Let's settle this once and for all

Let's settle this once and for all.

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Any other answer is objectively wrong

From l to r: Marry Kill Fuck

First post best post

fuck emma stone, marry emma roberts, kill emma watson

Marry Stone because she's literally perfect and best emma
Fuck Roberts for obvious reasons
Kill Watson

Two days ago I would've said Roberts > Stone > Watson

Now that Stone's genital herpes has been outed it's just Roberts and throw the other two in the fucking trash


Watson is literally perfect

I want to be her footslave

I'd fuck Watson, then kill her. Stone has genital herpes, so she's ignored. Roberts looks really annoying.

Emma Stone is repugnant looking. That Hermione bitch looks like a kid still.

Roberts best overall Emma.
Stone best actress.
Watson best shit.


Stone > Roberts > Watson

Mein Neger

Watson if I had to choose
others are insufferable

Roberts is the one true answer

Watson > Frogface > FAS downie

watson is overrated female trash

Herpes / Abusive / Feminist

I think I'll take the herpes.

source on the Stone Herpes meme?

>best Emma will never beat you over some trivial matter
I just want those tiny and weak arms to hit me, is that too much to ask?

Pixie girl Emma > lesser Emmas

It's already been decided

Roberts > Stone >>>>>>>>>>>Watson

these girls are about 20 years too old for the average tv fag

Sony leak emails said she got it from Andrew Garfield

We already had a massive strawpoll about this
Watson won

And then Emma Thomsen came banging through the roof and won

3>>>>>>>>>>watson is a goddess

Stone is the best to hang out with
Roberts is the best to fuck
Watson is the best to show off to the family

>Roberts will never bite off your ears, nose and eyelids like some kind of wild chimpanzee

why are we still here

Watson forever and always famalams


wasn't the sony leaks about Oral Herpes (Cold sores) ?

Emma Roberts is a fucking clown with the sharpest knees I've ever seen on a broad. I would fuck her but I won't pretend like she's the hottest girl out of these three. Easily Emma Stone number one, Emma Watson number two and Emma Roberts number three.

No questions asked, hands down, truly woke.

All ugly bitch faced trolls that were cute when they were younger but now make 20 look like the new 40.

They're all trash now. Drop them and move on.

i want to throat fug all three

This has always been and will only be the only way to determine which Emma is meant for you.


Stones Herpes is a gamechanger

I don't think so. Feet don't get herpes. It's also just some dumb rumor from a meme website.

This is the best way to determine a mental illness.

Hello, loli-poster!

Stone got the big ass. So her.


I'm literally masturbating
Time for deviantart

i want emma stone's description to be my reality. i want to serve her wondrous feet.



Best Emma

they're back together again :/