/cfb/ general - Championship Weekend Edition


#1 Alabama (14-0)
#2 Clemson (13-1)

ESPN // January 9th // 8:00 PM EST // Raymond James Stadium // Tampa, Florida


#4 JMU (13-1)
Youngstown State (12-3)

ESPN // January 7th // 12:00 PM EST // Toyota Stadium // Frisco, Texas

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That's that I said.

what did they mean by this?

What are the elite teams right now?
How many of them got their coaches by hiring a guy from another P5 program?
The best team I could think of was Nebraska

how will broncos fags ever recover?


What did we do you to piss you off?

What's the fallout if Clemson pulls it off? Does Sup Forums hit critical mass?

inb4 new annual game is born between them

Anybody gonna watch the Army All-American Bowl?



Tomorrow, lots of recruits play and announce commitments. High chances of betrayal, and a Michigan QB commit getting crushed to death (he's 6'5" 190 eat some food kid)

What time? (Yeah I know I could just googled but I missed you guys so much)
May watch that instead of Connor Cook shitting the bed.

McCaffrey or the other one?

1PM EST. Dylan McCaffrey, he's pretty elite I've heard and is very smart. I've seen some highlights and Harbaugh is on to something.

Man we already killed a thread, damn

>the last time Clemson beat Alabama was 1905

I don't even like Bama but HAHA.

What should I listen to while I recruit and do other stuff during my dynasty?



What do you like?

The xx

Basically everything

>Kid Cudi - Passion, Pain & Demon Slayin'
If you like rap I recommend this I've been listening to it alot. It isn't alot of yelling or screaming like most people think modern rap is, but pretty chill and a good listen.

Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley

Who is ready for the Tennessee redemption arc in 2017 played by the brilliant actor Butch Jones?!?!

Wasn't this year the redemption arc? You guys have a better chance of winning hiring Pey Pey.

rap is plebeian trash


>season 2013: the introduction arc: introduce Butch Jones, the major players, Dobbs is also introduced when he has to burn his redshirt
>season 2014: the character development arc: still not very powerful but have high hopes, Butch and Dobbs beat the evil Spurrier and finally make it back to the land of bowls
>season 2015: the hope arc: Butch still loses but he is very close, almost defeats the dark Lord Saban in his own home, almost beats Stoops, kills Mark Richt, and then destroys Northwestern, everyone thinks that 2016 will be the climax the show has been building towards
>season 2016: the PUNISHED arc: Butch realizes the costs of his actions as he realizes he was not as prepared as he thought he was, he has to rely on ayy lmao magic to carry him but then it runs out and he is destroyed in his fight with Saban, he also loses to the meme lord Derek Mason, even worse he now knows that because of his abuse of ayy lmao magic, Dobbs is now stranded forever on Earth never to return home, season ends bittersweet with Butch finally avenging the dead Sheriff by killing Nebraska, but he is still on the verge of losing everything he fought for

Rumours-Fleetwood Mac

/cfb/ is getting late season stale so lets have some fun

Make a bold prediction for next year for, then make a reasonable, probable prediction

>Michigan State will have more wins than Michigan
>Baker Mayfield wins the Heisman

South Carolina will win the national championship
Alabama will win the national championship

this makes more sense than i want to admit

>FSU wins the Natty
>FSU makes another NY6 bowl maybe a playoff

>Colorado regresses just as fast as it rose
>USC wins the natty

>Michigan makes the Rose Bowl
>Michigan goes 10-3 again

>alot of yelling or screaming

nigga you need to actually listen to modern rap its pretty smmoth

give chance a try

are the ncaa14 servers still up, if they are we should do an offseason online dynasty just the lads

I'm down to do it if you cucks are
Souf Currilina finna beat your asses

Post girls


>Ok State in the playoffs
>Michigan getting BTFO by Ohio State

Im down if it means destroying Bentley

I'm down for Dynasty

>mfw both happen

I was saying it's a stereotype and that not all rap is like that, but that's what people who haven't listened to it assume. I don't think I worded it well.

