You can only post ITT if your team is < .400

You can only post ITT if your team is < .400

No winners allowed.

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what's going on in here?


Posting for tomorrow

.333 since Carr died, this faggot is to blame for basically all but one loss

what if we have a .250 playoff record with our current QB and just KNOW we will lose to the seahawks in the divisional?

Browns reporting

define "we" because i know for a fact the falcons are gonna stomp a mudhole in the seahawks

>using ".400" instead of 40%

jesus christ you sound dumb as fuck

Rams fan reporting in

As bad as the Browns were, at least they didn't lose to the Niners twice.

literally eat a dick bro

>mfw rams

but why?

Where my Chargers bros at?

>15-1 last year
>6-10 this year
same old Panthers, inconsistent as ever

>never had back to back winning seasons
>9 game dropoff from last season
>0-2 in Super Bowls
>incompetent OC and cheap GM
>literally going to be the last NFCS team to win a Super Bowl
>city voted Hillary

We're finally not allowed!

>implying the Failcunts will ever win an Owl


this really you guys will be able to turn it around before we get an owl win

Reminder that the Tampa Bay Buccaneers have more Owls than the Carolina Panthers

>tfw fisher is gone

Gonna need more than this but it's definitely a step

I want Gettlememe's number if he kikes >us out of talent on free agency or makes poor draft choices this year

also Shula since he's proving to be a one-trick pony incapable of making adjustments

also I'll probably just tie the noose if we loose any personnel to other teams with coaching vacancies

Knowing how the Panthers are they will probably go 13-3 next year and make the conference championship game.

Funny, I have pretty fond memories of the Falcons playing the shithawks in the divisonal round

so you're saying you want them to trade Kuechly to the Buccs for their kicker?

My nigga

you shut your fucking mouth you fucking faggot, I swear with all the edge in the world I'd print a 100 copies of your post and cram them up your tranny bunghole

so you want them to cut Olsen?

to what end?
>cutting one of your best offensive players
wew stronk strats m8

they did it in the secondary

What is going on here?

What team are you even describing?

will get Romo for Richardson right?

cheap GM is about to spend that green this off season.

Cap Room/Cap going up and deep running back draft.

Going to be a sweet off-season, calling it now.

there difference between cutting a good player cause you dont want him and letting another team sign him to a shitload of money.

Josh is going to be 30-31 by training camp.

no, Dave "I watched Moneyball once and thought it was the coolest shit ever, where my mercenary team at, fuck all that team chemistry shit, who needs Steve Smith anyways, why are you booing me?" Gettleman will make the ultimate selection and cut himself right out of Charlotte

memeing aside I'm no armchair GM but he still confuses the fuck out of me

but they literally cut Norman after rescinding a franchise tag even though they had cap space to pay him what he wanted

The Panthers

Packers fags always post in the wrong thread.

Saw one posting in a goat thread that mostly featured brady and Montana

>say tom cable as a coach as a joke because he was the fattest shittiest guy who should finally be gone for good I could first think of
>see list of interviewees
>niners talked to him about HC position
i dont even

Well it is an entertainment business so Favre is the clear cut GOAT

>pay him what he wanted

panthers were never going to pay Norman they money hes getting now in DC.

Too much money for a guy about to be in his 30's. Plus Gettleman wants to maintain what he believes, Luke is the best player on the defense and should be the highest paid.


Is >our Super Bowl window closing bros?

>making it in 2004 with Jake Delhomme
>window is closing in a hangover year
fix the oline, get a REAL QB COACH to fix Cam's God-awful footwork, remind KB that he's a black man and should jump, and you've got an instant 3 seed at worst

This was a throwaway year to get that top 10 draft pick. The real window is just now opening.

Panthers are gonna win it next year. Cam is gonna be elite

>Carolina dicked us down so bad in the NFCCG that we felt it all season
I just wish we could've tied Seattle twice in this mess of a season

>implying the BTFOing of the shithawks wasn't one of the highlights of the season
Don't worry, >we'll have a ring this decade. DJ will carry this team straight to the owl.

That's the thing that fucks me up. We have GREAT fucking players on both sides of the ball. Just kept fucking shit up

Special teams is a huge problem, several games were lost through shit special teams play.

If injuries hadn't fried that team like a tostada, the Chargers are easily an 11-win team. Although Rivers didn't really help either.

You've earned this. Congratulations.

This. Panthers didn't do all that terrible in the second half of the season, after they adjusted to not having Josh Norman, I think.

>family are jest fans
>basically born into it
>grow up
>friends are jest fans

I didn't ask for this.

I bandwagon the Patriots since 2001 and I dont give a fuck. I was 10 when the Browns left Cleveland, they came back a complete dumpster fire and have been ever since, why the fuck should I back them?

The pats seem like a boring team to be a fan of tbŐ°, there's hardly ever any tension during the regular season. They haven't made the playoffs what, < 5 times in the last 20 years? There's no excitement in knowing your team is an owl contender every year no matter what. Even Brady being suspended didn't do shit to the team.

When I get tired of all the winning I pretend im a Browns fan.