TFW you can call this play and still have a job in the NFL 2 years later

>TFW you can call this play and still have a job in the NFL 2 years later.

Feels good man.

Other urls found in this thread:

nothing wrong with this play. sure it didn't work out but the upsides were tremendous. worth a go.

The reasoning behind it is nonsensical. How and why would the team jump offsides. They cannot even legally run a play in this formation.

someone post the webm

I hate Jim Irsay so much.

Need the webm

It is literally retarded though. How can you snap the ball under center and pass it with no blocking?

It was meant to draw a 12 man penalty. It looked like they were switching out to the punting team but they weren't. When that didn't work they decided to try for a false start but the guy who normally runs the play was out with an injury. The replacement snapper didn't know he wasn't supposed to snap it.

This exactly.

It wasn't supposed to be snapped

The idea was catch the patriots in an awkward position then snap the ball do the hadn't switched their guys out.

When that didn't work they were supposed to go for a hard count and try for offsides then take the delay of game. They have explained it and this kind of thing has worked in college and Canada

So everyone else in this thread is basically an egotistical moron.

Protip: before you speak on it, actually know what the fuck you are talking about.

So they* the didn't switch their guys out in time.

really fires up your neurons

Wrong spaghetti fag. The players on the offense didn't even line up correctly. Even if the Pats didn't stop whatever the fuck they were trying to do here the play would have been a penalty. Also there is no way humanly possible #32 under center would have been able to make a throw before one of the two Patriots on either side of center got to him.

Literally the worst play call of all time.

You're that shitter that's been down on the Pats all week. Get back in your can, Chef Boyardee.

Doesn't change the fact that Pagano is an idiot for trying to play head games with the best coached and most disciplined team of the past decade. Plain stupid.

I'm happy you Colts faggots are the laughingstock of the NFL and won't sniff success for another 7-10 years at least. Piece of shit owner, piece of shit franchise, and tried to snitch on the Patriots about "deflated balls" when there was no evidence.

But hey, at least you've got that AFC championship game participant banner to hang up you fucking joke franchise.

it's a good call get over it. the upsides were unmatched

Boston sports radio reacts to this play the next day

>It's a good call to intentionally put yourself in position to get a penalty or blow a time out in the best case scenario
>It's a good call to try and match wits with the literal best head coach of all time
>I also unironically believe that aaron rodgers is the best QB of all time

mama mia, how can one man be so retarded?


Felger and Mazz are the best.

>past fans are still this mad at the Colts
It amazes me how a fanbase can have such an insane superiority complex and yet have this pathological obsession with an 8-8 team. Seriously, I think you should talk to someone.

How can one greasy whop be so wrong?

Don't you have soccer to watch and a wife to hit?

Fuck the Colts. It's going to be a pleasure to watch them and the Baltipoor Ratbirds flail around in the basements of their shit divisions for the next decade.

>Obsessed with not 1 but 2 (two) non-division rivals
Really makes you think

Well the regular season for a Pats fan is just 17 weeks of hoping your players don't get injured before their playoff run.
Shit gets boring, you gotta have something to think about.
Plus, the Colts and the Ravens were at one point actual rivals to the Pats so seeing them go down in flames, especially considering how trash both franchises are, is beautiful.

>"fan" getting bored with his team

> illegal formation
> the upsides were unmatched

You really need to log off Sup Forums and start paying your debt.

you don't understand football


you know i'm right

In what way do you think you're right? The formation wasn't legal. Best you can hope for is blowing a time out.

Here's an example of this stupid play done with the correct formation so at the very least the team with the ball doesn't get penalized. But this is probably the best result you can hope for,

This is honestly hilarious

why would they be more likely to put 12 guys on the field?

why would they go be more likely to go offsides?

this play would've been smarter if they actually designed it to be a quick backwards pass to the guy 20 yards back who would then hail mary it

please tell me you're only pretending to be retarded; this is embarrassing.

Italian shitposting everybody

he's right though
the players fucked up
best case you get the first down for free
worst case you're punting 5 yards further back after a delay of game
it was objectively a good call, the players just fucked up

This is why Italians were bitch slapped in both World Wars and forced to switch sides


If the Colts had had a 12th man on the field, this would have worked. Just goes to show you why Canadian football is the superior form of pigskin.

>illegal formation

>how about that protection


Not the playcaller's fault. They were never supposed to snap it if the defense wasn't freaking out. Just try to bait them offside.

This is correct. Only casuals think this is the worst play ever.

Over/under on number of QBs drafted by the Colts this year is 3
Over/under on the number of those same QBs drafted by the Colts this year being cut by the start of the season is 3