8 wins in a row

>8 wins in a row
>14 games unbeaten

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes I can go unbeaten with a 200 billion dollar squad against the mighty reading as well you fuckin cunt

Its the magic of the cup la

>6th in the league
Neurons firing etc.

>ABUs this mad

>The Khewra Salt Mine (or Mayo Salt Mine) is located in Khewra, north of Pind Dadan Khan, an administrative subdivision of Jhelum District, Punjab Region, Pakistan, which rises from the Indo-Gangetic Plain. It is Pakistan's largest and oldest salt mine and the world's second largest.

Are you sure?
Even Pep can't do it.


good post

United in all competitions when Michael Carrick has played:


aw is someone sad he doesn't get to shitpost today. You poor thing


What did he mean by this?

>They need a 40 year old to carry their 200 million squad

One massive team you got there Flippy.

I think this run is going to keep going tbqh.

Just frustrating that they're still in 6th, although it can change very quickly.

You can't post slippy if you're from fucking Singapore

Woops flippy*
Stevie was on my mind

I post whatever the fuck I want :^)



>still in 6th place

But just 5 points of second place and 10 points of top with about half a season left to play. Also still competing in all competitions. Looks pretty good.

>8 wins in a row
>14 games unbeaten
>still 6th

ABU here.

How many paracetamol do I need to take to end it?

ABU here,

How fast does a train need to be travelling to end it?

ABU here.

How do I tie a noose?

ABU here.

Will a butterknife be enough?


Anyone know what he's saying?

Alright, I'm gonna ask.

What do "AB"x and "tsuu" mean? I just cannot work it out.

>about half a season left to play
Including away matches at City, Arsenal and Spurs. Which you will lose.
>still competing in all competitions
So, more matches left to play than anyone else = more injuries = more exhaustion = less points = incessant manure whineing about "it shudda bin our season"

You do realise that all the (A)nyone (B)ut (L)iverpools in here are going to call you a newfag? I mean, what humiliation could be worse?

Anyone/thing but = AB.

Tsuuuuuu is that stupid autistic hoot that Cristiano Ronaldo lets out when he scores/celebrates.

I've only used Sup Forums on and off for about 18 months. I've just never picked up on that. I don't think Sup Forums I'd that old, is it? I've browsed Sup Forums in general for 8 years, I just don't find value in the other boards anymore.

Yeah, I know that's his noise but what does it mean?

I've been using Sup Forums since 2009 atleast.

I have a really bad grasp on time.

When you shout "Yes" in Portuguese ("Sim) it sounds like TSUUUUUU. "Simmmmmm"

Ok, got us. Thanks. Is it like an accent?

ABU here.


Ronaldo yelled "abuuuuuuuuuuuuu" to his son when he won ballondoor

TSU stands for "that slippery united"

>losing to Arsenal and Wenger

Top kek friendo.

Hard to tell, it's probably in Spanish since Poch and Mourinho both speak godawful English

>>losing to Arsenal and Wenger
Guaranteed. You heard it here first.

Yes, it's a reference to Ronaldo doing it:


The fact that Ronaldo himself embraced the meme:

(skip to 0:44)

And the weaboos of Sup Forums noticed that it sounds hilariously similar to this. Skip to 0:09


*And Ronaldo has a weird accent even by Portuguese standards because he grew up on Madeira, an island out in the middle of the Atlantic


Even though Wenger has literally never beaten Mou in the PL and Arsenal are routinely swept aside by good teams.

Seek help user.

But you're playing Liverpool in the league soon, so enjoy your little run while you can

>Liverpool winning at Old Trafford

Top jej

Kinda fucked with him being 35.

Yeah. Reet top jej that,

There was also a 0-3 to Liverpool at Old Toilet fairly recently.

And 3-0 at Juan field the next fixture. If I was a buttblasted liverslip customer and my team got manhandled multiple times by van halal I would legit an hero

seriously what do you do if you arent a fan of the 4 fucking teams that win every year? whats the goddamn point? gotta be the worst sports """""""league""""""" on the planet

better 4 than the 2 in spain

>inb4 Atletico meme run

Arsenal beat Chelsea

every team has a different goal you silly. Not everybody wants to win the title, some want to avoid relegation, others compete for an European spot. Following a relegation avoiding team is actually much more rewarding since it's so satisfying to see them win. 3 points for those teams are much more precious.

People are sure upset over Sheffield United beating Southend

leicester won last season moron

>Literally all the teams at the top have a similar unbeaten record, despite not being Halal Refdrid
Nice parity, you goofs

Hoping us (Sevilla) win this season

>still 6th place
>eplel's first 5 have a european cup spot
>trilion fucking quids spend

>2 wins in their last 16 visits to Old Trafford

Yeah. Before Chelsea switched to the team and formation that saw them win 13 PL games in a row.

Against everyone else, Arsenal virtually never win.

>literally spent 500M since fergie left to be 6th (sixth)
fuck off and kill yourself

Do you need some change, komislav?

United vs Poo next Sunday

Poo is 6-3-2 away, losing to Bournemouth and Burnley
Already allowed 16 goals away (nearly as many as '16 Spurs allowed away all season)
United have only allowed 8 goals at home, and only 3 goals in last 7 Prem matches
United have a 4-1-0 record against Poo in their last 5 Prem matches.

United would be expected to score at least 2, given the above, so the question is whether Poo can score 2 or more at Old Trafford without Suarez and Moyes.

WBA fan here. I pretty much just take it on a game by game basis once it's certain that we won't be in a relegation battle

I feel like wins means more to us than to big team fans. All of the Arsenal, Utd, etc., fans I know actually just seem really jaded because their standards are so high. They pretty much only celebrate when they beat a rival or win a competition, whereas I'm delighted whoever we beat