They're still up just kinda trash. Im in if you guys do it. But how do you keep people from just picking bama, and elite schools?

Wanna go ahead and claim teams? I call South Carolina of course

If you play me get ready to get dotted up

I'd do it. I've been wanting to test my ELITE recrootin strategies on some fools.

>tfw im gonna be a comfy G5 school and steal overlooked top croots and slowly build my empire

On 360 or PS3?

360 ofc

Sodom - Napalm in the Morning

2. Northwest Missouri State
3. Princeton
4. Clempson
5t. James Madison
5t. THE Youngstown State University Penguins
6. Florida State University
7. Oklahoma
8. USC
9. Ok State
10. Florida?? No one really deserves the 10 spot I'll probably remove it

QB Draft Power Rankings Sponsored by Taco Bellâ„¢ picking up the tabs of 500 students from the student section

God Tier. Chad Kelly
Big ass power gap

1. Patrick Mahomes
2. Nathan Peterman
3. Mitch Trubitsky
5. Davis Webb
Smaller powergap

6. Kizer
7. Sefo
8. Kaaya
9. Terrell
10. Appleby
11. Tyler O'Connor


Just go find a real job tier

Trevor Knight
Seth Russell
Bart Houston

Convert to RB tier
Tommy Armstrong

>USC goes 14-0 and cruises to a natty
>Bama wins

I'm in. How do I join

TrumpetReich add me or something

Welp. I was on my way to Tampa to watch the natty and was flying through Ft. Lauderdale to meet with family a few days before.
Now I'm stuck in Nashville until tomorrow probably.

>tfw want to see how I can start it up but can't find the back to my controller
Life is currently suffering

Alright niggas

Original guy here, I'm on 360 so the rest of you pals better be too. If you arent, they cost like 20 bucks for the base model on ebay pick one up poor people

My thoughts is I'll post again some time after the natty, we'll get a nice schedule together and then get rolling

Also this way we can keep /cfb/ alive in the offseason to post summaries so that the ps3fags can see how much fun we are having and also so the non cfb fags on Sup Forums can have autistic meltdowns of why /cfb/ still exists like they always do


say that shit to my face fucker

59th for Go Gators


61st for fuck you and Clemson

just kill me already

i need to cop a new 360, but shit if theyre that cheap then im down

clemson will win

and Bama loses by 10+

I have a 360 in my college apartment i won on auction on ebay for $15, I literally only use it to play cfb

Redpill me on PJ Fleck

Was Les Myles a better pick

I swapped my Old SNES for an Xbox 360 with a guy in my dorm a while back. I never played my SNES that much and he was a nostalgiafag so we swapped and I got to play NCAA 14 and junk. I just need to get live gold again.

Fleck is better because people like Fleck. Miles is a renowned asshole.

In the long run maybe

PJ is a meme G5 coach, no matter how well they do at their G5 school, it's always rolling the dice when a P5 program takes them on.

B1G West isn't super stacked though, and Minnesota is a team itching for a comeback. I could see good things here, but I could also see total failure.


>I will soon be able to destroy Harbaughlin in a game of good ol' fashioned pigskin

it's like all my dreams are coming true

Battle for the little brown jug gon be gud
I'm inconsistent as fuck, sometimes I ball out of control, other times I throw like 5 picks. Expect memes. I'm considering recruiting only blacks. My team is gonna be the All-Somali squad.

>based Tampa luring them in with perfect weather then switching to cold ass rain for the game

Count me right the fuck in, Sim user. I still have my 360 and ncaa14

Also, unexpected onside kick by Clemson in the natty ya heard it here first folks, fucking cap it

Im testing out Online Dynasty right now. Alot of rules we would need to vote on so I'll list them now. We're not voting now just listing them to talk about them

>allow existing coaches (if you pick alabama you coach as Nick Saban) Y/N
>allow end of season skill-tree reset Y/N
>set coach started level Default/Set (for example all users start at level 10)
>set coach level progression rate slowest/slow/normal/fast/fastest
>allow custom playbooks
>allow time savers
>AI sliders
>game rules (penalty sliders)
>difficulty freshman/varsity/all-american/heisman
>quarter length
>player min speed threshold (makes it so that a 99 speed guy would realistically outrun a 80 speed guy or vice versa)
>home field advantages on/off
>ice the kicker on/off
>conferences up to date Y/N
>FCS teams imported up to date Y/N

Go ahead and discuss these for the meantime

Should we all play in the same conference?

