Tfw your country is full of Chelsea customers

>tfw your country is full of Chelsea customers

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soccer's gay

Southerner from the U.S. What team should I go for?


holy fucking kek

chelsea is popular in italy because zola then di matteo then conte

>austin, texas is chelsea

feels good lads


If you're Jewish, Spurs
If you're black, Arsenal
If you like to party, Leicester
If you're secretly racist, QPR
If you're a criminal, Liverpool
If you're white trash, Man City
If you're openly racist, Chelsea
If you have a horrible accent, Aston Villa
If you're a pious gloomy arsehole, Everton
If you genuinely have a learning disability, Hull
If you're an obese and have a stepdaughter, Newcastle
If you're secretly racist but everybody knows, West Ham
If you're a smug arsehole or have Pakistani heritage, Man Utd
If you're proper wacky and zany yet incredibly boring, West Brom
If you have a stepdaughter you secretly sexually abuse, Swansea
If you like to go to pubs and pretend you're in the SAS, Southampton
If you have a hunchback and one eye that's always half-closed, Stoke
If you like to smash it with the lads and talk loudly about how great Burnley is, Burnley
If you are two more bottles of White Lightning away from one last liver failure, Sunderland
If you're a top fan and proud to be a top fan and must ensure everybody knows you are a top fan, Crystal Palace

>No Middlesbrough
>Newcastle instead.

Is this an omen?

I like this post

>the whole country bandwagoning Suarez even after he left
sounds about right

uuuhn, um, hmm uuug

norway loves liverpool wtf. The only reason that chile loves Arsenal is because Alexis. In other time it would be entirely blue

Metro boomin want some more nigga

>not supporting England's Liverpool just because you are a fan of the glorious negriazul

any brazilian that """supports""" an european club should honestly end themselves, specially if that club happens to be Chelshit/Man. Shitty/PSG

I'm like half of these things.

honest question: the british side of my family was entirely from Kent, do people from that area go for crystal palace or chelsea more? the mls is in offseason for another couple months so i wouldn't mind catching up on a british team's season while i wait

>If you're openly racist, Chelsea
too ez

Wenger feels


what did you mean by the last one? cp fan btw

sigh, Swansea it is

le reddit humor, very epic bro

thank you based Romania

describe yourself and I will asign you a team

hardcore Kent choice would be Gillingham, but Premier League wise probably Crystal Palace would be closest

just a little joke mate, on how they probably are the best home fans in the league but also know it, as do pundits/commentators who frequently mention it


also what is Giovinco like on a weekly basis? I always thought he was good whenever I saw him

also has Jozy Altidore developed into the mongoloid battering ram I always thought he could be? and is Bradley actually good or is that a meme?

I seriously doubt we have so little ManU bandwagoners here (because of Valencia).

>Weimarsenal triangle

What's the deal with Thailand

No, just the fact that Boro has at most 30 fans

Most people in Kent support Charlton Athletic over Crystal Palace.

I seriously doubt we have so little Liverpool bandwagoners here (because of Klavan)

b-but CP has cheerleaders

Getting to Selhurst Park from Kent and South East London is an absolute ball ache

t. live in Kent but my mothers side of the family are originally from Croydon.

Based Grecians. Fellow Liverpool bros.

i'm glad I support Bayern, then!!
OOOOo, OO oo ooOO (seven nation army)

go bayern!! go!

I wish I was Bavarian (true german) XD

Oh~ a fellow lifelonger, so nice to see. Leicesterstrasse born and raised here.

What about Carletto?

All the arshitnal supporters in my state.......

giovinco before the hip injury this season - flashy goals every game. giovinco after hip injury this season - good forward but not top class. jozy has learned to use his physicality to bypass defenders which has led to some funny plays where he essentially sends people to the ground and scores. at the end of the season him and giovinco were performing equally as strikers even if giovinco is better overall

here's an example of what i mean, he basically gets a goal because the NYCFC defender can't even move him with a full body tackle:

bradley is a great midfielder for the MLS, would probably be mid to low level premier league if he transferred

sorry for late reply was having dinner with my dear old dad

>Most people in Kent support Charlton Athletic over Crystal Palace.

any specific reason? i mean i get the part that palace is basically a london team with some kent roots but what is it about charlton? i don't have any real bias towards EFL over EPL, i mean i watch mls games and it can't possibly be anyworse than some shit people do there, would just be fun to see some games by the club supported by the area my grandma's family is from

also armando cooper should have an eye kept on him by euro fans, he's a panama national we just signed after a loan from arabe unido and if he gets any better and develops some discipline he will outpace MLS easily

fuck liverpool.
for me, it's chelsea

>Caring at all about any football club in South America

I could tell you from memory the standings at any time of the season and the usual starting line-ups of at least 75% of clubs in the PL, and I have absolutely no idea about the players and standings in any South American league, and I could not care less about Copa Libertadores. I think the last time I followed a South American team was when Salas was playing in River. The quality of South American leagues is underwhelming and the stadiums look like trash

Dont forget Ancelotti and Vialli

>Using a map projection where a piece of coast on the ass end of Norway is the same size as the LA metropolitan area.

what's the stereotype for wednesday fans

My country is so based.

Also i'm pretty sure those Artigas/Rivera stats are wrong, those cities are right next to brazil as in you can go buy a couple beers and come back in 20 minutes.

Brazilians are making those Chelsea stats

Have you seen Barcelona's portuguese facebook page? a lot of young people dickride Barcelona.
That's because you're what they call "niƱo rata"

feels good desu

Plebs, plebs everwhere

y-you t-too, lad

>tfw can't discern the colors enough

How the fuck does Arsenal have so many fans? People who do want to be seen as band-wagoners but support a team in that top 4?

>Tyrolians are Arsenal fans
>People from Salzburg bandwagon ManU
>Everyone else supports Chelsea

really gets those neurons firing


Aside from France, the countries in mainland europe who claim to 'support' Arsenal actually hate all english clubs. They just like Arsenal the most because they always roll over in the champions league for their actual favourite club to beat them.

Africans love Arsenal because of Henry, Vieira, Kanu and all of the other french african niggers they used to have.

Americans like Arsenal because they have a cannon as a logo and they are the first english team to show up alphabetically in Fifa.

>entire SA is chelsea
>the cunts are arsenal fans
>ogreuai is liverpool
special snowflakes, they are

This is all due to rat king, isn't it?

confirmed Hitler relative that fled Europe after WWII

>not sexually abusing your step-daughter

why is there so much chelski scum

i expect this from man u though

>all the new age only got internet post 2000 plastic countries are chelsea

really makes you think

West Ham it is then

>Liverpool fans rigging another online poll


thats arsenal fans m8

atleast get your memes straight

Actual Africans tend to prefer Chelsea because of players like Drogba and Essien. Outside of the UK and France (where pretty much every black person supports Arsenal), most black people prefer the more succesful clubs like Chelsea or United.

I'm like none of these things.

Feels good to live in Liverpool territory.

Is Liverpool /ourteam/?

Is Liverpool the club of the working class? I imagine people think Arsenal is for pretentious Londoners, even if Arsenal have been better than Liverpool for a long time

original plastic gloryhunters tbqh

That's our area.



John Arne Riise famalam

you make me sick