I just want to say that TKOL is criminally underrated. it's actually a fantastic album and fandango is wrong

I just want to say that TKOL is criminally underrated. it's actually a fantastic album and fandango is wrong

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I love it but you should stop caring what others think, especially Fantano

I care what he thinks but not in the sense that it has influence over what i like, i care about what he thinks because i like to hear opinions of others about music.

It's receives way too much hate, it definitely
has some weak tracks (Morning Mr Magpie,
Little By Little and Feral)

But at the same time it has absoloutly incredible tracks like Bloom, Separator and Lotus Flower.

It's definitely not a masterpiece, it's just not as strong as Radiohead's other stuff, and because of that it receives a lot of unwarranted hatred.

I love every track on the album including the ones you called weak

I actually think it has no bad tracks. Magpie, Feral and Little by Little are good songs. they aren't as good as Codex and Separator tho

I don't consider TKOL to be the real version of the album. The Live In The Basement version to me is the real TKOL. Every track sounds fantastic then.


This. Best thing they ever did. Closely followed by In Rainbows Live In the Basement.

Just because it isn't rated above some of the greatest albums of all time that is the rest of Radiohead's discography sans Pablo Honey doesn't mean it gets hate.

Little by Little and Magpie are the only 2 good tracks on the album. Everything else either puts me to sleep or sounds like Thom trying to rip off flying lotus.

Easily the worst rh album (barring Pablo) but that's not saying much since In Rainbows and Moon Sharon Pool also sucked.

one of the worst albums of all time, only fanbois lurv it coz muh radiohead
no one would know it if it wasnt made by the fake plastic trees band

Absolutely not true.
I actually rank TKOL above HTTT and The Bends

absolutely true
i actually rank tkol beneath pablo honey

yeah I'm going to have to hear it again n ow (you fuckers) why don't you leave me in peace? In Rainbows was a fail tho. wasn't it?

Pablo Honey is great too, noob

>being this much of a pleb

it isnt, coprophile

Moon Shaped Pool is my least favourite Radiohead album. TKOL is pretty good.

I agree.

FIrst half is GOAT Radiohead. Codex is a dud though.

Codex is my fav song from the album, but i respect your opinion

Please listen to it again. its a great britpop album


>great britpop album
>great britpop
fuck off

Do you not like fun?

Here, have one of the best britpop albums

How they could have made it one of their best:
By including more live instruments and putting more songs on it

you must be fun at parties

I don't go to parties

prolly for the best


hipster chicks love Blur, what you on about lad

good lad

>hipster chicks
fuck off, pedozoophile

Most of them will probably only know the "Woohoo" song though

It's really sad to see that crazyaga is still as autistic as he was 3 years ago.

Depends really. I knew some that were into Country House and Parklife as well.

wrong i don't have autism at all