed off two great villains in the second season finale. Honestly disappointed

Rita and Max Rager? They got what they deserve.
We still got Mr. Boss and Zombie Corps

But Max was hilarious and that scene when Rita's banging on his office door...shit, that was actually a really powerful scene. I'll miss them

also Rita was cute


honestly I think this show is so underappreciated. in 100-200 years this will be one of the top 20 things remembered from 1990-2020

you're watching and loving the modern vincent van gogh

I just wait here for pics and webms of Liv. The show is trash.

Wtf is that the dude from Ned's Declassified and the Fairy Odd Parents?

It's not trash!

I agree Max was based but nowhere near to Weather Man, that guy is hilarious as fuck

I forget did peyton get scratched in the finale last season? Are we going to see zombie peyton? I don't know if I'll be able to contain my boner.

I don't remember that but I hope not. Too many zombies being made on the good guys team

No but she did catch Blaine's BZC

She's a Power Ranger, you know.

Is this the dawn of albinokino?

Pale girls really do it for me

yeah same
even better when they have tan line

How the fuck can pale girls have a tan line?

they're different degree of pale

This. I especially like it in my porn!

Use a tanning booth while wearing a crotchless body stocking

tanning booth are literal cancer thought
like any artificial tanning stuff wich just makes you orange like carrot

Once a ranger, always a ranger

it's ok

I've masturbated to it.

we all did user, we all
