/f1/ Formula 1 General - Hans makes the thread again edition

Days Until Australia

>Manor are kill basically
>Force India joins reddit as well
>The winter stream is STILL supremely comfy

Winter Stream

Other urls found in this thread:




Pretty obvious desu, sadly.

Nasr killed Manor :^(

>Nasr probably could have driven for Manor if he would have driven worse in Brazil which then would not have killed Manor but they wouldn't have taken him if he would have driven worse

>Currytits Sauber backed by the personal sponsors of arguably the worst driver on the grid gets to stay in F1
>based Manor does not

Fuck Sauber. Ericsson is so fucking shit, I have given him chances because I don't want to seem petty hurr durr he's swedish so he's shit xDDD but honestly he is just a fucking trash driver who never did anything impressive in his whole career including pre-F1 and is literally more undeserving of a F1 drive than e.g. Jolyon Palmer.

At least Nasr had a pretty decent junior career, kind of a shame if his career ends like this, I feel like he could easily do what e.g. Perez does if he got a decent midfield car. I wish Massa would just step down mid-season after he realizes he is total shit and gives the seat to Nasr.

And Nasr scored more points from 2015-6. Who gives a fuck if Marcus got more 11ths or whatever this year - he scored no fucking points and binned it in Brazil. Swedish fans on itt Autosport are delusional.

Just posting to say the stream is comfy and that OP is correct in his assessment

>le tricky lad

>just a fucking trash driver who never did anything impressive in his whole career including pre-F1

Hey hey, he beat Max Chilton in British F3. You take that back, you fucking shitlord!

I don't know who I want to win the Sauber teammate battle

>Wehrlein loses to Ericsson = career over, DTM at best from there on
>Ericsson loses to Wehrlein = everyone now suddenly thinks Wehrlein is a really good driver who outclassed and outraced a much more experienced teammate (everyone conveniently forgetting that Ericsson is fucking shit and still racing on more or less the same level as he did in Caterham)

>>Ericsson loses to Wehrlein = everyone now suddenly thinks Wehrlein is a really good driver who outclassed and outraced a much more experienced teammate
Not true, only casuals will think that

depends on how much quicker he is
if Wehrlein is often around half a second a lap quicker people probably should think that

I'd rather Wehrlein lose - he won't know how to deal with it and Wolff will be on suicide watch.

Anyone got any good recent F1 movies besides Senna and Rush?
After 2000 pls.

driven (2001)

u fugged the link madzar, aubrey rose iirc

Death Race 2

anny aurora

Can't wait for the inevitable documentary of how F1 is a dying sport

>you now remember that driven was suppose to be about F1
>you now remember that no one would talk to Stallone, so he made it about Champ Car instead

can confirm excellent movie stallone/10 watch with your wifes wife available on netflix


>wifes wife

Winter Stream: Bahrain 2008

>Kubica's First Pole
>Felipe Baby Opens His Points Account
>Mosley Nazi Sex Scandal


F1 needs proper cheerleaders instead of the statue gridgrills and clapping hallway cunts.

>Wehrlein loses to Ericsson = career over, DTM at best from there on
>implying there's anything wrong with that

max mosley did literally nothing wrong

That's completely normal, I did that last night.

how much did Mosley pay you?

This. Want proof? He sued NoTW/Rupert Murdoch and won his case :^)

Seriously though, the above is true.


Gave me 10£ and a cup of tea, any idea where I could find the video?

You did well, friend.

Only 5 hookers
What a faggot


Fuck off you tryhard bitch.

That's what she said.


Nico Rosberg has now joined the ranks of; El Lobo, The Bionic Button, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: The two faces of Lewis Hamilton, The Ice Man, The Legend and The Wunderkid.

What is his name?

Das Carbabby?


Help me out here



Say My Name Bitch!!

Sorry b-b-bossberg Sir

>The Bionic Button

Now, personally, I don't care what they call him on your Tee Vee but around these parts his name is simply RELENTLESS

>tfw you killed the only team left you could drive for

>EIDF time
Ericsson was better than Nasr in 2016, looking into the stats past the points shows you that. Nasr is more exciting though, he is properly fast in the rain and has a stronger personality. I would probably prefer him over Marcus if it wasn't for >muh nationality

Wehrlein needs to clearly beat him this year or his career is dead. Would love to see Princess Pascal be BTFOd back to DTM though.