Dibs on Grambling

>Michigan fan
>is a cuck
literally poetry

>allow existing coaches (if you pick alabama you coach as Nick Saban) Y/N
y, use 2016 rosters from operation sports
>allow end of season skill-tree reset Y/N
>set coach started level Default/Set (for example all users start at level 10)
>set coach level progression rate slowest/slow/normal/fast/fastest
>allow custom playbooks
>allow time savers
>AI sliders
>game rules (penalty sliders)
custom from operationsports
>difficulty freshman/varsity/all-american/heisman
all american with custom sliders makes for a fun fucking time
>quarter length
5 min
>player min speed threshold (makes it so that a 99 speed guy would realistically outrun a 80 speed guy or vice versa)
3, the difference isnt noticeable as you may think
>home field advantages on/off
>ice the kicker on/off
>conferences up to date Y/N
if 2016 rosters, y
>FCS teams imported up to date Y/N
n, would like to use my custom Montana teambuilder team though

gt: Zombii Reagan

For newly added FCS teams you'd need to put

>Charlotte - C-USA
>Georgia Southern - Sun Belt
>Appalachian State - Sun Belt
>Carolina Coastal - C-USA???

And Remove

The catch is that for every team you import one must be taken out. So here are teams that won't be missed if you take them out

>Texas State (literally the literally who of the FBS went 2-10 in the fucking Sun Belt)
>Idaho (already leaving)
>UAB (even though they're coming back they're trash on every roster so not much of a loss)
>possibly Hawai'i (unless someone calls dibs they do have a killer stadium and awesome jerseys)
>San Jose State

Just do strawpolls for all those when we get settled

>#4 JMU (13-1)
>Youngstown State (12-3)

Go Dukes

>Texas State
I literally forget they're even in the game t.b.h.

Sounds good. I need this

Buffalo, SJSU, Hawaii and Texas State dont need to go

Swap UAB for Charlotte
Swap Idaho for App State
Swap Georgia State for Southern Georgia
Coastal Carolina isn't necessary, if anything swap em with UMass

e-z p-z

>even worse he now knows that because of his abuse of ayy lmao magic, Dobbs is now stranded forever on Earth never to return home
poor guy. The footballian crystal was within reach

Charlotte vs LA Tech in C-USA championship

Jalen Hurts win the Heisman and Bamawinslol

aw yiss. Finna lose to everyonecause i'm bad

I'd get rid of Texas State
>disgusting jerseys
>in an area where they literally can't recruit
>worse team in the SB
>literal who?
If anything they can be a free swap for an FCS wildcard if someone makes a request.

>Charlotte vs LA Tech in C-USA championship
I couldn't help but notice that neither of those schools are Florida Atlantic.

>not destroying a school as head coach

>For newly added FCS teams you'd need to put
You "assigned" these teams to conferences they're already in. Charlotte was in C-USA this season, and in fact always has been since re-adding football. GSU and App State moved to the SBC when they went to FBS. Coastal Carolina is joining the Sun Belt in football next season, and is already player in basketball now.

Remove Idaho and NMSU because whaaaat the fuck

USC is the type of school to fire a guy for only winning 8 games.

FAU will give you a raise and let you fuck the chancellor's daughter.

I vote 8 minute quarters. Normally I go with 5, but this seems important.

Yeah 8 minutes also sound good
That's the point put them where they already are. I wasn't sure where CC is gonna be hence the ???

>USC goes 14-0 and cruises to a natty

>reasonable, probable


You'll go 11-2 at best don't get cocky now. Be humble my mans