Nigger hate thread

Nigger hate thread
I fucking hate niggers

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Go back to Sup Forums faggot


Behold, the master race!

Found the nigger

Fuk u nigrA


He never said nor wrote that quote. It's misattributed and I challenge you to find a single source that backs it up. More lies from racist cunts.


ITT: white cucks and sub-humans supporting sub-humans

Why do niggers smell bad?

So blind people can hate them too.

i'm not one for cannibalism, but in a shtf situation, the nigger's def gonna provide more calories than a plastic spoon.

Look at OP in his natural state


What do you call three dead niggers hanging in a barn?

Antique farm equipment


The niggers are actually circumcising the other dudes' dick

Aww, look at you, posting things on the Internet!

Why can't niggers play in the park?

Cats keep trying to bury them in the sand.

>a single source that backs it up

This guy is well known for being racist, you idiot


What do you call a nigger hitchiker?



Lol racist cunts don't understand how statistics work. HUGE fucking surprise.

Those white trash nazi get bettr quality pussy then you'll ever see lel

Those sluts look like a good fuck


Read the post again, retard. I asked for a single source to back up the quote. If you had the reading comprehension skills of a fucking nine-year-old, you would realize that.


>possibly mentally handicapped
funny how those idiots were among the first to get into a camp or get euthanized.

That's fine. Not everyone can have standards.


not posting anything with the link so people have to go through a wild goose chase and search to 150 pages just to show you how the stats are so skewed



Why the red laces lol

mfw people's immediate reaction is to scream "racist"

>citing for a criminal issue
>ignoring the part where they admit the statistic that is quoted is 100% verified by the DOJ report
Huge surprise you didn't (couldn't) actually read the article


>the motivator

Sure I couldn't find a source for the specific quote in my 30 sec google search. But then again the guy was very racist and likely said it. Can you prove he didn't say it? If anything you have a half-assed "victory" here

the Earth is flat

Do you like nigger women?

I'd be so down to party with these peeps

Have you ever considered coexisting without spreading hate and toxicity throughout society or are you so dissolution and unpleased with your current standard of living that all you know is hate and anger


I'm not into bestiality, no

who let this white boi out from chastity cage?

Hey schlomo


Let's take a quiz to see if you actually read the article. Don't worry, it's only one question.

Upon what apparent statistical error did the author base his skepticism regarding the alleged disparity between white-on-black and black-on-white rapes?

Again, if you read the article, you should be able to answer this quite easily. I'll wait.

look at the tits on that blonde


He says while posting a propaganda pic

I don't see any of you niggers posting anything that looks even remotely as a fact. That pic is still that much more than the retarded insults you monkeys are throwing

why hate tho?

It means they've committed a violent act that's seen as beneficial. You have to earn your red laces.

here's the raw data if anyone's interested:

the other thing worth mentioning is how the data is collected. "white" means caucasian, latino and people of middle eastern descent. the way the arrest data is tabulated, a black person who identifies as hispanic is actually classified as "white" when he/she goes to jail. it's messed up.


There is no mention of a statistical error. You're clearly referring to the asterisk, and claiming it to be an error. You should get a dictionary. I'll wait.

I'd use that spoon for my heroin

Yoona is such a cutie


It speaks for it self that niggers feel enriched with the blessing of white genes, where as we humans slowly feel disgust and the loss of good genes

Well you tried. That's disappointing. For a moment, I thought you were going to give me a real answer.

This nigga fucks white hos.



This picture has nothing to do with propaganda I'm just pointing out that this thread seems to be full of people who have nothing but hate and anger on their mind and they focus their irrational anger fear or concern for some problem that really doesn't exist into hate for another person simply because their skin is just different

What the hell is up with that picture? You're not supposed to put your hand through the cage at the chimp exhibit, that's dangerous



I agree

Ever wonder why there are so many "bbc" threads going?

Here's why. It's called impotent rage.




this guy gets me although that picture may unintentionally propagate racism

irrational? Like when niggers take up almost 40% if all inmates? Despite being a vast majority? "But muh racist cops he dindunuffin" right?

How fucking dense are you?? THe asterisk means that the data was pulled from a sample size of less than ten cases. Have you ever taken a statistics class in your entire life?

Typical uneducated response. Your reading comprehension is as terrible as your independent thinking. If you're looking for a job, my company could always use more housekeepers.

>take up almost 40% of all inmates
>despite being a vast majority

A real woman has enough muscle in her vagina and pelvic region not to need to be drilled by a horse to gat an orgasm.

minority (of the US population)
Sure you could figure that out, you're not that dense are you?

If you think about it, "multiculturalism" is actually "no culturalism".

Imagine if you had a dozen different colored cans of paint (the color wheel well represented) and you poured them all into a big bucket. And then you stirred it all up. No one in their right mind would look at shitty color and say... "now that's diversity!"

Same if you had a big multi-course meal and you took it all and dumped it onto your plate and mashed it together. That's not diversity. Diversity would be variety. Different flavors, colors and textures. Not that muck sitting in front of you.

Segregation is diversity. The melting pot is singularity.


Oh, I understood what you meant. I was just calling attention to the fact that you type like a fucking imbecile.

>Falling for jewish tricks

Have you ever stopped to consider why that is? The effects of things that happened many generations ago still ringing in our society, and the way you view the situation is just more proof of that. The US used to be an intensely racist society, to the point where people were actually enslaved based on their race, and when slavery ended segregation was introduced. Children were taught to hate those who look different, punish those who look different, and kill those who look different. This is what leads to the stigma of today, so through no fault of your own you were taught to hate those other from you. I do not hate you I simply want you to see the light.

Nice argument!

Don't bother. They're not interested in examining the complexities of history and its effect on human social behavior. They just want to feel superior.

You must not live around niggers. You have no clue what it's like outside your gated community.

It was hardly a typing error, but rather a slip of mind, but go ahead and celebrate the only victory you'll get


I don't care about the quote but if you are going to assert something, you are the one that has to provide evidence.

You can't say something and then say "prove me wrong".

So either stop being a faggot and post a source or go fuck yourself.


Not the guy you're replying to, but what's the statute of limitations on making excuses?

Blacks have been free for many years now and if it weren't for whites and the industry of slavery every single one of them would be sitting in a grass hut right now with flies in their eyes and distended bellies trying to figure out how to kill a wildebeest with a stick.

Freedom isn't where the work ends, it's where the work begins.

I mean, get over it. Seriously.

Who took the time to make this???

>implying you have ever taken a statistics class
>implying the people compiling the report didn't know they could stop at 10 because they knew the results and didn't need to waste any more time
You have a lot of growing up to do, kiddo. Let's get you out into the real world for a few years.