The stats are irrelevant - points are what matters. Nobody is going to recall that Marcus finished ahead x number of times.

I agree with your last paragraph 100% though.

Granted, but my point still stands that Marcus was the better driver in 2016. Just because people remember WW2 as the Americans carrying the allies to victory doesn't mean it's true.

Read his book - they weren't hookers, but friends of his, kek

I think his nickname should reflect the strength he showed in defeating Hamilton and leaving the sport on top. But Rosstrength is awkward.

I hereby suggest: ROSBRAWN

>Ericsson was better than Nasr
Depends on your view, from the view of the team wanting to do well in the WCC he is worse

Yes, but that's a shit metric for comparing backmarkers.

The better driver is the one that gets more points. Nasr got more points than Ericsson in 2015 and 2016. Nasr is better. Simple.


I agree but that will be the teams logic/reasoning

Winter Stream: Spanish GP 2008

>Kimi on Pole
>Alonso Second
>Super Aguri's Final GP

How bout Sir Boss of Berger

hang on didnt we already settel on bossberg or championberg?

that's a handsome horse

I am very drunk right now so I'll admit I have a very feminine penis
t. Felix

Wanna suck my dick, qt?

So I guess that make it not gay to suck it, then?

Of course not, go ahead

Believe I was first in line, slut. Get sucking.

This is gayer than fapping to Victoria's vids, frankly

Nothing is more desperate than beating your wood to Jos' degenerate offspring

I'd rather see this, that that slag. Sometimes it's quite entertaining banter.

>implying you don't fap to Jos and Max incest fan fiction

desu I fapped a couple a times to toothpaste's wincest stories but amx's sister is such a turn-off it aint even funny

Hey Guise,
guise should i do it guise should i put the sharpie in da pooper

>sharpie in the pooper
>not a champagne enema

I miss the drunken shenanigans
all F1 drivers are pussies now

Underated Prost

Winter Stream : Turkey 2008

>No fucking clue what happens
>Vroom Vroom
>Allahu Akbar

You had one job.

Shhhh, I forgot to link and the thread is quite slow atm

just wanted to come here to say that hamilton deserves to lose the championship for bringing bieber on the podium at monaco and letting him drink the champagne

rosberg also deserves to retire for being a shit tier driver

>be Indian
>support Force India because flag
>team does better and better every year
>becomes a legitimate outside contender for podiums
>Goes and joins reddit

I am disappoint

It is more fan interaction, and F1 needs the normie appeal like it or not.

True, but it triggers my F1 autism to see casuals being pandered to

>Captcha - Brow Massa

What did you think their twitter "banter" with other teams and drivers was?
>They have been appealing to casual normies the whole time

>implying that you're not a casual

Winter Stream: Monaco

>Felipe on pole
>A driver wins
>One or more drivers retire
>A chance of rain during the race

>implying I enjoy Twitter
Twitter is cancer

>implying someone who's watched F1 for 16 years and has watched all seasons from 1978-2016 and enjoyed it all is a casual

that isn't that special

>he hasn't watched races from before they were televised

filthy fucking casual

I didn't implying you enjoyed twitter. I was stating that them appealing to normies and casuals isn't new

>starting watching in 2000
You're a casual for life

It's when they started broadcasting them regularly here. Also I was 7 in 2000, can't really expect a kid younger than that to be into F1, especially when your entire country worships a cricketer instead.

My bad m8. Comprehension error on my part. I don't enjoy social media of any kind, because it caters to attention whores

To complete the thought in the second half, I mean I dislike that pandering too

2000 eh, just in time to join the lifetime membership of the SIDF.

>Ron Dennis drives McLaren into the ground
>Ron gets dropped from McLaren
>Rumours surface of him joining Manor
>Manor instantly killed, investors bail
The power of autism.

So is Manor now 100% dead?

in administration, basically they need money within the next two weeks. if not, then F

No, we are going to buy it. I have put $20 towards the purchasing of Manor by /F1/

You ask for donations again, I'll dox you cunt.

Ang on WTF are u like 40yo or close to?

You have me all wrong, this is an exclusive opportunity to get in on the ground floor of an exciting new Formula 1 racing team