What thing in sports really makes u think

what thing in sports really makes u think


horses: are they athletes

only if chefs are athletes too

How did all these games actually develop
Especially something like baseball or hockey

Hockey is basically just soccer on ice. Makes sense to think of it when you're covered in snow and ice for 3/4 of the year

I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.

>implying they aren't

The NBA wins diversity awards every year while being 88% black. Does diversity just mean no White guys?

Yes. But if it makes you feel better, think of the niggers as slaves to their coaches, GM's, and owners, who are predominantly white.

It feels great to have more power than them.

If they really wanted to say the most diverse league it would be the MLB. Got some Asians, lots of Hispanics, Blacks, and Whites all over the place

can sport be an engine for social change?

Yeah, but that triggers the tumblrites.

Its more about owners, coaches, team offices and stuff. NBA has the most women and non white people involved out of the big leagues. The player demographic is pic related

How does Chess and Coperivie Gaming give you a visa/work permit reserved for elite/amateur athletes have?

Genuine athlete moves country to study and try to create a career in their sport. Gamers move and sit on their ass all day.

when u watch an american football game and need some way to stimulate ur brain during the 4 hours of commercials

For me, it's 7-1 and 18-1.

Blowing a 3-1 lead

Why is sport so popular, even though it raises xenophobia?

is raping a sport?

Why "World Series" if only burgers play dat shit?

Sport is the ultimate meritocracy. If you refuse players based on anything other than ability, you'll lose. Even the U of Alabama had to admit that when they were trounced by a USC team with black players in 1970. That spurred integration of their football team.

For the same reason the Uefa CL is more important than the Club World Cup.

what really makes me think is the life of a footballer. on one hand you're a millionaire celebrity. on the other hand literally every aspect of your life is controlled by someone at your club. your diet, your sleep patterns, how much you drink, everything. i'd love to be a millionare celebrity but i'd hate to be controlled like that

not to mention

>feel like a piece of shit when you think of all the scientists and doctors making life better while you just kick around a ball

>car races
>motorcycle races

how can this be a sport?

I'm fairly sure the majority of players are dumb as shit just like here in America.

The decisions of Brad Ausmus

Based Brad